Sunday, May 5, 2024

Letter 241


Letter 241

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about resistance. I am guessing there are some of you out there who are going to say what is she talking about, resistance? Resistance is the holding back usually from fear of any new changes that are happening in your personal world, Mother Earth's world, and the universal world.

Resistance comes in many forms and in many ways. It is as individual as each of you. Resistance in any form is almost always about fear. The list of different kinds of fear goes on and on. The list of fears is huge and immense. Each being of Mother Earth could be holding resistance in their bodies and there would still be enough fear left over to go around a second time.

Many of you can see the fear and resistance in your friends and families, but what about in yourself? It is most unusual for beings of earth to be aware of their own resistance. Beings of earth always find another way to explain their not taking the next step. Their explanations go from being too tired, to busy with work, need to take care of their children, husband, and on and on. There is a never-ending supply of reasons that you each can hold back and hang on to your resistance.

Resistance is the one way you can stop yourselves from moving forward and becoming who you are meant to be. Resistance is your logical mind/brain working overtime to stop you. Telling you, NO you can't do that, what will people think, he or she won't like me if I do that, and again, we can go on and on.

Resistance does not belong in the 5D world nor will it ever be allowed in the 5D. Resistance is not part of being a heart-centered being. In your heart-centeredness and your connection to me and the rest of the spirit world, there is no thought that you can't do something or someone might not like it. Those thoughts do not exist here in the 5D world. Those kinds of thoughts come from the 3D world where your very existence was based on what others thought about you. Their thoughts and opinions counted 100% and yours counted for 3%. That is not the way the 5D world works. In the 5D world, your opinion of yourself is all that counts. Harsh judgments of yourself or others does not live in the 5D world. REMEMBERING NOW THAT THE 5D WORLD IS HEART-CENTERED. Harsh judgments reside in the 3D logical mind/brain world only.

WE are so very aware that it takes immense courage and strength to step out and be all that you are meant to be. We find no surprise in the fact that many of you are facing huge resistance inside your beings. We are asking you to step out and do things you never in your wildest dreams thought that you could or would be doing. To some of you, it may seem as if we are asking you to step off the cliff and fly. Your logical minds are unable to process the pictures and thoughts of who you think you might be that are coming to you during this time. That logical mind of yours is screaming and waving its arms saying no don’t go there. THAT IS RESISTANCE IN ALL ITS GLORY.

So not only are we asking you to step out and step off that cliff, we are asking you to let go of your logical mind/brain and no long believe what it is telling you. IT IS TIME TO BELIEVE THE PICTURES AND THOUGHTS THAT ARE COMING TO YOU. Those thoughts and pictures are truth. Your hearts are opening more all the time and your heart is allowing the thoughts and pictures to come to you.

We are hoping so urgently that you will choose to believe what your heart is showing you. WE are standing right here beside you sending you light, love, hope, courage, and strength. WE are here with you 100% and we will always be here for each of you. I have said this a hundred million thousand times and I will never be tired of telling you that you are so greatly loved and cherished by all here in my world. We honor each one of you for all you are doing to help your world on its journey into the 5D world. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Letter 246


Letter 246

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about the “NOW.” What do I mean by the now? I mean this exact moment in time, what you’re doing and thinking right now. Many of you are unaware of how important staying in this moment in time called “NOW.”

Most of you are going through your daily lives thinking about tonight, tomorrow, or last week. You each are missing exquisite moments that are happening right now in your lives. Did you catch that look from your partner, children, or friend? The look that tells you how much you mean to them or how loved you are. NO, your mind was someplace else thinking about how you hope your life will be someday. Or, maybe you were thinking about what you should have said or done last week. Did you take it one step further and start beating yourselves up for what you should or shouldn't have done?

The “NOW “ gets lost in all the mind games of yesterday or tomorrow. Never once in all the chaos and commotion was it all right to be exactly who you are in this precise moment. Never have you allowed yourselves the freedom to just be who you are in the moment. Can you even imagine how that would feel to be totally all right for a single moment in time? There would be no thoughts of, I wish I had said this or that. No thoughts of my clothes are not right, or these people don’t like me, and I don’t fit in with this group.

