Saturday, March 25, 2023

Letter 281


Letter 281

Good Morning Dear Ones,

How are each of you doing today? There has never been a more important time to be practicing your Self-care and Self-love. After the intensity of the last few months, each of you are worn a little thin and are in need of support, nurturing, and love. Providing some of that for yourselves is a wondrous gift and asking for that from your personal tribe is so important. Also, please do not forget to ask us; we have unimaginable amounts of love, support, and nurturing to offer you. Please be as gentle with yourselves as you can.

Know that I am holding each one of you in my arms as you read my letter today. As you read this letter, allow your hearts to open and accept this love, and know that you each deserve this and so much more. You all have worked so hard, and at times it must seem like you have been working at this forever. Know that we are right here with you and that this is where we will stay.

Each of you has your own separate issues to work through as you continue on your chosen paths. Yes, they will continue to appear time after time until they have been completed and released. So, I am hoping that you will take care of them sooner than later. For it seems that each time they return to you, they become stronger and stronger until you can no longer ignore them. Ignoring your issues takes an incredible amount of your energy and time. So if you are finding yourselves tired and exhausted, you might take a closer look at what has been appearing in your lives and has it been there before.

Each of you know and are aware of what I am speaking of. Yes, we are aware that sometimes it just seems too painful to sort through the old issues and events. Remembering now, that they become stronger and more intense the longer they are held close. You will be amazed at the relief and joy that will fill your hearts, minds, and bodies as you find release and letting go.

Also, remember that it is not always necessary to go back and re-examine every detail of an event or issue. Many times it can be a simple acknowledgment of what your heart, mind, and body are experiencing that will allow it all to be released and let go of. It is always important to acknowledge what your body, mind, and heart are experiencing. All parts of you are connected and make up the whole of who you are. There is no way for you to ignore what is happening in any part of yourselves. You can pretend to bury emotions deep inside and make yourselves believe they are gone and no longer have any control over your lives, but that is a great huge untruth. Those emotions that you have tried to hide away are what is controlling your every move, thought, and action. This believing that you are able to hide away issues, events, and emotions from the past is the biggest trick that the beings of earth play on themselves.

This trick is the most painful thing of all. The trick is holding each being who chooses to walk this path in a most painful stranglehold. Their lives, actions, and reactions are all about holding the denial of their hidden issues, events, and emotions in place. This way of being is not living, and it is called surviving. There is no time or energy for living a heart-centered life.

WE are right here, ready to help you release and let go of those hidden away emotions, issues, and events from your past. There are excellent beings on Mother Earth in human form who can help you to release and let go of all that you have been hanging on to; if you ask for help, the ones who can help you will appear.

Know that we are loving you so greatly and holding you so dearly in our hearts. We are right here standing with you supporting you, and loving you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Letterv 279


Letter 279

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Once again, today, I want to talk about you. Each and every being who is living on Mother Earth at this time is a gifted and incredible being. During this time, your main purpose is to discover who you really are. Most of you find it extremely difficult to believe that you are incredibly gifted beings. It seems that you would rather think you are normal and average. You often just want to be like everyone else.

It is extremely important for each of you to recognize that you are not like anyone else on Mother Earth. You each are separate and wondrous beings. Your gifts and talents are amazing. AND NO, I AM NOT JUST SAYING PRETTY WORDS TO YOU. ALTHOUGH I DO LIKE SAYING PRETTY WORDS TO YOU. THIS IS NOT THE CASE AT THIS TIME.

It is so important for each of you to take a good strong look at yourselves. Look at your dreams and I am talking about the ones you never tell anyone about. The ones you keep hidden away from the world and most of the time even from yourselves. You keep telling yourselves that there is no way those dreams can come true. BUT, THE TRUTH IS THOSE DREAMS CAN COME TRUE IF YOU WILL ALLOW THEM TO COME TRUE. THE ONLY THING STOPPING YOU FROM HAVING EVERYTHING YOU HAVE EVER DREAMED OF IS YOU!!!

Your disbelief in yourselves is what has stopped the whole process. Believing that you are not capable of doing what you are dreaming of has stopped everything in its tracks. I am asking you to take the time over your coming days and nights to allow yourself to truly look inside, to see yourself in truth without all the misperceptions and lies you have told yourselves through the years. Yes, this will take big risks allowing yourselves to see the truth of who you are.

