Thursday, December 29, 2011

Letter 170

Letter 170
Dear Ones,

In Love, Mother Mary

 Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question
and answer sessions  to her readers.  If you are interested in
having your own personal letter or session from Mother Mary
please call or email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or session. or 503-717-4302

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Letter 169


Dear Ones,


Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

 Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question
and answer sessions  to her readers.  If you are interested in
having your own personal letter or session from Mother Mary
please call or email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or session. or 503-717-4302

Monday, December 12, 2011

Letter 168

Letter 168

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about what is happening to you and your world.  You and your world are being bombarded with intense energy waves.  All of you are still standing firm after the 11-11-11 portals.  You just had a total lunar eclipse and are walking towards the 12-12-11 portals.  As you read this letter, the 12-12 portal opening will be occurring, and winter solstice will soon be arriving.

With all that has occurred to you and to your world, I will say to you to be very, very gentle with yourselves.  I wish to tell you to rest and take extremely good care of yourselves.  Know that I am here in my world sending gentle loving care to each of you.  WE here on this side are watching over you and making these transitions that you are traveling through as gentle as possible.   Yes, I can hear you saying, couldn’t you make it a little gentler, a little easier.  We are trying.

It becomes doubly hard to withstand the onslaught of energy occurrences when core issues are peeking their heads up out of the depths.   So I would say to you to stop and take the time to clear and release these old issues.  That will be a much kinder and loving way in which to treat yourselves.   REMEMBERING that it doesn’t take great strength and courage to push these issues back down.  It does take great courage and strength to stand and deal with what is happening in your personal world.  

Your heart will have more room for love, joy, and happiness, when your judgmental mind is not trying to control your being.   What if your judgmental mind could be gone and never to return?   Living without a judgmental mind would be a glorious way to be.  Your life could then become heart-centered.  This is where your journey is leading; this is how it was always meant to be on your Mother Earth.  Judgments or right or wrong thinking was never meant to become a way of life.   There are many of you still out there hanging on to this way of living, and I am telling you now it is time to STOP.  IN FACT, IT IS WAY PAST TIME TO STOP. 

LOVING KINDNESS, ACCEPTANCE AND APPRECIATION OF YOUR FELLOW BEINGS IS IMPERATIVE FOR THE HEALTH OF YOUR HEARTS AND YOUR WORLD.  I will say to you once again and many more thousands of times, that I am right here loving you most dearly.  There are thousands of us here on this side waiting to help you.  Let us show you how to release these old ways of thinking and being.  We can show you how to find the path to becoming a heart-centered being.  Know that I LOVE YOU, EACH AND EVERYONE.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary 

 Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question
and answer sessions  to her readers.  If you are interested in
having your own personal letter or session from Mother Mary
please call or email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or session. or 503-717-4302

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Letter 167

Letter 167

Dear Ones,

Today lets us talk about you.  Have you been able to stop long enough to take a look at yourself and the world around you?  Today is a good day to stop and take a look in the mirror.  What you see in the mirror will be very different from what I see.  You will be wearing the same glasses that you have worn for most of your life.  Are you telling yourself the same old things about the one who is looking back at you from the mirror?
Is it not time to bring yourself into the present moment and see yourself as you are today?

I am asking you to sit with me today and tell me about yourself, tell me who the being is that you see in the mirror.  Are they young or old, or does that even matter?  Are you a man or a woman, or does that even matter?  What is important to you, what really matters to you?  I am wanting to know who you believe you are, and what really matters to you. 

Remembering now, that the energy of your world and the universe comes from a heart-centered space.  Are you living in a heart-centered space?  Every living breathing life form of the universe is learning to live in this new heart-centered way.  In many cases, it is a huge step for many of the life forms to come to a heart-centered way.  For the beings of Mother Earth it is a gigantic step to move into living in a heart-centered way.  Most beings of Mother Earth are walking around confused and disconnected from themselves and the rest of the world.  This heart-centered way is a strange new concept to many.  Some may not even know there is a new concept or new way that they can start living. 

For generations, your world has lived in one way, never knowing or believing that life, as they know it could and would be changing.  They have believed that the way that they have been living is the only way, the best way or should I say they believe it is the right way.  WELL I AM GOING TO SPEAK QUITE LOUDLY RIGHT NOW.  THE WAY YOU HAVE BEEN LIVING IS NOT THE BEST WAY, THERE IS ANOTHER WAY.  A GENTLE LOVING WAY TO LIVE AND IT STARTS FROM THE CENTER OF YOUR HEART AND WORKS IT WAY FROM THERE.


NOW LET’S GO BACK TO THE MIRROR.  WHO ARE YOU AND HOW ARE YOU LIVING?  WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU?   IS MONEY AND POWER AT THE TOP OF YOUR LIST OR ARE YOU AT THE TOP OF YOUR LIST?  I am hoping and believing that you have put yourself at the top of your list.  Once you can put yourself at the top of the list and start seeing yourself for who you truly are, then you will begin to be have a heart-centered world and universe.  

As you look in the mirror and start to tell me who you are, please know that I cannot and will not listen to any words that do not speak the truth of who you are.  I want to hear no list of things that you believe might be wrong with you.  It is time to take off the glasses of the old way of being and believing.  It is time to step into the new energy, it is time to cross the bridge to your heart and really look at yourself from a heart-centered space.

Can you see that the being looking back at you from the mirror is alive with light and love?  The glow of your being is able to light up your part of the universe and lights up my heart with love.  It is time for you to fill in the blanks and tell the rest of the universe and me who you truly are.   I AM ____________, ______________, __________, _____________, and _______________. 

Are you surprised at what you have learned today?  I am not surprised for I know what a wondrous and wonderful being you are.  Know that you are greatly loved and cherished most dearly by me.   I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

 Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question
and answer sessions  to her readers.  If you are interested in
having your own personal letter or session from Mother Mary
please call or email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or session. or 503-717-4302