I am talking about leaving all that self-talk behind and just allowing yourselves to be for one moment in time. Of course, I am hoping that once you can allow yourselves the one moment then you would want to try for two moments in time. I wish for you the great freedom to be just exactly who you are at every moment in time. I wish for you that all the dark words you say to yourselves were released and put to rest. I wish so many, many things for each one of you.

There is so much joy, happiness and peace of mind waiting for you in the “NOW.” Of course, all of this is going to take some time and effort on your part to get to the place where you can live in the now free from the words spoken in the dark. IF you are finding my words hard to believe, then I will ask you each to try and release some of the words you speak to yourselves in the dark. Do you not find yourselves feeling lighter and more joy filled? Is there not more light and ease in your life without the words spoken in the dark? The weight of each day becomes lighter when you are not carrying everything from your past into today. Letting go of all thoughts of the tomorrow and the next day will allow you the freedom to just be in today.

It is important to remember that you are not alone; there are thousands or millions of us waiting right here to help accomplish all that you want and need. Please know that it is all right to ask for the smallest thing or the most immense thing you can imagine. WE will always stand beside you and help you in any way that we can.

Know that you are never alone. Most certainly you are never alone at the darkest moments in your days and nights. We are always right there whether you are aware of us or not. You each are greatly loved and cherished. Know that I am loving each and everyone of you and holding you most dearly in my heart.  I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Letter 245


Letter 245

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Today I again want to talk about the things you say to yourself in the dark. You may think that this subject is old and needs to be let go of, but the truth is this subject is your pathway into the 5D world.

Are you remembering that the 5D world is about LOVE? I am talking about UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Unconditional love starts at your home, in other words; it starts with you. Do you love yourself unconditionally?? For 99% of the beings who live on Mother Earth, the answer is No. That is why this subject is not ready to be let go of.

Most beings of earth have not taken the steps to learn how to love themselves unconditionally. This is not something that you think about in your mind and expect that then everything will be all right. If in the past, you have worked at it from that angle, then it is time to work at it from all the different parts of you. Everything in you comes into play when we talk about learning to love yourself unconditionally.

I mean that your emotional being, your mind, your physical body, and your heart all need to be working together on this particular journey. You speak to yourselves in hurtful unkind ways. The words you use are not something you would ever say to another person, but yet you use them on yourselves.

Those words help you to stay in the same stuck place that you have been for the past many years. Inside yourselves, you know that if you let go of those words said in the dark that your whole world would change. And what does that mean for you? It means letting go of your control. Your belief that you are in control is the biggest untruth in your world.

Now is the time to look at the truth of who you are. It is time to appreciate yourself and all that you are and all that you do. I wish that there were a way for me to let you see what I see. Each one of you are so cherished and special in your own unique way. It is the ongoing continuing struggle to make yourselves into the false pattern of what is normal on your planet. There is only one problem with that; nobody knows what normal is because there is no normal. Each one of you are different and unique; you were never meant to be like everyone else. The ugly unkind words you say to yourselves in the dark will never make you exactly like all the other beings of earth.

I know that your world, your earth is blessed because of the great differences in all of you. Here in my world, we are grateful and overjoyed by the wonder of each of you. We are continually amazed by your differences. Know that we are loving greatly and holding each and everyone of you in our hearts.

I am going to include the paragraphs from my last letter that explained how to work with yourself and with us to discover the truth of the words, you say to yourselves.

“Well, the time has come to let go of those words or sayings. It is a process of taking a moment and asking yourself the question, “What do I think of myself?”You are going to be amazed at what pops into your mind. My next question to you is, when was the first time you heard this, and who said it to you? Allow that picture to come into your mind. REMEMBER NOW YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GO BACK AND RE-LIVE IT JUST WATCH HOW THE PICTURE PLAYS OUT IN YOUR MIND. Often times what the child hears is not really what is being said. Look at who is saying this and what is happening to that person. NOW THE BIG QUESTION? IS IT ABOUT YOU OR IS IT ALL ABOUT THE OTHER PERSON AND WHO THEY ARE AND HOW THEY ARE LIVING THEIR LIFE? Is it their energy that you took at that time and have been carrying for years, is it their misconception of who you are and you believed it? Remember now you were a child and believed whatever someone older said."

Those old untruths will let go and be released as soon as you recognize the truth of what was happening in that time and place. REMEMBER that we are right here beside you ready to help you in any way as you go through this process time after time until all the words from the dark have been all brought into the light. I will say again and again that we are loving you so greatly and holding you most dearly in our hearts.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Letter 250


Letter 250

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about who you believe you are. I am not talking about who you really are, but who you believe you are. Most of you will still be holding thoughts and beliefs about yourselves that you learned in your childhood. There will be very few of you who have taken time to adjust your thinking to the truth of who you are today and who you are meant to be.

Those thoughts that you have carried with you from your childhood are really thoughts that belong to someone else. Throughout your childhood, you heard your Mother, Father, Aunts, Uncles, and siblings tell you who they thought you were. Most often those are the things that you believed about yourselves. In your childhood thinking, you would believe that if they said it, it must be true.

Well, I want you to hear me very clearly today, this is not the truth. What you heard was their opinion, which can often be a long ways from the truth of any situation. So, I say to you today, who do you believe you are? Many of you will simply repeat what you have been told over and over by others. I am hoping there are a few of you who will stop and think about this question. Actually, I am hoping there are more than a few who will stop and wonder about this. Looking at what they have been told and then looking at how they live their lives.

These are very large and important questions for you to answer. First looking at who you used to be and how you live your lives in the past. Then going forward to how you live your lives today, who are you right now in this day? You have all changed and grown over your lifetimes. NOW THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION OF ALL IS WHO ARE YOU GOING TO BE FROM THIS DAY FORWARD? In my last letter, we talked about your dreams and what you are wanting in your lives. NOW ONCE AGAIN, A BIG IMPORTANT QUESTION. Can the person you believe you are today live the life you are dreaming about? Do you believe that inside yourself? If you don't believe you can be the person in your dreams, then how can those dreams come true?

Are you understanding that it is time to change the perception you have of yourself? It is the time to close your eyes and see the truth of who you are. You are capable of impossible things. You are capable of fulfilling every one of your dreams. YOU, INSIDE YOURSELF, MUST BELIEVE AND KNOW THIS IS TRUTH. If you don't truly believe you can be the person in your dreams, then how can your dreams come true?

So, once again, I will say, close your eyes, come with me, and we will watch this video of who you truly are. Just breathe slowly allowing yourselves to relax and see what we are showing you. This is the truth of who you are and what you are capable of doing. OPEN YOUR HEARTS AND MINDS TO ALLOW THIS NEW INFORMATION TO BE ABSORBED INTO YOUR BEING. NOW ALLOWING THE OLD PERCEPTIONS TO RELEASE AND FADE AWAY. It is most necessary to let go of the old so that there will be room for the new to come into your being. Each morning over the next days and weeks take the time to sit quietly and watch this video, giving yourself the time and space to truly absorb what you are seeing.

For a few of you, there will be instant recognition of the truth of who you are. For, others it will take time and effort to let yourselves believe what you are seeing. Can you see yourselves living your dreams and doing all that is being asked of you for your dreams to become your reality? REMEMBER THAT THIS CAN BE A PROCESS OF TAKING VERY SMALL STEPS TO REACH YOUR BIGGEST GOALS. Once again, I will say to you, we are here ready to walk each of those steps with you. We are loving you and support you every step along the way. These small steps are part of your pathway into the 5D world. Allow yourselves the possibilities of all there is. I am loving you so greatly and cherishing each one of you in my heart.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Letter 249


Letter 249

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about your dreams. What are you dreaming of? What do you dream about? Are you allowing yourselves to see and hear what your heart is telling you about or are you ignoring all that is happening inside yourselves? You each are so much more than you allow yourselves to know about. You each are capable of unimaginable things.