I want to reassure you that you will not be standing alone as you take this journey into yourselves. We will be standing with you. We will be holding your hand as you take this journey. You can do it. I know you can. You each have been so brave and have been through so much during these last years on your planet earth. Look at all the changes you have made. Look how you have grown and changed. This is just the next step. It is time to step forward and see the truth of who you really are. It is time to accept and move forward to use the gifts that you were given before you ever arrived here on Mother Earth.

Do you not know that the gifts that were given were given to pay honor to who you are and all you have accomplished in previous lifetimes? These gifts were given in LOVE AND HONORING. Each of you is held in the utmost respect and honor in my world. You each are cherished and loved beyond what you can imagine. We are standing right here beside you. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Letter 278


Letter 278

Dear Ones,

The time is upon us when you each must face those things you have been hiding from. You will find there is no longer anywhere to hide. If you have been using addictions to alcohol, food, drugs, sex, tobacco, chaos, or fixing others as a convenient place to hide, then know it will no longer work. These addictions are the tools that are used to keep you stuck in one place.

All of you who have been finding ways to hide from yourselves will see that you no longer can hide. It is most sad that you do not know it is unnecessary to hide, for each of you are perfect just as you are. No, you are not the same as anyone else on the planet, but then you were never meant to be like anyone else. You each are unique, bringing your own talents and gifts to the world.

Your purpose for being here on Mother Earth is to simply be here loving yourselves and loving every other living breathing life form. In your loving, you bring gifts that no other being can bring to this earth. Only you can bring your own special unique love and caring.

So, today I am asking you all to let go of the belief that you should or must be like everyone else. The wonder of your world is the wonder of each separate and unique being that lives on Mother Earth. You all have different beliefs, traditions, and cultures; the differences are meant to be honored and cherished. It has never been about one person being better than another or one more important than another. ALL ARE EQUAL IN OUR EYES, AND THAT IS THE WAY GOD MEANT IT TO BE.

If you have been living with the belief that you are better or worse than the next being then you are living in your ego. Living in the ego diminishes yourself and everyone else. Living in the ego is responsible for all the wars, violence, hate, frustration, despair, and isolation. Living in such a manner is not really living, it is existing in fear. As we have talked about before fear is the opposite of love. Love is the purpose and the energy that allows Mother Earth and each of you to live and exist. If you have been living in the ego world, it is time for you to step away and return to the world of LOVE.

Know that we are right here waiting to help you in any way we can. WE are ready to help you make the transition from the ego world to the world of Love.

We here in my world are loving you each and everyone.


Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Letter 277


Letter 277

Good Morning Dear Ones,


As the days, weeks, months, and years have passed since I first wrote this letter, there are more and more of you are believing my words. You are recognizing that you do not need to earn my love, it is just freely given. It is my hope and prayer that very soon each being of Mother Earth will know and believe the truth of my words. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary


Dear Ones,

Today let us talk again about Love. You cannot talk too much about Love. Love is why you are here on your earth. Love is why I am here writing letters to you. Love is not about what you look like, or how you talk, or the clothes you wear.

Love is pure and simple. Loving yourself or someone else is about simply cherishing that being for who they are. It is about what is inside of that person. I can see what is inside each of you. I love you dearly, each and every one of you. Each and every being is beautiful and unique. There is no one like you in the whole of the universe.

I ask only that you allow me to walk with you and love you. There is nothing you need do or say to receive my love and support. It is just here, waiting for you. There is no need to think in terms of I will be a better person, I will do this or that. It is not necessary to earn this love or to receive it as a reward.

It is given freely without attachments or requirements. Love is the purpose for you being here on your earth. Learning to love without attachments or requirements is the purpose. Learning to share your love and to receive love is your purpose.

You each have taken different paths to find your purpose and fulfill it. Some will succeed and others will not fulfill their purpose in this lifetime. The energies on your earth are pushing and shoving you forward to succeed. Your world is changing and your energy vibration is being lifted, all working towards the fulfillment of your purpose, learning to love yourself and all other beings of the universe unconditionally.

I am here showing you what it means and how it feels to be loved unconditionally. I am here to give to you what each of you needs. Love without strings or attachments. Just love standing all by itself.

RIGHT NOW CLOSE YOUR EYES, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART, AND CALL MY NAME. QUIET YOUR MIND AND BE RIGHT HERE WITH ME. I am putting my arms around you. Can you feel the warmth? There is a softness that comes and surrounds you. I am right here just being with you. Allow yourself to stay right here for a few more minutes. Allow yourself to soak up this warmth and fill your body up, so there is no room for anything but LOVE. Know that I am here with thousands of others waiting to help you and love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary