Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Week 7, Letters 26 - 29

Letter 26

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about making life decisions.   Each being has their own particular process for making life decisions.  There are some that make you stop and think, others you may not even think about.  You just go ahead and do whatever seems right at the moment.   Often times what seems right at the moment turns out to be wrong for you.  It doesn’t feel right or look right in your life pattern.  The life pattern goes completely out of balance.  Which means you are out of balance. 

Having your life pattern out of balance is like being on a steep road that is covered with black ice.  You keep slipping and falling, trying to get your footing.  There is nothing to grab hold of and no way to stop yourselves. 

SO CLOSE YOUR EYES, TAKE A DEEP BREATH, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME.  GRAB MY HAND AND I WILL HELP YOU TO STOP.   CHECK YOURSELVES ARE YOU STOPPED OR DO YOU NEED BOTH MY HANDS TO STOP YOU.   I want you to just stand right here with me right now.  Let your mind slow down for just a moment, be right here right now with me.  Nothing else matters right now but just being here with me.  RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW YOU CAN BREATH AND JUST KEEP BREATHING.  It has been a while since you have been able to take a deep breath. 

Fear, desperation and hopelessness can rob you of your breath, and the ability to make good life decisions for yourselves and your families.   Life decisions are not about what goes on in your head and what it tells you to do.  LIFE DECISIONS NEED TO COME FROM THE HEART AND THE HEAD.  I AM TELLING YOU TO FIRST GO TO YOUR HEART, WHAT IS IT TELLING YOU?  GOING TO YOUR HEART MEANS STOPPING, PUTTING YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART, AND LET IT SPEAK TO YOU.   IT WILL ALWAYS TELL YOU THE BEST DECISION FOR YOU.   Now go to your head and let it show you how to make the heart decision work in your life.   Good and balanced life decisions come from using both the heart and the head.

For all of you this is going to be a very different way to live your life.  It is time for a new way to live your life.  The old way is not working.  Some of you want to say no, that is not true.  I say to you open your eyes, look at what is happening, where are you going.  It is time to live your life  in a new way now. 

Try it in small ways first and work your way up.  We are here to help you, to hold your hand and walk you through these changes.  You are not alone.  There are thousands of angels and helpers here waiting for you.  All you need do is think the word HELP and we will be there to help you in whatever way you need.   You are all loved beyond you wildest dreams.  Can you feel us we are here holding your hand quietly saying your name.  Can you feel us, can you hear us.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.       
In Love, Mother Mary

Letter 27

Dear Ones,

Let us talk about being in the present moment.  About being in today, in this hour, and in this minute.  Most beings spend 95% of their time in the past or in the future.  Living in the past, remembering it, suffering through it time after time is a painful waste of your energy.  You learn from your past so that you do not need to repeat patterns in your life over and over.   You learn from the past so that your future will be different. 

Suffering through your past and causing yourselves pain time after time is not what I am talking about.  Causing yourselves continual pain over a past incident is of little use to you or to your families.  It causes you not to live your life; you are only living that moment over and over.  You are missing your life; you are missing your joy, happiness, and love. 

Living constantly in the future, dreaming of how it will be and what you will be doing is of little use to you also.   Dreams are good and all beings need to have dreams.  If you are living in the future, once again you are missing your life.  The only life you will have is your dreams.  What is happening today, now in your world is what your life is about.

If you are living in the present, the now, you can start to work towards making your dreams happen.   You can plan and work your way towards living your dreams in the real world.  Do you see the difference between living in the now or living only in your dreams? 

Living in the now working towards your dreams is your life.  Life is about the journey of all that happens and the people that you touch with along the way.  Life is about living in today with love in your hearts.  Life is about going out into your world and sharing all that you are.  Life is about sharing the love in your hearts with the world.  As you share your love it will be returned to you ten fold.  Love is what your life and your world is all about. 

SO CLOSE YOUR EYES, TAKE A DEEP BREATH, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME.  Come and walk with me through your past.  Look at it with not the eyes of judgment but with the eyes of love.  Look at it for the last time.  Come and take my hand and walk with me into the future.  We are walking into your dream world, the world that you spend all your time thinking about.  What do you see?   There is nothing there to see, because all your time was used to dream instead of making it happen.  

