Letter 34,
Dear Ones,
Let us today talk about Faith. Faith in yourself, Faith in me, Faith in God, Faith in your partner, and Faith in your World. As you can see there are many levels of faith. But they all come directly back to you. For it begins inside of you. What do you believe? I am talking about the belief that is rock hard inside of you. The ones that are written in stone.
I am not talking about the one you think about in your head. I am talking about the one that comes from your core or center. That core faith is life sustaining. What ever your core faith or belief is, it provides you fuel to keep on living and being. It gives you purpose and reason to participate in life.
There are many people who do not know or even think about what there core beliefs might be. As you grow as children you may accept and file away what you see as your parents core beliefs. That does not mean they are your core beliefs today.
Let us today question what your core beliefs are. How solid are they and how strong are they? Do they provide nourishment for your body and soul? Are they life giving or life damaging? Are your core beliefs true for who you are today?
LET US TAKE A MOMENT RIGHT NOW. CLOSE YOUR EYES, TAKE A DEEP BREATH, TOUCH YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME. Place one hand on your stomach and one hand on your heart. Just be with yourself for a moment. Allow your mind to clear and be right here with me. What are your core beliefs? Look at them one at a time. What do they mean to you? How does each one affect your life and how you live it? Do they match with who you are right now today?
This will be a process for each of you to discover what your core centered beliefs are. It will mean weeding out some old beliefs that are no longer truth for you. Planting the seeds or shoots of new beliefs that you want to try out. There will be other new beliefs that you will want to plant full-grown, with no waiting to see if they fit. You already know they are right, for those beliefs are instantly in your core.
Finding what your core beliefs are today will cause the inner chatter of your being to cease. It will bring you back to inner harmony and peace. Some of you might be saying, but I know exactly what my core beliefs are. That may be true for some of you. Most people will find some changes have taken place in there core beliefs. Come and walk with me and the helpers on this side. Let us help you to discover what your core beliefs are today. Allow peace and harmony to be your way of life. Know that you are greatly loved.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
Letter 35
(What would you like to talk about)
Dear Ones,
As Anna (Barbara) and I come together today to write this letter, I am wondering what you would like for me to write about. Are there things I have not mentioned in my letters that you wish to speak of. Let Anna or me know of these things and I will talk of them in my letters to you. If there are personal things that you are wanting to ask about, there will be time in the months ahead to do that also.
Allow me to say once again that you only need call my name and I will come and be with you. We can have a conversation. You and I, One on One. It is possible. First allow yourself to believe that it is possible. Second allow yourself to trust what you are hearing and seeing in your mind when we talk. It is not your imagination. In the words of your world let me say “no you are not CRAZY”!
It is important for you to know that the energy and vibration of your planet has changed. Change will continue to happen. The vibration of your planet is becoming higher and higher.
As this happens the veil between our worlds is becoming thinner and thinner. Access to me and others on this side is becoming easier.
WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS TIME! TUCKED FAR BACK IN YOUR MINDS, YOU HAVE ALSO BEEN WAITING! We are aware that the changes taking place on your planet have caused you some difficulties. All of your bodies have been affected. Time on your planet has increased; your body speed has increased. All things on your planet are moving faster and faster.
AS ALL OF THIS IS TAKING PLACE, IT IS NECESSARY FOR YOU TO BECOME MORE PURPOSEFUL. Make each and every action and thought count. Keep reminding yourself to stay balanced and in the present time. During this increase of speed your minds are unfocused and jumping from thought to thought. Remember to bring yourself back to now and what is needed now. Thoughts of yesterday and tomorrow are causing more confusion and feelings of being unfocused.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
Letter 36
Dear Ones,
Today let us talk about Letting Go. Letting Go of all the things in your lives that you have no control over. Letting Go of people who no longer fit with who you have become. Letting Go of all the old feelings of resentment, guilt, and anger. Letting Go of all the old images in your mind about who you could or should be.
The holding on of all these things fill you up and leave no room for the new things coming into your lives. All of the old feelings, and images about how your life should have turned out, will stop you and hold you in stagnation. Stagnation or non-movement of energy will turn to disease. Letting Go of people, is often more difficult than the letting go of feelings or memories.
As you change and grow the people in your lives will change. Some moving out to continue on with their lives or passing over on to my side of the veil. Their moving on is not because of you, it is because of where their journey is taking them. Just as your journey is taking you on a different road. People come into your lives for what you need or want at the moment. There are precious few who have contracted to stay through the years. You can count on your fingers the ones you know who have a contract with you for all the years.
