Letter 22
Dear Ones,
Let us talk about JOY today. Joy is the least felt emotion on your Mother Earth. Joy is the one emotion that beings feel they are the least deserving of. In some parts of your Mother Earth Joy is unknown and not believed to exist.
So I say to you today, JOY is real it lives in your world. Most often Joy is thought of coupled with other emotions. Joy and Love, Joy and Happiness. Today is about pure overflowing JOY.
Joy will come in different forms to different beings. Joy may come as you see a beautiful tree changing the color of it’s leaves in the fall. Joy may come as you see your child’s face for the first time. Joy may come as you realize for the first time that you are a worthy and important being on your planet. Joy may come when you feel unconditional love for the first time.
There are beings on your planet that have never experienced joy in any of its forms. There are also those who have glimpsed it for just a second in time. Today I want you to feel Joy in all its power and wonder.
CLOSE YOUR EYES, TAKE A DEEP BREATH, PUT YOUR HAND OVER YOUR HEART AND SAY MY NAME. I AM HERE WITH YOU RIGHT NOW. MY HANDS ARE FILLED WITH JOY AND I AM PASSING IT TO YOU. It is like no feeling you have ever had before. Are you feeling like the sun lives inside your body? Is your body vibrating with the wonder of it? Do you feel like you are floating and your feet are no longer on the ground? Are you laughing for no reason, but that it feels wonderful to laugh out loud with pure joy?
I so wish that each of you could and would allow yourselves to feel JOY at least once each day. It only takes a moment to stop, close your eyes, speak my name, and ask for JOY. I will be there with JOY in my hands.
This is a gift that only you can give yourselves. Will you take that moment to allow yourself to feel the wonder that is waiting for you? Will you allow yourself to feel the Love that I am offering to you? I am here and I am waiting for each of you.
Know that you each are loved and cared for beyond your wildest dreams.
Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
Letter 23
Dear Ones,
Today let us talk about Personal Integrity. I am talking about having Integrity with yourself. Are you following your own belief system, your own values? Are you being true to yourselves? Are you listening to your heart? Are you following where it leads you?
What pain and agony comes from being untrue to yourselves. Let us look at what would cause you to be untrue to yourselves. Fear is the biggest culprit in stopping you from going where you want and need to go. What will others think, how will they feel about it, will they stand by you. Fear will give you a hundred unanswered questions. Those questions will stop you and fill you with fear, which will bind your body and paralyze you.
The worst thing that will happen is that all your self doubts, all your thoughts of unworthiness will rise up. They will come up from the depths of your soul and will stop you in your tracks. This will happen if it is a large thing that you need to do or a small thing. You are untrusting of yourselves and feel unworthy of even the smallest thing that your heart would desire.
I BEG OF YOU, STOP AND HEAR WHAT I AM SAYING. You each are worthy of all that your heart desires. You each are priceless beyond compare. What your heart truly desires is what you need and where you most go. THERE IS NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT IN YOUR LIVES THAN YOUR PERSONAL INTEGRITY. FOR IF YOU HAVE NOT PERSONAL INTEGRITY, THERE IS NO LOVE. WITHOUT LOVE THERE IS ONLY EXISTENCE FILLED WITH DESPAIR AND HOPLESSNESS.
YOU EACH ARE WORTH MORE THAN EXISTENCE. Your lives are meant to be about love, integrity, hope and joy. We are all here waiting to help you in whatever way you need and want. Call for us and allow us to come and help. The road of love and personal integrity will not happen for most of you overnight. So start out with the small things and work your way towards the large ones. There are life altering and life changing decisions that are waiting to happen. They will allow your heart to be filled with love beyond what you can imagine.
STOP RIGHT NOW AND CLOSE YOUR EYES. TAKE A DEEP BREATH. PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME. Pick your one thing today that will honor you and your personal integrity. Allow yourself to see where it will take you? What is happening in your life? Are you following your heart? Where is your fear level? Is the fear stopping you or are you walking passed it? Hold true to yourself, we are here to help; we are standing right here beside you. Feel us and know that we are walking with you.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
Letter 24
Dear Ones,
Let us today talk about Respect. As I am sure you have noticed many of the things we talk about always go right back to you. How you think of yourselves. How you care for yourselves. How you love yourselves. Most of you throughout your lives have learned how not to care for yourselves, but how you most care for others first! How it is more important to think well of others, rather than thinking well of yourself. You have all been taught to love others before you love yourself. Or maybe you don’t even think in terms of loving yourself.
Respect is all swirled in with caring, loving and thinking well of yourselves. Respecting yourself is about honoring you. Honoring who you are as a man, woman or child. Most often we think of respect in terms of respecting other people for how they think, act, and treat others.
So stop for a moment and think about yourself. How do you think, act and treat yourselves? Inside your head how do you talk to yourself? What is the tone of voice that you use, what kind of words do you use. Is there kindness, support, understanding, and compassion in your inner voice. Take the time now to listen to the inner voice that continually talks to you. Is it uplifting you or is it beating you down.
Learning to respect yourself can start by changing the inner voice. If we were to meet on the street in your town, what tone of voice would you use in speaking to me? What kind of words would you speak to me? That tone of voice, those words that you would speak to me is how I want your inner voice to speak to you.
I WANT YOU TO STOP RIGHT NOW, TAKE A DEEP BREATH, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME. In your mind picture my face. Can you feel the respect, love, and caring coming from your heart? Your eyes are looking at me with gentleness, and love. In your mind can you feel and see all that is happening?
We are all here to help you make these changes in how you see yourself, how you talk to yourself, and what you think about yourself. Know that you are loved beyond all that you can imagine. Allow us to assist you in whatever way you need.
Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.
In love, Mother Mary
Letter 25
Dear Ones,
Let us talk about Hope today. All beings think in terms of their worlds getting better, life being better in the future. That is called Hope. Hoping for more money, more love, a bigger house, and a better life for your children. These are all things people hope for and the list goes on and on.
But is that what hope is really about. Hope is what makes you get up in the morning and move out into your world. Hope is fuel and motivation for all beings. If there is no hope, there are no dreams, no way in your mind to change what is to what you want it to be. When there isn’t hope in your heart and mind, then stress and disease steps in to take its place. Without hope life becomes a downward spiral. Where all color disappears and everything turns dark gray traveling into all black.
Hope is made up of colors; it comes in every color you can think of. Hope comes in the deepest blue, to the darkest pink, and the most vibrant yellow. Color is like nourishment to your minds and bodies. All systems of your being require color or hope to keep working in a healthy wholesome way.
Allow your mind to tell you about the colors in your life. What do the different colors mean to you? How do you feel about the colors? What is your mind and body telling you about how it feels, as you see the different colors? Notice where your emotions go depending on the color you see.
RIGHT NOW STOP, TAKE A DEEP BREATH, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME. LISTEN TO MY VOICE AND TELL ME WHAT COLORS COME TO YOU. You are loved beyond your wildest imagination. What color do you see? All things are possible in your life. What color do you see? Your life is filled with joy, happiness and love. What color do you see? Fear no longer lives in your mind and body. What color do you see?
Practice daily in your mind until you know and learn the colors that you need in your life.
Always carry with you something in the color of Hope and Love. Something you can touch with be it a small piece of paper or a piece of clothe. Remember that hope is fuel and motivation for your mind and body. Love is fuel and motivation for your very existence.
Know that I am loving you and sending you lights of many colors to surround you and hold you.
Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.
In love, Mother Mary
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