Yes, I know that you allow yourselves to see and visualize your small safe dreams, but what about the others? The ones you never talk about or almost never allow yourselves to think about. I am talking about the big dreams and hopes, the ones that change your lives forever. The dreams that put you right out front where everyone can see who you are and who you were always meant to be.

It is time to let yourselves think about these big dreams, time to fantasize and become comfortable with them. Thinking and fantasizing about those big dreams can be called your first step towards making them a reality. Now, is the time for each of you to begin stepping forward and allowing yourselves to acknowledge where you need to be going and what you need to be doing.

Right now, let's stop and take a moment to allow yourselves to visualize what can be. Allow yourselves to close your eyes; take several deep breaths; calling my name and come on this journey with me. Just continue to breathe and allow your mind to empty and float freely without worries or cares. Place your focus on your heart and now placing your hand over your heart. In your mind ask for help in allowing your dreams and purposes to come forward so that you may see them clearly. Some of you may already know part of these dreams and purposes and there will be others who have no idea. Continue breathing and allowing your heart to be in charge. Allow yourselves to hear and see the words and pictures that are being shown to you. Allow yourselves to see the big picture of it all. Each of you stay with what is being shown to you until there is nothing left to see or hear and then return back to this time and this letter.

NOW IS THE TIME TO SIT AND WRITE DOWN ALL THAT YOU HAVE BEEN SHOWN. THESE THINGS YOU HAVE LEARNED TODAY ARE NOT TO BE FORGOTTEN AND BURIED AWAY AGAIN. It is so important for each of you to know and understand where you are headed and what it is you need to be doing to fulfill yourselves and your purpose.

What each of you are going through on a daily basis takes tremendous courage and strength and how much easier it will be if you have an idea of why you are going through this process. Are you now beginning to understand why it is important for you to recognize and acknowledge where you are going and who you are going to become? You are not here on your Mother Earth during this lifetime by accident. Each and every one of you came back during this time on Mother Earth with a definite purpose to fulfill.

You each can continue to allow your fear of change and loss of control to hold you back and keep you in place, or you can take your leap of faith to step out. WE ARE STANDING RIGHT HERE WITH YOU READY TO TAKE THAT LEAP OF FAITH ALONG SIDE OF YOU. IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER DURING THESE TIMES THAT YOU ARE NOT ALONE, NOR HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ALONE. There have been times for each of you when it felt to you that you were alone, but we were always right there holding your hand or holding your whole being in our arms.

I want you now to go and look in the mirror and picture me there beside you. Tell me who you are and why you are here on Mother Earth at this time. NOW TAKE MY HAND AND LET US GO TELL THE WORLD WHO YOU ARE AND WHY YOU ARE HERE.

We are standing here beside you loving you and cherishing you so dearly. Know that I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Letter 235


Letter 235

Dear Ones,

Welcome to Spring!! It is a time of new beginnings, growth, hope and fulfillment.  I know as you open your eyes wherever you might be on your Mother Earth it may not look and feel like spring, but be assured that it is.

Mother Earth is awakening just as you will slowly awaken over the next months discovering new and wondrous things about yourselves. During these months of growth and new beginnings allow the real being that you are to emerge and become one with this world that you live in. There is much for you to learn and grow with during this time.

In the past you have allowed yourselves to only know small bits of yourselves. There is so much for you to discover about yourself. There are gifts and possibilities that you have never imagined or allowed to come forth. This time will be a time of surprises and wonder for some. Others of you will finally be able to say, “I thought that I could do this or that.” You finally allow yourselves to acknowledge all that you are or all that you are allowing yourselves to see at this time.

Each of you is an amazing and gifted being. You have heard it said many times in the last few years that you are a multidimensional being. Most of you think about that for a moment, but you do not let yourself dwell on it or even accept the possibilities of what that might mean. All of you are living at the same time in different realities or dimensions. Most of you keep yourselves unaware of that. It is difficult to comprehend or understand how that could be. Remembering now that your soul and spirit has no physical body. Your physical body belongs and is part of the reality of Mother Earth. That does not mean that you would take it into another reality with you.

