Thursday, December 9, 2010

Letters 48 - 50

Letter 48

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about PEACE.  Every being on your planet prays, wishes, and dreams of world peace.  No more War, no more fighting, no more killing, and no more damaging beings for the rest of their lives.  

But world peace will only happen when each and every being on your planet is at peace within themselves.  Each and every one of you has a war raging inside of themselves.  Each beings war is different and unique to them.  I ask how would it ever be possible for your Mother Earth to be at peace, when there are hundreds of millions of little wars going on every day inside of you.  

I know that you have heard it said before that peace starts with each one of you.  Each of you thinks when you hear those words that they are meant for someone else.  TODAY I MUST TELL YOU TO STOP AND TO KNOW THAT IT APPLIES TO EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU ON YOUR PLANET.  The war inside of you may be small and you think has no meaning in the big picture, but it does. 

The little wars inside each of you are exactly the same as the big wars between countries.  It always comes back to one person or one group of people thinking that someone else should live in a different way, or be different.   It is about everyone wanting the next person to be like them, so they will know they are on the right path, thinking the right way, and living the right way. 

In your small wars it usually goes back to your families and the children living and doing differently than the parents.  SO TODAY I SAY TO YOU THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG WAY TO DO ANY OF IT.  THERE IS ONLY THE WAY THAT EACH OF YOU CHOOSE TO LIVE.  The small wars also have to do with the war you fight with yourself about what you deserve or don’t deserve.  The war inside of yourself often comes down to rather you like yourself or not. 


HOW CAN WE HELP YOU TO ALLOW THE WAR INSIDE OF YOU TO CEASE?  I ASK YOU TO COME AND BE WITH ME RIGHT NOW.  TAKE A DEEP BREATH, PLACE YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME.  I am here with you, and I want to show you who and what I see when I look at you.  I want you to see yourself through my eyes.  I want you to see what I see.  It is nowhere near the same as what you see when you are warring and fighting with yourself.   This is who you truly are.  You are a person of love, joy, compassion, and caring.  It is time to unbury these things and to allow them to come out and be with you.   You are truly not the person who has been warring and fighting with yourself.   That is the person who has taken on the collective consciousness of the world and is living it each every moment of the day. 

Today right now take off the coat and mask of negativity and allow the world to see you.  Let the wars be gone and let yourself begin to live.   It is time to live the life you were intended to live.   Your purpose for being here on the planet is about love.  Loving yourself, loving each other, and loving your Mother Earth. 

Do you see and do you understand what I am saying about peace starting with each individual.  No more small wars will lead to no more big wars.  COME AND WALK WITH ME AND ALL THE THOUSANDS OF OTHERS HERE WITH ME.  WALK FREE OF THE WARS AND JUDGMENTS.  COME AND WALK IN YOUR WORLD AS WHO YOU TRULY ARE.  

Know that you are truly loved beyond what you can imagine.  We know that you are working hard at washing away the negativity of your world.  We are here waiting to help you in any way we can.  We are here with open arms, waiting to hold you and love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Letter 49

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk of Gratitude.  My gratitude for who each of you are.  Gratitude and Joy that you read my letters.  That you come and be with me.  That you allow me to share my love with you.   I have great joy and appreciation for the love you share and give back to me.

Today I wish to honor your courage and your heart for all that it takes to live on your Mother Earth.  These are the most challenging times on your planet and each of you has chosen to be here during this time.  You each have said let me go and be there to help others.  Let me be the one to lead the way.  

You are the Wayshowers and the Keepers of the Light.  During these times on your Mother Earth the dark is being brought out to face the light.  The violence, greed, and hate is being brought out into the light of day so all can see what is happening.  The governments of the world and the financial empires are all being exposed for what they are. 

Your job or what is being asked of you is to simply stand and allow your light to shine out onto the world.  You need only stand in love.  Love for yourself and Love for all other beings on your planet.  

The dark and all that it brings with it will be washed clean and made new by the light.  You need not worry about how all that will happen, you just need to know that it will.  You need to know that it is all ready happening.  This is not something that you can see with your human eye at this time.  Trust in me and all the thousand on my side of the veil that it is happening now as we speak.     

As more and more of you gather together, shining your light all will be washed clean and new.  You only need reach out in love and joy.  So once again I say to you that I HONOR YOU THIS DAY FOR YOUR COURAGE AND YOUR HEART.  FOR STEPPING INTO THE LIGHT AND BRINGING IT ON TO YOUR MOTHER EARTH FOR THE GOOD OF ALL. 

Know that we are here waiting at the ready for your call.  We are here loving you and honoring you this day.  Call us and allow us to help you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Letter 50
Dear Ones,

I am feeling such sadness today.  My sadness comes from the ways that I see you treat yourselves.  The harshness in the way you talk to yourselves is hurtful.  Hurtful to my ears and to your whole being.  

There are many unkind words that you say to yourself.  It is your way of trying to push yourselves to do the things that are uncomfortable for you.   It is a way of making fun of yourselves for the fears and anxieties that you have.  Do you not know that it is human to have fears and anxieties?  Every being on your planet has some fears and anxieties hidden away inside of them.  

There is no shame or need for embarrassment because you have these feelings. Rather lets take them out of hiding and let us look at them.   Often when fears are brought out into the light they change and become more manageable.  Sometimes once they are in the light they fade away.  It is in the hiding that they become consuming and stop you from doing the things that you want. 

Harsh words and ugly names do nothing to relieve the fears, they only make it harder for you to function and live the way you wish.  Would you speak to me in that way, would you call me ugly names, and brow beat me?  Would you do that to your neighbor or friend?   In most cases you would be appalled to think that you would act in such a way to someone else.   So I will say to you the next time you start to talk to yourself in that manner, when you look in the mirror it will be my face you see.  

You are a person worthy of kindness, love, support, and caring.  In the times that you are all living now it is more important than ever to be loving and supportive of yourself.  The challenges in your world are greater now and it takes greater strength and courage to walk your paths.  It also takes greater support and love to help you along your journey. 

SO TODAY I ASK YOU TO CLOSE YOUR EYES, CALL MY NAME.  Let us take the first step in loving yourself.  It is time to let go of the old ways of abuse and harshness.  Just stand right here with me.  Look in the mirror and let us talk about who and what you see.  I am standing right here beside you.  Can you not see my face in the mirror also? 

YOU ARE A UNIQUE AND SPECIAL CREATION.  ONE WHO IS MEANT TO GROW AND THRIVE ON LOVE AND SUPPORT.  THIS IS WHAT FEEDS YOUR HEART AND SOUL.  You have been starving for years.  You have not allowed yourself the love and support that is needed.  Now is the time to accept and enjoy all that I am offering.  Now is the time for you to change your voice from harshness to love.   Now is the time for you recognize who and what you are.   YOU ARE A BEING OF LIGHT WHO IS TO BE HONORED AND CHERISHED.  I BOW TO YOU THIS DAY AND PAY HONOR TO WHO YOU ARE AS A BEING OF LIGHT.  I SEND YOU MY LOVE AND GRATITUDE FOR WALKING ON YOUR PLANET AND SHARING YOUR LIGHT.

Know that we are here with you offering our love and help to assist you in making your life easier.  We are loving you and honoring you in each moment and each day!

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

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