Letter 30
Dear Ones,
Allow me to love you. You read my letters and you like my words. Are you truly letting me into your hearts and minds. Are you believing that I love you? It is difficult for most of you to believe that I could love you. It is hard to believe that you could feel it in your physical world.
Would you like me to touch your cheek, hold you hand, kiss your forehead, or put my hand on your shoulder. All of these and more are possible. I can touch you and you will be able to feel it. I am here and I am loving you. Our energies are connected.
COME AND BE WITH ME RIGHT NOW. Put yourself in a quiet and separate place. CLOSE YOUR EYES, TAKE SEVERAL DEEP BREATHS, CALL MY NAME AND I WILL BE THERE. Know that I am here with you. Continue to take deep breaths allowing yourself to be here in this space only. Letting go of your world. Think of your body and how it feels. Feel your own energy as it runs through your body. Being very quiet now and only focusing on your body and the energy running through it.
Where would you like me to touch with you? May I touch your cheek, or hold your hand. What will make you know that I am really here? Tell me what you need so that you will
know for positive that I am here and I am loving you.
You only need ask and I will come time after time to touch with you. To give you the love and support that you need. These are difficult and challenging times on your planet. I am here to help you travel through these times. There are thousand of others here to travel with you also.
Every being on your planet is in need of love and support to travel through these times.
Your world is traveling so fast it feels like you are constantly running out of time. Are you feeling like it is difficult to keep up? Let us love you and support you as you make your way through your day.
Know that I am here and you only need call my name.
In Love, Mother Mary
Letter 31
Dear Ones,
We have talked about Hope before and we will continue to talk about Hope from time to time. All beings need hope in their lives. Hope for a better life for your children, hope for a better life for yourself, and hope for your world.
Hope that the wars and the killing will come to an end. Hope that there will never be another reason to go to war. Hope that all the beings of the earth will finally come to realize that when you hurt someone else you are doing it to yourself.
All beings on your earth at one time or another have prayed for peace on your earth. Peace for all the people of the world. You have heard this many times from many different people. Peace starts with you. Peace will only come to the world, one person at a time.
So my Hope today is that you will start to allow what you all have been HOPING for to begin. There will only be better lives for your children, yourself and your world when peace reigns.
SO TODAY STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING OR THINKING RIGHT NOW. CLOSE YOUR EYES, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME. In you head you are thinking I am a peaceful person, this is not about me. Stop and think back over the day. What do you see, what do you hear? Were you angry, resentful, at what happened when you watched your news? Everyday in every way there are small thoughts and actions that take away from the peacefulness of the world.
This is not something that you even know or that you are aware of doing. It is a way of life. Not only is it taking away from the peace of the whole it is taking away your peace, your hope. The anger and resentfulness will not change the things in the world that you don’t like and don’t want. It only adds to the hopelessness and the desperation. Sending out thoughts of love and support will be what begins to change your world. Giving yourself thoughts of love and support will begin to change your personal life.
Knowing and believing that I am here with thousands of others. We are sending you hope, support, and love. It will begin to change your lives. Once you begin to practice sending out love and support you will notice a change will begin to take place inside of you. Anger and resentment will begin to vanish and be replaced with Hope. Hope for yourselves, your families, and your world.
Call on us we are waiting here to help you make the changes that will make your life more peaceful and hopeful. Please let us help.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
Letter 32
Dear Ones,
Where in your body do you store the hurts and memories from long ago? So long ago that you aren’t even sure they are still there. You no longer think of them except on rare occasions. However, they are still there in your cells and organs. They are what is causing disease, aches, and pains in your body.
It is time to let go of the hurts and memories of long ago. They are no longer needed in your life. I am here today to tell you I will take them away for you. You only need agree that you would like me to take them. You need to agree to allow forgiveness to come into your heart. Forgiveness for yourself and others.