So understand that it is your soul and spirit that travels and lives in other realities and in other physical forms. I know that many of you are experiencing loss of time or the feeling of snapping back into place and wondering where you have been. I have heard you say to one another, I must have been in some other reality. Well, yes you were, but your physical body stayed right here. Your mind and brain carried on as if you were right here. But, in truth all that was here on Mother Earth was a tiny portion of who you really are.

You each are these wondrous and incredible energy beings that are capable of doing things you can’t even imagine. During these coming months, you will begin to understand more of what I am saying. You will begin to see and comprehend more of who you are. Over the next months and years, all will become clearer as you allow yourselves to become all that you are.

Of course, we will be standing right beside you as you make these changes. We will share your growth and new beginnings. We here on this side are celebrating and honoring all that you are and all that you are becoming. Know that you are greatly loved and cherished. I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Letter 217


Letter 217

Dear Ones,

The times on your Mother Earth are going very fast right now. Your lives and times are speeding faster than you every thought possible. Remember last year at this time you thought then you were going fast. But, in truth, it is nothing compared to your world today.

Many things are coming together and it is necessary for much progress to be made in the next few weeks. For those of you who read my letters and are aware of what is happening in your world, it may be surprising to you that there are still Millions of people who are totally unaware of what is happening. There are many beings of your Mother Earth who are still asleep and are choosing to be that way. They have decided in their hearts and minds that they do not want to be involved in these long-awaited changes. We here in my world simply send them love and caring each day. For the path, they have chosen is indeed more difficult than the path of awareness and participation.

Each of you are aware of the people in your personal lives who are still asleep and are choosing to ignore and disbelieve what is happening. So I would ask that you also send them love and caring each day. As you are sending love and caring to others, please send it to yourselves also. We here are grateful for the work you are doing in helping these changes to occur on your planet.

There is and has been much speculation about the coming days. I want to assure you that there is nothing to fear. Your world will not end nor will there be great natural disasters that will destroy your Mother Earth. You are all aware that your weather patterns are changing. Those changes are causing you to have larger and more intense storms. Yes, these storms are causing great damage and loss. These storms of are the effects of not taking care of your Mother Earth. The great amount of damage that has been done to Mother Earth has changed and destroyed some of the patterns of your world that need to work in harmony. It is past time to pay attention to the harm that has been done to your Mother Earth. It is time to start repairing the damage that has been caused.

The coming 5D world is about LOVE. Mother Earth is trying to heal and prepare herself to be part of that 5D world. Imagine in your mind that Mother Earth is and has been treated like an abused child. She has had little care or concern. She has been the dumping ground of any and all your waste. For eons, she has been absorbing and transforming all the negative energies of the beings who live on her. That is almost impossible to imagine, but it is so. Not only has she absorbed all negative energies, but what about the garbage and waste of your world.

So once again I will say very loudly that the coming days have nothing to do with the storms and weather-related disruptions that are happening on your planet. They are all about Mother Earth's patterns being destroyed and disrupted. She is attempting to heal and make herself ready for the 5D world.

So right now this very minute it is beyond important for each of you to be sending LOVE to your Mother Earth and every living breathing life form that lives on Mother Earth. We here on this side are sending LOVE in great huge amounts to each of you and to your Mother Earth. We are holding each and every one of you in our hearts. I am loving you greatly.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Letter 216


Letter 216

Dear Ones,

Today let us stop and take a look at how far you have come. Remember back to last year at this time. What were your thoughts, how did you feel about yourself, how did you feel about your world and the whole of the world? Did you like yourself? Did you like your life and what about your friends and families? How do you feel about them?

These are big questions, which I hope you will take the time to answer. Look at yourself today and look at yourself a year ago. What do you see and what are the changes you have made or have not made? Is your life going in the direction that want? Are you listening to yourself? Are you listening to spirit?

Have the things of the 5D world come to live in your world here today? Is JOY, HAPPINESS, LAUGHTER, LOVE, AND WARMTH part of your world today? Are those things there part of the time, none of the time, or maybe all of the time? Most importantly are you where you want to be and doing what you want to do?

