Thursday, December 2, 2010

Letters 40 - 44

Letter 40

Dear Ones,

What if you lived in a world filled with JOY.  What if you could only see with the eyes of JOY?  What if you could only hear with ears filled with JOY?  Is that something you could even imagine happening to you?  A world filled with JOY, which so fills you up you can only laugh with the wonder of it all.  Your heart is full to overflowing and feels as if it could burst right out of your body.  Your mind is full of a rainbow of colors.  It overflows with love, warmth and the amazement of all you see, hear, touch, think, and feel.

It is not the world you know today but it can be.  You can be that person who lives in a world of Joy.  It is not something that you have been taught how to be or do.  You have been taught    exactly the opposite.  You have been taught to worry, to struggle, to be angry, to be frustrated, and to live in desperation and aloneness.

Your world and the universe is changing.  The world is shedding its coat of negativity and turning back to love and joy.   As your world changes so must you change.  Each and every being of your planet must also shed their coats.  It will of course be harder for some.  Some have a coat that is thicker and heavier than yours perhaps.   Some will choose not to shed their coats and in doing so will not be able to stay on your Mother Earth.  Be at peace with their decisions.  Know that for some the struggle to shed their coats is to difficult.

For each of you who are in the process right now of shedding your coats, I SAY WELCOME TO MY WORLD.  I live in a world of Joy.  I am constantly being amazed every day, every hour by the wonder of you and all that you say and do.  The love in each of your hearts is amazing to see.  Watching you learn to share it with others without conditions and rules is a Joy to me.   Seeing you reaching for and accepting the love I am offering you is a Joy.   Your acceptance of the help and love from the helpers here with me brings Joy to all our worlds. 

TAKE THE TIME RIGHT NOW TO STOP, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME.  Quiet your mind and allow me to come and touch with you.  My hand touching your heart and filling it with JOY.  Rainbow colors of warmth and love will fill your heart to overflowing.  Each day come and touch with me.  Learn to know what Joy feels like.  Notice how your world looks differently for a few moments after experiencing JOY.  The Joy inside of you will grow as you experience it more and more.  We are planting a seed.  It will grow with wondrous speed and to fullness, if you feed it daily with love and joy.   WE are here waiting to share our love and joy with you.

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Letter 42

Dear Ones,
Let us talk of HEARTS today.  Let us talk of the giving and receiving of Love.  Remembering that Love is the purpose for being here on your Mother Earth.  Learning to love each other without rules or expectations.  

Loving each other simply because you are exquisite wonderful beings.  Loving without reasons or qualifications.  Loving and appreciating each other as you would a 100-year-old beautiful tree.   Loving each other for no reason except that you are here and you are alive.  That in its self makes you deserving of love.

I love you simply because you are here, not because of who you are, or what you have done or will do.  There is nothing you must do to deserve my love.  You only need be here on this earth and I will love you.  Just as you love that brand new baby.  The feelings of awe and wonder as you look at that baby.  Your heart fills with joy and love simply because he or she is a part of you.  Let us now remember that each and every one of you are part of each other.  You are all one you are all joined and connected. 

COME WITH ME NOW, CLOSE YOUR EYES, TAKE A DEEP BREATH, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME.   Remember now that you are all made up of energy.  Everything in the universe is made up of energy.  Look around you; see the energy, see the small dots of light.  Are they not all mixing and connecting with each other.  Are they not all the same?  Can you see any difference in any of the small dots of light?  Each one is the same as the others.  This is where you all come from.  This is how you all start out, a small dot of light.  This is your beginning, this is your essence.   You are all stars in the night sky. 

Can you not open your hearts and welcome all of these dots of light.  Can you not love them and treasure them.   Look how they glow, and shine.  They are simply flowing moving together in the dance of life.  You each are loved and treasured by me and by the thousand of helpers here with me.  We are embracing you and joining you in the dance of life.  We each are glowing and shining right beside you.  Open your hearts and allow the love inside of you to flow out and in compass the whole of the universe.  Loving and treasuring each and every small dot of life and energy.

We over here are loving and treasuring each of you.  We are waiting to help with whatever you may need.  Let us help you to open your hearts and your arms to love yourself and the universe.

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Letter 43

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk of yesterdays letter.  Did you notice a difference in the letter or how it felt to each of you?  Stop for a moment or even go back and read the letter again.  My words are the same and the writing style is the same.  What about the energy that comes with each of my letters? 

Each of my letters comes with an energy that is supportive, loving, and nurturing.  Many of you physically felt the energy when you first started reading the letters.  It is powerful and uplifting.  The energy urges you to go forward and reach for more in your lives.  It urges you to open your heart and begin to live your purpose here on your Mother Earth. 

The energy that accompanied the letter yesterday was a small sample of the energy on your earth right now.  A sample of the energy of your collective consciousness.  It was not supportive or encouraging.   Did you feel any urges to open your heart, even though this is what we were speaking of yesterday?  

The sample of energy was just a mild form of the energy that is on your planet right now.  The energy was sad, depressed, hopeless, alone, and desperate.  The feelings that accompanied the energy yesterday were in the mildest forms.   Compared to what is happening on your Mother Earth.

THE LETTER YESTERDAY WAS A WAKE UP A CALL FOR ALL OF YOU!  YOU WHO KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING.  YOU WHO CAN CHANGE WHAT IS HAPPENING!   I wanted you to be able to feel exactly what is happening.  I wanted you to feel the difference in how the energy is affecting each one of you.   Think about how your day was yesterday.  Were you comfortable and at ease in your daily business.   Did you feel the urge to reach out to others?  Was your heart closed and locked down tight? 


Each time you allow your heart to open in universal love the energy on your earth will shift and rise up.  If you are a being who says they cannot feel the energy.  Trust me when I say some place in your body you are feeling the energy.   The energy of each and every being on your planet is important and can help in the uplifting that needs to happen. 

Let us all join together to lift up the energy of your Mother Earth.  Let us join together to uplift each and every being.  So all beings can feel loved, supported, nurtured and cared for.  Help your world to start living the purpose that was intended.  Learning to live with open hearts.  Living joyfully and abundantly in the giving and receiving of love. 

WE are all here sending you love, support, and great huge energetic bundles of encouragement and hope.  There are thousands of us here waiting to help you. 

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Letter 44

Dear Ones,

In our previous letter we talked about energy and the raising of the energy vibration of your world.  We talked of doing that by encompassing the world and its people in love and joy.  There is another step you need to take in changing the energy vibration of the world.  It is more personal to each of you. 

It is one more step in taking care of yourself.  You each in your own way attempt to take care of your body in healthy ways.  That could be with exercise or healthy foods.  A healthy body requires healthy energy.   It is necessary to cleanse your energy, just as it is necessary to cleanse your physical body. 

Cleansing your energy needs to be a daily practice.  For some it will mean more than twice a day.  You each will need to go within yourselves and decide what your energy practice will need to be.  Later in this letter I will show you what it feels like to have healthy, clean energy.  Healthy and clean energy meaning that there is only your energy in your body.  All energy from the collective consciousness has been transformed and released from your body.  All energy from family, friends, work and the grocery store has been released and transformed. 

It is important for you to know exactly what your own energy feels like.  What your body feels like with only your energy flowing through it.    What your brain feels like with just your own energy whirling through. 

It is also as important that your homes are clear of the other energies of the world.  So in your daily practice, be cleansing your homes as you are cleansing yourselves.  For those of you who have more than yourselves living in your homes, ask others in the home to participate in the clearing.  If that is not possible than proceed with the cleansing of yourself and your home.  At all entrances to your homes place cleansing shields that you and each person entering your home will need to walk through.  This will allow all worldly debris to be released and transformed.  You and your home will appreciate and enjoy being free of the energy of the collective consciousness. 

Once you start to partake of these daily practices you will notice a big change in your attitudes and moods.  You will find that many of your perceptions will change and that living on your Mother Earth will become easier.   EACH OF THESE PRACTICES WILL HELP IN CHANGING THE ENERGY THAT IS RUNNING RAMPANT ON YOUR MOTHER EARTH RIGHT NOW.

RIGHT NOW COME WITH ME, CLOSE YOUR EYES, TAKE A DEEP BREATH, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME.   Take my hand and walk with me.   We will walk into the field up ahead.  As you reach the edge of the field there will be a large bubble waiting for you.  The bubble is large enough for you to sit in.  Walk into the bubble and make yourself comfortable on the pillows.  It is warm and cozy inside.  This bubble is going to cleanse and transform all energy that is in and around your body.  Allow yourself to enjoy a few quiet moments being with yourself.  Be aware of how your body is feeling.  Can you feel the lightness and the flow of your energy?  Pay attention to emotions, are you not happier, more at peace, is your heart starting to open and expand.  All of these things are possible when your body is processing and holding only your own personal energy.

We are here to help you in this process.  Come back to the bubble as many times as you need.  Call on us to help you find your way there.  Call on us to help you in anyway.  We are here waiting and wanting to be of service to you.  We are loving each and every one of you.  THE PROCESS OF CHANGING THE ENERGY LEVEL ON YOUR PLANET IS SO IMPORTANT TO THE PURPOSE OF YOUR WORLD AND EACH OF YOU.  PLEASE ALLOW US TO HELP YOU IN THIS PROCESS. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary 

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