Treasure those few people who will be staying over the years. Allow the ones who need to move on to go in love and peace. Knowing that you each have fulfilled your contract with the other. Let us practice Letting Go. CLOSE YOUR EYES, TAKE A DEEP BREATH, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME. Come and be with me; hold my hand and let us walk in the meadow. We have blue sky; the meadow is green and lush with wild flowers. The air is clean and fresh allowing us to breath gently and easily. Allow your mind to open and let go of all the resentments, anger and guilt. Watch them tumble out into the meadow and be absorbed back in to universal energy. Allow your mind to clear out those spaces so long filled with stagnation. Fill up those spaces with the blue sky, the meadow, the wild flowers, and the clean fresh air.
Now allow the people who you have been holding in your hearts, the ones who need to go or have gone. Let them one by one stand in the meadow. Experience the joy and love they have brought into your live. Carry this joy in your heart and you allow them leave and go their way. Hold on to the joy and fill all the spaces in your being where they lived with joy. Allow the joy to come into your minds when you think of them. Honor and celebrate that joy. Letting go of their leaving by honor and celebrating the joy. Joy, appreciation and gratitude is the direction in which your world is traveling. Step into joy, appreciation and gratitude and allow your soul to soar.
Call my name and I will come and be with you as you go to the meadow. Call on the thousands of other helpers here on this side that are waiting to help. Going to the meadow is not something to do by yourself. BE gentle and kind to yourself, accept the support and love we offer.
Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
Letter 37
Dear Ones,
Today let us talk again about Love. You cannot talk too much about Love. Love is why you are here on your earth. Love is why I am here writing letters to you. Love is not about what you look like, or how you talk, or the clothes you wear.
Love is pure and simple. Loving yourself or someone else is about simply cherishing that being for who they are. It is about what is inside of that person. I can see what is inside each of you. I love you dearly, each and every one of you. Each and every being is beautiful and unique. There is no one like you in the whole of the universe.
I ask only that you allow me to walk with you and love you. There is nothing you need do or say to receive my love and support. It is just here, waiting for you. There is no need to think in terms of I will be a better person, I will do this or that. It is not necessary to earn this love, or to receive it as a reward.
It is given freely without attachments or requirements. Love is the purpose for you being here on your earth. Learning to love without attachments or requirements is the purpose. Learning to share your love and to receive love is your purpose.
You each have taken different paths to find your purpose and fulfill it. Some will succeed and others will not fulfill their purpose in this lifetime. The energies on your earth are pushing and shoving you forward to succeed. Your world is changing and your energy vibration is being lifted, all working towards the fulfillment of your purpose. Learning to love yourself and all others beings of the universe unconditionally.
I am here showing you what it means and how it feels to be loved unconditionally. I am here to give to you what each of you needs. Love with out strings or attachments. Just love standing all by its self.
RIGHT NOW CLOSE YOUR EYES, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME. QUIET YOUR MIND AND BE RIGHT HERE WITH ME. I am putting my arms around you. Can you feel the warmth? There is a softness that comes and surrounds you. I am right here just being with you. Allow yourself to stay right here for a few more minutes. Allow yourself to soak up this warmth and fill your body up, so there is no room for anything but LOVE. Know that I am here with thousands of others waiting to help you and love you.
Know you only need call my name and I will be here.
In Love, Mother Mary
Letter 38
Dear Ones,
Let us today talk about Home. There are three kinds of Home. The home or house where you live on your Mother Earth. Home meaning your physical body, where you heart and soul lives. Finally there is home where I live, where you go when you pass over.
All three of the homes are important for your well being. Home is where you go to feel safe. Home is where you go to be nurtured and revitalized. Home is where you go to find truth and balance. Home is where you go to be loved and comforted.
Let us speak of each home separately. Your home or house where you live in your world needs to be a place of joy and comfort. I am not speaking of money value, size, or elegance. I am speaking of what you feel in your heart when you walk in the door. Is there a sigh that escapes your lips when you walk in the door? Is your house warm and welcoming to you? Do you feel safe? Are you knowing that you can be who you are without judgment or worry? Do you feel loved and comforted?