We will make a trade; I will show you how to release those old hurts and memories. You in turn will give the hurts and memories to me. With the releasing, forgiveness will follow. BE WITH YOURSELF FOR A MOMENT AND THINK ABOUT THIS. IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT TO DO. CAN YOU ALLOW YOURSELF TO DO THIS? ARE YOU TIRED OF THE WAY YOUR BODY FEELS? WHAT ABOUT YOUR HEART, HOW DOES IT FEEL? ARE YOU NOT TIRED OF THE HEAVYNESS OF IT ALL?
If you do not wish to join us today, then we will again visit tomorrow. I say to you go and have a day of joy, love, and happiness. I am here and I will be loving you today and every day.
For those of you who want to join with me today, NOW IS THE TIME TO CLOSE YOUR EYES, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME. ALLOW MY ENERGY TO FILL YOUR BEING. THERE WILL BE A SOFT GENTLE FLOW OF ENERGY COMING FROM YOUR HEART AND FILLING UP YOUR ENTIRE BODY. Can you feel it now? Warm and gentle. I am here with each of you. You decide what it is you wish for me to take and it will be released from your body. Just with the releasing of it you have planted the seed of forgiveness in your heart.
That seed of forgiveness will grow as you go through your days. Love and gentleness for yourself will be like sun and water for that seed. If there are others you are forgiving, your thoughts will travel through the energy waves to allow the forgiveness to happen.
If you wish to do the forgiveness in person listen to your heart and what it tells you to do. Know that I will be with you if you choose to do it in your physical world also.
Know that I am here to help you with this and there are thousands of helpers here to travel with you each day in what ever you choose to do. Know that you are loved and cared for more than you can imagine. Please allow us to help you.
Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.
In love, Mother Mary
Letter 33
Dear Ones,
What shall we talk about today? What if we talk about love, hope, caring, families, joy, and connection? It all comes down to connecting with others. That is what life is about, the connection and the sharing of love. THIS IS YOUR PURPOSE. THIS IS WHY YOU ARE HERE.
You connect with your partners, your families, and friends. There is a whole world out there that you are connected to without realizing it. Connection works in STEPS. You are connected to every being on your Mother Earth. You don’t think about it or even allow yourself to consciously think about it. BUT THE CONNECTION IS THERE. IT IS DEEP, ALIVE AND PERSONAL TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU.
If you were to acknowledge and take that information into your bodies and heart, how could you live here on your Mother Earth! Stop and think about this for a moment. YOU ARE ALL ONE. WE ARE ALL ONE. The people who are killing each other, the people who are starving and dying of neglect, THEY ARE ALL ONE WITH YOU.
So today let us begin to change those thoughts of separation. Today turn your thoughts to connection and love. TAKE THE TIME RIGHT NOW TO CLOSE YOUR EYES. BREATHE DEEPLY, PLACE YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME. Take my hand and come with me to the Circles of Connection. Circles of beings holding hands with each other. There are thousands of circles entwined with each other. Every color, race, religion, and country is represented in each circle. The circle is opening for you. Step into the circle and join hands with all the different forms of yourself. There is a wave of love and connection traveling from hand to hand. You sending out love and receiving it back. A constant never ending flow of love and connection.
It is possible for you to change what is happening on your Mother Earth. It is possible for you to make a difference. YOU ARE ONE PERSON AND IT ONLY TAKES ONE PERSON TO START THE CHANGE. Come and meet with me daily at the Circle of Connections and you will see that you are one person in a hundred thousand. All of you wanting the same thing.
The waves of love and connection can and will travel over all of your Mother Earth. Bringing you back to your beginnings and your purpose for being here. REMEMBER!
Your purpose here was to grow and learn about love and connection. This is STEP 1, we will talk about the other steps in the days and months ahead. Know that we are here to be with you as you learn and grown. We are here to help you in whatever way you may need. There are thousands of us here waiting for you. We are loving you and connecting with you.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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