Letter 14
Dear Ones,
There is so much work to be done for the beings of your world. You have so many hurt and damaged souls who are suffering, wandering alone without hope. My heart weeps for the loneliness that I can feel coming from each of you.
Many years ago your world took a turn towards the gathering of money, material possessions, and power over others. It is thought that the road to happiness is paved with gold, material possessions and how much more you have than your neighbors. It is thought that all of these things will make you a better and happier person.
You are so mistaken in your thoughts and beliefs. Money, power and material possessions
say nothing about the kind of person that you are. Happiness, love, and joy speak to what is in your heart and how you choose to treat your neighbor. It does not speak to how much money you have in the bank or how nice your home is or which brand of clothes you choose to wear.
You can have all the money and material things you could ever want and you will still feel lonely and unloved. Love and caring does not come from objects or paper dollars, it comes from one person’s heart to your heart. Love and happiness comes from looking into your heart and listening to what it is telling you. It comes from reaching out and sharing yourself with others. It comes from caring about your neighbors all over the world.
Being here on your earth was meant to be about learning how to live with all the other beings in the world, with love and caring, learning to appreciate the differences in other cultures, religions, and colors. Being here on your earth was never meant to be about who is better because of what religion you practice, the color of your skin or how you dress.
Today as you go about your lives and you see someone who looks different than yourself, open your eyes and really look, are they so different from you? Or do they just wear a different style of clothes? Or maybe their skin is a different color? But inside each of those beings is their heart not the same, are their bodily organs not the same?
YOU ARE ALL ONE ON THIS EARTH; the only differences are in your outward appearance. You all have the same need for love and caring. Buried in your hearts is the same need to reach out and help each other. I ask you today to open your hearts and reach out to help each other, to know that I am reaching out to each of you. Know that I love each and everyone of you just as you are. This journey here on earth is about learning to love yourselves and each other.
Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
Letter 15
Dear Ones,
I am wishing you so much joy and happiness that your body and soul cannot hold it all. Your mind and heart is over flowing with these feelings of joy and happiness. Your heart is growing and opening. Your body and energetic field is expanding and allowing you the room to become more fully yourselves. Love, joy, and happiness need room to grow and expand, so that it touches every person you see and connect with during the day.
As your body expands to hold all of these feelings, your light shines brighter and brighter. Soon you will be like one of the stars in the sky. People will see you and wonder what is happening in your life, as you glow and radiate warmth and love from your being. They will want to get closer to you and talk to you. They hunger for what you are offering. Your offering will be to pass on and share your love, joy, and happiness.
Soon you will look at the people around you and they will all have that glow, that look of warmth and loving. As they touch the people in their lives that glow and all the feelings that accompany it will be passed on. For love, joy, and happiness are contagious; they are able to travel any where in the world and touch any one in the world.
This process starts with one person accepting my love and allowing it to grow and encompass all areas of their lives. Take the chance to believe that YOU are worthy of having love, joy, and happiness in YOUR lives.
ONE PERSON CAN CHANGE YOUR WORLD. YOU ARE THAT PERSON! Call my name and I will come and share my love, joy and happiness with you. Allow my light to become one with you.
Stop what you are doing right now and close your eyes, say my name, I will come and we will begin the process of opening your heart. Each day I will return and your heart will open wider and wider until your heart is full to overflowing. Let us start today, right now! Allow me to love you.
Know that you need only call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
Letter 16
Dear Ones,
In your world you are being ask to go faster and faster, to do more and have more. I say to you slow down and enjoy your life, your family, your neighbors, and your world. Give yourselves room and time to take a breath and be at ease. Your hearts, minds, and bodies were not made to move through your life at the speed of sound. Yes! The energy on your planet and in the universe is speeding up and everything is going much faster.
Now is the time that it is even more important for you to reduce your personal speed, to appreciate and take care of yourselves, and your families. The faster your world goes the more important for you to not be caught up in the whirlwind. In the whirlwind there is only time for doing and acquiring, there is not time for love and caring.
If you are living in the whirlwind day after day, what is happening when you return to your homes in the evening? Is there time to eat with your families? Is all your time spent getting ready to be in the whirlwind again tomorrow? Where is the time to love, time to care and time to listen? Where is your time to be with yourselves? Where is the time to appreciate all you have been given in this life? Where is the time for love, joy, and gratitude? There is no time left for the most important parts of your lives!
So I say to you SLOW DOWN NOW! Close your eyes and come with me on a journey. I want you to replay yesterday in your mind. Watch closely. Do you see yourself smiling, sharing a kind word? Did you take time to hug anyone? Was there time to take a deep breath and appreciate anything? Was there time for anything but going faster? Now replay your journey back to yesterday only turn down the speed to five instead of 10. Watch yourself, your family, your friends, and your whole world.
Do your eyes fill with tears to see what you have missed? There is no way to go back and re-live yesterday, but there is time to change today and tomorrow. I ASK YOU ONCE AGAIN TO SLOW DOWN! Do not miss your life, do not miss love, and do not miss what I am offering you. I will love you no matter how fast you travel through life, but if you live in the whirlwind world you will never know that I am here loving you. You will never know that other people of your world are here loving you also. YOU WILL MISS IT ALL!
Take the time to slow down and know that I am here and I am loving you every day, every hour and every minute.
Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
Letter 17
Dear Ones,
Let today be a day of kind words and gentle thoughts and warm hearts. Today is the time to let worry, fear, and anger stay asleep. It is time for you to have a day of gentle thoughts and kind words. Allow yourself a day off from your worldly concerns and worries about money. Today see your concerns for your families in a gentle way, knowing that all is well. Just for today you can give yourself permission to let your worried mind STOP!
Worry is a waste of precious time and energy. Worry does not help you to take care of your family, pay your bills, put food on the table, or keep your children safe. Worry makes all of the things that make up your everyday life more difficult. Worry fills your body with fear and anger. Worry causes stress and disease in your body and life.
Worry leaves little time for kind words and gentle thoughts and warm hearts. Worry does not live in the same house as joy, gratitude, and appreciation. There is not room in a home of worry for anything else. It erases the warmth and caring in your hearts and replaces it with fear, anger, doubts, and regrets. Worry steals your life from you without you even knowing it.
We think in our minds that we worry about the ones we love and care about. But the truth is there is no room for the love and caring because worry fills up all the spaces of your hearts and minds. Worry forms a vicious circle. When our loved ones are ok and safely back home after we have worried about them all day, is there not a small piece of you that is angry at them for causing you to worry all day for nothing? Do you not blame them for the bad day you had? It is not their fault that you used your day for worry, fear, and anger. Only you are responsible for the day you have chosen to have.
Each morning you get to choose what kind of a day you will have. Will it be a day of kind words, gentle hearts, and warm thoughts? Remember that a day used to worry is a waste of your time and energy. It serves no purpose in your life. It only causes you stress and disease.
If you have lived your life in the house of worry ask for help in letting it go. There are many thousand of helpers in my world waiting to be of service to each of you. They will help you to find ways to change your days from worry, fear, and anger to days of gentle hearts, warm thoughts, and kind words. It is always possible to change the things in your life that are not working for your best interest. Your lives are meant to be filled with thousands of days of love, joy, and kindness.
Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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