If not, do you know how to get to the place where your life is what you want and how you want it? Do you know the steps to take to get yourself to that point in your personal journey? If not, then perhaps it is time to ask for help. I can hear some of you saying, "Mother Mary; I have been asking for help and nothing happens." And I say back to you does nothing happen or is it nothing that you thought should happen.

I want to remind you about something important when you are asking for help. Many times you ask for help, but then you tie our hands and only want the help to come in one certain way. Sometimes the way you want the help stops us in our tracks because it affects another being's journey. So your request is not just about yourself, it would mean taking away free will from another being. There is no way for us to step in and change another being's journey for the sake of someone else.

WE are here most desperately wanting to help you in any way we can. We are so aware that each and every one of you is in need of support and encouragement. This path you have decided to walk is not an easy one nor is it one that you need to walk alone. So when you ask us for help allow us the freedom to bring it to you

in the best way possible. Asking for help and keeping it all tied up in knots of control does not work nor has it ever. If you are not believing that you deserve the help, or that it will never come your way, then of course it won’t. Your thoughts stop the whole process before it can even get started.

So take time to practice asking for help without keeping it all tied up in knots of control or with doubts of your deserving what you are asking. I am excited to see what can happen now and what we will be able to help you with. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need ask and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Letter 215


Letter 215

Dear Ones,

Today is a grand day for opening your hearts one more notch. Let's amp up the love. Let there not be one being on Mother Earth who is not feeling loved today. As you walk down your streets, go to your churches, jobs, and grocery stores, open your hearts, and look at each other with the eyes of love.

Let there be no room for judgment or criticism in your mind or heart. Honor each being for who they are, not who you think they should be. Do not judge their looks, clothes, hairstyle, or who they are talking to. See them for who they really are.

For they are a child of God, just as you are and just as every other being on your Mother Earth is. And above all, look at yourself as a child of God. You each are perfect, just as you are at every moment in time. We have talked of this many times before, and I am going to keep talking about the self-judgments and the harshness with which you see yourselves.

The words you say in your head during your waking hours are harsh and, most times, so unloving. Many of you still find yourselves in the old mode of right or wrong. Most times, you judge yourselves to be wrong, not doing a good enough job, not dressing right, not saying the right thing, not being smart enough, or not being pretty or handsome enough. And let us not forget not being thin enough or thinking I am too thin.

The words go on and on. Some of you even go to the extreme of not believing compliments when they are given. The compliments are simply brushed aside as if they have no meaning. SO I WILL SPEAK VERY LOUDLY RIGHT NOW AND SAY TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU THAT YOU ARE WONDERFUL JUST AS YOU ARE IN MY EYES. EVERYONE HERE IN MY WORLD HAS GREAT APPRECIATION FOR EACH OF YOU.

I WANT EACH OF YOU TO STOP AND TAKE THE TIME TO LOOK IN THE MIRROR THIS MORNING AND REALLY SEE WHO YOU ARE. You are human beings who live on planet earth. You are going through times of great change and transformation. Your strength and courage is unheralded. You all are working hard to bring about a new and better way to be. Each of you is working to help transform your earth into a world based on LOVE.

This is a job of gigantic proportions. You each have had many lives getting yourselves prepared to take part in this transformation. You came here to do a job of incredible importance. We here on my side of the veil are honored and humbled by the opportunity once again to work with you and support you in this transformation. SO DO YOU SEE NOW THAT THERE IS NO ROOM OR TIME FOR HARSH AND UNJUST CRITICISMS OF YOURSELF OR EACH OTHER?

THERE IS ONLY ROOM FOR LOVE OF YOURSELVES AND LOVE FOR EVERY OTHER BEING WHO LIVES ON YOUR MOTHER EARTH. Know that I am always here for you and that I am loving you greatly and holding you in my heart.

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Letter 212


Letter 212

Dear Ones,

Your Mother Earth is desperately trying to heal just as each of you are. You each are aware of the great amounts of energy that it takes for you to release and let go of old hurts, sorrows, and injustices. It takes the same amounts of great energy for your Mother Earth to release her hurts, sorrows, and injustices that she is holding within her body and spirit.

