Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week 3, Letters 10 - 13

Letter 10
Dear Ones,

Love is all there is.  Without love the world would cease to exist.  Without love you will cease to exist.  The giving and receiving of love is what keeps you each moving and breathing.  The opposite of love is fear.  Fear has taken over a large portion of your every day lives.   You see it in your friends’ faces, in your neighbors’ faces and in your family’s faces.  Fear is contagious and spreads from one person to the next with just a look.  Stop for a moment and think about this and remember the last person you saw with fear on their face and in their eyes.   It almost makes one stop breathing for a second when you encounter it.

Know that love is also contagious in a strong and better way.  Be conscious of what you are seeing and hearing.  When you see and hear fear, stop and let your love replace it and vanish it from your being and your world.   As I share my love with you, wear it as an outer set of clothes for others to see and feel.  Love can be your protection from fear, for it cannot spread when you walk with love in your hearts and minds.

And when you see fear in your family’s faces stop and take the time to see what you can do and how you can support them and ease their fear by passing on the love you are now wearing as your second set of clothes.   Do this not just with your families but also with your friends, and neighbors and if you can to reach out even further to the stranger standing next to you on the street. 

It may be just smile or take moment to speak to them to let them see your face and your second set of clothes.  Slow down take the time to see the people around you and to see the world around you.   Each and every being is in need of love.  Love will set you all free of the constant and every day fears that you carry with you just as you carry your wallet with you.    Know that I am here with enough love to fill your world and erase all fear. 

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there with you.
In Love, Mother Mary

Letter 11

Dear Ones,

It is time to wake up.  It is time to pay attention to what is happening to the people of your world.  I am not just talking about your families or your neighbors; I am talking about your whole world.  People are starving, dying and wasting away from lack of love, care and concern.  And I can hear you thinking what can I do, I am only one person. 

All of the hurt, pain and abuse that has happened in your world can only be changed one
person at a time.  That change can start to happen by each of you sending loving thoughts
to all the people of your world.  Just as I am sending love and caring energy to you, you can also send it forward to all the people everywhere. 

Some of you have time and energy to spare that you could help with one of the many volunteer programs and some of you have extra money to share that you could donate
to help.  People can help in their own way.   Perhaps you are the one to send loving
waves of energy out.  What ever is your way please begin to share your resources and gifts with others.  Know that in your sharing it will return to you ten fold. 

The expressing of love and caring is the most healing energy in the world.  In sharing your love and caring you will help the healing process that your own being is going through right now.   Everyone is on a healing journey right now healing old pains and hurts, regrets and sorrows.  Each of you will heal faster when you reach out to help another.   I will continue to be right here beside you during the healing process. 

One of the reasons that my letters are being given to your world right now is that every one is in need of more love, more caring, more support right now as they continue on their own healing journey and as they extend their hand and thoughts to support some one else on their journey.  In the progress of your world it has been forgotten by many that each human needs to be extending their hand in love and caring.  That is how your world was meant to be.  Each human helping the next human in whatever way they can. 

Know that I am right beside you, that I am here extending my hand to each and everyone of you.  To help and love you in whatever you may need.  Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.  Stop and close your eyes and say my name.  Can you feel my presence?  I am here. 

In Love, Mother Mary

Letter 12
Dear Ones,

I am here and I will continue to be here until the last person in your world feels loved and cared for.  It does not matter how long it might take.  I will be here.  I have always been here waiting for you to feel my love.  Know in your hearts and minds that I care and love each and every one of you exactly as you are.

You are all on a journey to find yourselves and your place in your world.  For some this has been a most difficult journey with many challenges and rocky places.  Some have learned from the challenges and others have not learned and have gone on to more difficult challenges.  Your time here on your earth was not meant to be difficult and sorrow filled.

It was meant to be a time of love and sharing, to learn to be with other beings.  A time of
sharing and caring.  A time to open your hearts to love yourselves and each other. 

So today I ask you all to stop what it is you are doing, to check in your hearts and see
what it has to tell you.  Are you loving yourself, are you loving each other?  For most the answer to one of those questions will be NO.  It is time to change your answers so that both questions will be answered with a very loud YES.

Loving is not about who is right and who is wrong, it is about simply loving each other because you are here and you are in need of that love to exist.   Love is like food.  Your body needs nourishment or food to survive and your soul needs nourishment or love to survive.  For too long your soul has gone without and it is shrinking and drawing up inside itself for lack of love. 

So put aside your rights, wrongs and judgments.  They serve no purpose but to harm you.
So stop today and no longer see yourself or other beings with the eyes of right and wrong.  Fill your hearts today with the love I am offering and see yourself and other beings through the eyes of love. 

Does your world not look different now?  You will need to practice this each day: stop
and allow your heart to fill with love and then step out into your world and see it with eyes of love.  Your lives will change quickly to one of loving and reaching out rather than one of sorrow and remorse for all that you are missing.

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Letter 13

Dear Ones,

Where have you been?  I am missing each and every one of you.  There is a thread that connects each and every one of you to me.  So many of you have turned away from yourselves and from love.  I am love.  That is my connection to you.  I am unconditional love for I love you just as you are.  There is nothing for you to do or to change.  I know that
I have spoken about this in previous letters but it is necessary to speak of it again.  It is not always believed that it is possible for me to love you just as you are.  In your minds you are set in believing that you are unworthy of love, you see no way for it to be true that I could love you as you are.

I say to you, STOP AND TELL ME, what good your harsh judgments and your thoughts of unworthiness have done for you.  They have done nothing but beat you down, they have turned off your light; they have closed down your heart.  Your heart is aching for love, caring, support, and unconditional love.  Inside of your being you are crying out for what I offer. 

I beg of you to let go of your resistance and your thoughts of unworthiness.  Allow me
to share my love with you for you are so worthy and so beautiful!  You are a being of immense light and you have much work to do in your world! 

Let of go of your fear and step into my light, and allow your light to turn on.  Come and walk with me.  Take my hand and join me.  There is nothing to lose by joining me while there is much to lose by staying in the dark. 

Know that you have the courage to reach out and take my hand.  Let us together begin to heal and then reach out to help others heal.

Know that you only need call me name and I will be.

In Love, Mother Mary

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