Let us speak of your physical body, the home of your heart and soul. Look within yourself. How do you feel about your body? Are you continually judging it for being too big, too small, too short, or too tall? Is your hair not right or perhaps your eyes? All of that has little meaning. Your outside appearance is no different than the outside appearance of your house. Once again it is not about what others see or judge either of your homes to be. It is all about how you judge and see your homes to be. How do you feel when you think about them? How do you feel inside of your homes? How do you feel in your body? Is it comfortable, is it crowded, have you allowed others to live in your body with you? Remember your body is only home for you. Many of you have allowed others to live inside your body, in your mind. Their voices tell you what to do, how to live, and who you can or can’t be.
CLOSE YOUR EYES, TAKE A DEEP BREATH, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME. Just be right here with me, right now. I am standing by your side. Can you feel me here with you? Take a deep breath and let us together look inside your mind. Who lives there besides you? Can you and do you want to ask them to leave? IT IS TIME NOW TO ASK THEM TO LEAVE. Remember you will never be alone. I am here with thousands of others to help you and to be with you.
We will not live in your mind, but you only need think of us and we will come to help you, to offer you love, comfort, and support. Take a deep breath. Allow yourself to relax. Your body is yours as it was meant to be. As they lived in your mind they also lived in your house. There is no longer room for their judgments and opinions. There is only room for love, comfort, and support.
Step outside take a deep breath, how does it feel to breathe with no voices in your head? How does your body feel? When you step back into your house how does it feel? Now there is more room, now you can relax. NOW YOU CAN BE.
It is vital for you to be able to JUST BE. When it is time to come to your third home, where I live you will find it is all about being. Being who you are. For you are one of a kind. There is no other being like you. You will find that you are welcomed for the exquisite, precious and beautiful being that you are. Being here will be all about JUST BEING YOU. Know that we are here waiting to help you. Know that we come with love, support, and kindness.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
Letter 39
Dear Ones,
Who of you have not had your heart broken? There is no being on your Mother Earth that has not had their heart broken, at sometime during there life. Some of you picked up the pieces of your hearts and allowed it to mend part way, and then went on with what life had to offer. There is a large number of you who wrapped up the broken pieces of their hearts, but never allowed it to mend.
Those hearts are still broken and have never been mended or repaired. You have left the heart broken as a reminder of what you should never do or feel again. You thought to keep yourself safe and to never be hurt like that again. What has happened is that you have not kept yourself safe, you have kept yourself isolated and alone. Is that what you really want? You have never allowed yourselves to be loved or to love someone with your whole heart. This someone could be a spouse, a partner, a friend, or a child.
The broken heart is a closed and shut off heart. Your mind and body will follow your heart and become closed off and shut off. Stagnation takes place without the flow of energy. Disease replaces stagnation. This cycle repeats its self over and over. It is time to let your heart heal and be whole. It is time to let your body heal and be whole. It is time to reclaim your life.
STOP NOW AND COME WITH ME, TAKE A DEEP BREATH, TOUCH YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME. For a moment let us be quiet. Quieting your mind and your racing heart. We are just being here together. Can you feel me, I am touching your hair? Now, put your hand on your heart. IN your mind can you see your heart? Can you see the pieces, can you see who and what caused the heart to break? Will you allow there to be forgiveness? Can there be forgiveness for who and what caused the breaking. Can there be forgiveness for yourself. Allow my hand to touch what you are seeing, hearing, and feeling in your heart. Allow me to join the pieces of your heart back together. Love and forgiveness is the glue and the mending tool to repair broken hearts. My love and your forgiveness joining together to repair the damage.
With your heart mended and whole once again there will be many changes coming into your lives. Many of the dreams and wants that you have for your life were impossible to have with a broken heart. Your heart needs to be whole and filled with love and caring to fulfill your dreams. We are here hoping that you will allow us to help you repair your hearts, so all that you ask and pray for can come into your life.
WE are here willing and waiting for your call. We will bring our love and you bring your forgiveness and we can repair and mend your heart TOTALLY. REMEMBERING IN THIS PROCESS THAT YOUR PURPOSE FOR BEING HERE ON YOUR EARTH IS TO LOVE. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO TOTALLY LOVE WITH A BROKEN HEART. LOVE IS ABOUT LOVING YOURSELF, OTHERS, AND RECEVIING LOVE BACK. LOVE GOES AROUND AND AROUND IN AN UNENDING CIRCLE. We are here loving you and asking you to join us in our circle.
Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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