Saturday, November 6, 2010

Week 1, Letters 1-5

Letter 1

Dear ones:

I have been waiting many years to be able to share my thoughts through my friend Anna.  Yes I do know that her name is not Anna in this form she now uses. In the lifetime that we shared I knew her by the name of Anna.  So I will continue to call her by that name at this time.  My only words to each and everyone one of you this day is that you are loved greatly, just as you are.  You each think inside of your mind that you cannot be loved unless you change and become more perfect, better in every way.  Then if you are very good, very right, and very perfect then you might be loveable.  There are some of you who believe in your hearts and minds that there is nothing you can do or change to make you lovable.  My heart hurts for each of you that believe in this way.

None of those thoughts are true.
I love each and everyone one of you just as you are.  Most important that you know and remember there are no exceptions to my knowing. 

My knowing is that each and every being is lovable just as they are. 

Please allow the love to come into you and allow yourselves to know it in each and every cell and organ of your body.           

As you read or hear of these words know at that moment my arms are around you and that I am here with you.  Stop and close your eyes and allow me to be with you for just one moment.  For I love you as you are.  I ask nothing of you but to allow me to love you just
as you are.

In love, Mother Mary

                Click on the white arrow and the recording will start

Letter 2
Dear Ones,

Join me in feeling JOY and HAPPINESS.  In your minds eye simply take my hand and we will walk in the garden of JOY.  It will only take a moment in time to come and be with me here in the garden, but it will feed you for weeks and weeks. 

On your earth you have not a spot where you can go to feel just JOY.  Your days and weeks are about work and making money, finding a way to survive, and holding yourselves and your families together.  You are in need of more than that to feed your SOUL and HEART.

So again I say please come with me to the garden of JOY.  Remember it will only take a moment of your time. 

My hand is always there. you only have to think my name and I will come and walk with you in the garden.   This is a gift that I give to you with love and joy.  Allow yourselves to accept my gift.  Know that you are worthy of having this gift and the many other gifts that will be coming your way.

Your earth is in a transition right now and each of you needs support, love, and encouragement on your journey.  At this time in your world you are in need of joy and happiness more than any other time in your history.  Know that I am here with you and there are many other helpers here to be with you.

So stop now close your eyes and take my hand and walk with me in the garden of JOY.

In Love, Mother Mary

                 Click on the white arrow and the recording will start

Letter 3

 Dear Ones,

Yes, I am here and I will continue to be here every day.  You and your world are in so much need of LOVE and ENCOURAGEMENT.  I am always right here, you have only to call my name and I will make myself known to you.  The knowing that I am here will come differently to each of you.  Some will feel my presence very strongly; some will feel me very lightly.  I will be that feeling of comfort that flows through your mind and heart.

I ask that you trust and know that I am here for each and everyone of you.  Some want so desperately to believe that I would come to them, but it is hard for you to imagine that I could care about you.  Your feelings of unimportance and unworthiness are within in you.   That is not the way I feel about you.  Each and every one of you is important to me and to the world.  Each person is radiant and magnificent in my eyes.  Each is special, unique and precious within my heart. 

Take your hand and touch your heart, know that I am there waiting for you.  Do not wait to do this later.  Do it right now.  Simply put your hand on your heart for just a moment and allow yourself to feel my presence.  It does not matter where you are or what you are doing.  I will always be there for you.  Allow me to walk with you this day.

In Love, Mother Mary

                 Click on the white arrow and the recording will start   

Letter 4

Dear Ones

You are going into the time of contemplation and separation.  As fall and winter is here or getting ready to be here, there is more time to exam yourselves and your lives.  Each year you find yourself lacking in your thoughts of who you are and the place you occupy in your world.  All of this falls back into feelings of unworthiness and being unlovable.   

Each of you is unable to see what or how you affect the people you connect with each day.  Words of love, respect and appreciation are not shared with others.  Those words are kept inside and hidden away in your hearts and minds.   It is time to share those thoughts and feelings with the ones you connect with.  Let others know how much you appreciate them or love them.    And in your sharing of your love, respect, and appreciation your hearts will open and allow you to rejoice and shine in your light.

As I share my heart thoughts with you allow yourselves to bask in the light and love that I am sending your way.  Know that there is great love, respect and appreciation being sent from my heart to yours.  Be aware of how your heart swells and grows as you accept and allow the feelings inside of you.  Know that you also can pass that light on to others by sharing your heart thoughts with them.  Allow the light to grow inside of you and then share it with others. 

Allow my heart thoughts to surround you and become part of you as you walk your path each day.  And remember that you only need say my name and I will be with you. 

In Love, Mother Mary

                  Click on the white arrow and the recording will start

Letter 5

Dear Ones,

You are so much more than you know or recognize yourselves to be.  You live in a universe that is so much more that you know or recognize.   You are all a part of a huge framework of worlds or realities that you are not conscious of.  Your world, the place you know is changing and emerging into other realities now.  Do not be fearful and afraid.  Your world is changing rapidly now and who you are as humans is changing rapidly also.  Know and trust that we are all here with you to help you during these changes.  All is as it is meant to be.  You are growing and changing and will no longer be stagnant and accepting of whatever has been.

Your eyes, ears, mind and hearts are opening and expanding to reach out to the new ways that are coming.  You each will accept these new changes at different times.  Each being will grow and change at their own speed.  And that is as it should be. 

Do not judge each other by the speed of your changes.  Each being must find his or her own way in their own time.  Each of you are unique and travel in your own way.  There is no right or wrong way to make these changes.  Open your hearts and minds to one another and honor each other’s journey and time frame.

Love and honor yourself as you make your journey into the new ways.  Love and honor those you see ahead of you on the path and those you see behind you on the path.  You are all walking the same path going the same direction. 

Know that I am walking beside each and everyone of you.  Know that you only need say my name and I will be there.   I will walk beside you, I will hold your hand, I will put my arms around you, I will touch your cheek and I will love and hold you in my heart as a
precious and most dear gift. 

In Love, Mother Mary


Patricia Durkin said...

Thanks Barb for receiving and sharing these beautiful letters from Mother Mary. Love Pat

lblack said...

Thanks for these great letters,they really hit home.They've already done wonders for me.

Love Laura

lblack said...

Way to go Mom. I love you lots.

What a very special person you are.
Thanks for sharing.