Now come with me to today.  The past is gone; you no longer have to spend all your time thinking about it.  You have your dreams and you know what you need to do to make them become reality.  You are living your life.   You are living it to the fullest.   You are sharing, loving, and caring about yourselves and others.

It will take work to move from living in the past and the future to living in the now.  Take the time daily to let us show you how to live in the now.  Call upon us to show you each day how to accomplish this.  Soon you will just be doing it.  You will no longer even have the thoughts in your heads to live any other way.  Ask us for help and we will be there.  There are thousands of helpers here waiting to hear from you.

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Letter 28

Dear Ones,

I am here rather you are thinking about me or not.  As you go through your daily lives I am right here beside you.  Loving you and being with you.  There are times when it seems to you that your days are getting longer and more difficult.  Yes, what you are feeling and thinking is so. The times on your earth are becoming more challenging and chaotic. 

It is important for you to know, that you do not have to fall into that wave of energy that is traveling far and wide on your earth.  It is possible to step out of those waves of energy that are causing such frustration and havoc.   You do not need to follow the other beings on your planet.

STEP AWAY AND STAND BY YOURSELF.  Close your eyes right now and allow yourself to stand alone.   PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME.    Feel my hand on top of your head.  Is the top of your head starting to tingle?  I am sending the pure light of love down through the top of your head.  The light will cleanse all your bodies, every cell, and organ.  Your mind will become clear and open.  It will feel as if you are thinking clearly for the first time in months or perhaps years.  Allow the light to travel down through your body back into Mother Earth. 

At this time on your earth it is vital that you do not just follow what other beings are saying and doing.  You must stand alone in your thinking and doing.  We are right here to help you and be with you.  YOUR WORLD IS CHANGING AND SHIFTING RAPIDLY AT THIS TIME.  Standing with the whole at this time will fill your bodies and lives with FEAR, ANGER, and FRUSTRATION.


Take a moment many times during your days to close your eyes, feel my hand on your head.  Allow the light of love to fill your body.  It will only take 20 seconds.  Your days and lives will change dramatically.   There will be a lightness and joy to your being, and your days.  Know that you are loved and cared for.  We will always be here for you.

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Letter 29

Dear Ones,

I am sending you Joy, Laughter, Peace, and Love today.  As you accept and rejoice in the receiving of these four energies, be aware of how your body is feeling.   Does your physical body not respond in a positive way?  Does it feel lighter and more easily able to move?  Is there not less pain in your body? 

What you feel and what you think has a deep effect on your physical body.  Disease can come from what you think, feel, eat, and do to your body.  The cells and organs of your body are affected by every action.   What you do, what you think, and how feel in your body.  It does not matter the age of your body, it is always affected.  As you body ages in your world it will begin to show the affects of all of the actions that have taken place over the years.  

It is possible to become aware of how the different actions affect your body.  Once you are aware then it is possible for you to decide what you want to do.  If you stay unaware then you continue to harm your body.  Knowing will allow you to change and perhaps repair some of the damage that has been done.  I am not talking just of the kind of foods you eat or the exercise that you do.  I am talking about the thoughts you have, the feelings you have about yourself and others.  I am talking about the things that happen daily in your life that you hate, dislike, and feel so badly about.   I am talking about the things you do that you feel you have to do, that you have no choice about.

IT IS IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW TO STOP.  PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME.   Come and walk with me and let us watch a movie of your life.  We will see the things that happen in your life that causes damage to your body.  We will see ways that you can change your life.  We will see the ways that it is possible for you to bring Joy, Laughter, Peace, and Love back into your lives.  We will see ways for you to start healing the cells, organs, and the whole of your body.  

You will need to come and go to the movies with me many times so that we can change these things in your life that are not working, that are causing you damage.  I am here and there are many thousands of helpers here waiting with me to come and go on a movie date with you.  Will you bring the popcorn?  Are you laughing, I hope so.  I am here this day, touching you with Joy, Laughter, Peace, and Love.  I may tickle your nose, touch your heart so that it is overflowing with love or fill your whole body with Joy and Peace.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

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