There have recently been several earthquakes and rumbles going on within Mother Earth; this is her way of releasing old energy. These shakings and rumblings are not meant to harm the beings who live on Mother Earth; it is simply her way of releasing and letting go. Mother Earth is also using the wind, rain, and other forces of nature to cleanse herself and to prepare herself for the new world that is coming. And just as Mother Earth is preparing herself, you must also prepare yourselves.

Over the next few months, there will be and is presently a new push that each of you are feeling. The push is moving you back in time to release any old amounts of stuck held-in energies from this lifetime or other lifetimes. If you are thinking, "Haven't we done enough of this clearing and releasing" the answer is no, you have not. There are those of you who have cleared out most of the old energies of your past, but then again, there are those of you who have not even started. SO, I AM SPEAKING VERY LOUDLY RIGHT NOW; IT IS TIME TO GET STARTED. There are some beings that have cleared small amounts and feel that is sufficient. I want you to know that your energies of the past are heavy and solid. They weigh you down and make you unable to move forward to what you want.

The energy that contains hurts, sorrows, and injustice is heavy and solid. That energy dims your light and does not allow you to move into the 5D world. It is only with the releasing of these heavy energies that you will be able to complete your journey into the 5D. There are those of you out there who believe that it is not worth the pain and trouble to make this journey. For those of you who believe in this way, I want you to come on a journey with me. I want you to experience the 5D world. I want you to see it, feel it, hear it, and know what it feels like to live in the 5D.

So, right now, for all of you who want to experience this, it is time to close your eyes, put your hand on your heart, and call my name. I want you to breathe easily and gently. Continue focusing on your breathing. Breathing in a circle slowly in and out. Now you will find yourself standing in an open field, and there are animals wandering about, there are wildflowers growing everywhere. This spot is peaceful and filled with light. You are beginning to notice that the light is different than anything you have experienced before. The light seems to move around you and through you. And, now you are aware that there are other beings standing in the field with you. In fact, there are many, many other beings here with you, and the light moves through them and through you, connecting all of you together. Can you feel the connection now; does it not feel like your heart is singing with joy?

Are you aware that your heart is so large your not sure how it stays inside your body, and in truth, it is not staying in your body; it is moving out and around every being. That precious light that you are seeing moving around you and through you is the energy of all the hearts of your world. Is your mind, body, and spirit now at peace, are you feeling the joy and laughter, are you feeling the love and the rightness of all things?

Your heart, your love, your light is what makes the 5D world. Nothing is impossible in this world. LOVE IS THE CONSTANT IN THIS WORLD. ALL ARE CONNECTED BY THIS LOVE. Is the journey into the 5D world not worth all of this? Releasing and letting go of the pain and sorrow, so there is room for the love and light to flow and grow within your body.

We are always aware of the gift of free will that you have been given, so of course, this is your choice. How do you want to live, and who do you want to be? This is not a journey you have to travel by yourselves. There are many Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light in your world who will be there to help if you ask. There are thousands and millions of us here on my side that are waiting for your call. Love, help, strength, and caring are waiting to come your way; you only need ask. We here ask you to come and join us on this journey or to continue onward if you are already traveling this path.

Know that I am holding you most dearly in my heart, and I am loving you greatly. I love you, I love you, and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Letter 211


Letter 211

Dear Ones,

The energies of your Mother Earth right now are intense, confusing, and extremely stressful. The energies right now are down at the bottom of your core bringing up every piece of garbage it can find. If you have any victim issues left unfinished, then that is coming up. If you have any relationship issues with your partner, families, or friends, then that is coming up. Everything is coming to the surface and this will continue for the next few months.

We are so aware of how difficult this is for each of you. Know that we are standing right here beside or behind you supporting and loving you. Know that for some of you if we were not here beside you or behind you, then you would be laying on the floor. For most of you, it seems to be coming in waves. When the waves come just acknowledge them and let them wash over you and go on by. Above all do not hold onto any part of the waves, feelings, or energies that accompany the waves. Spend time cleaning and clearing your energy field and ask us for help in that area.

At this time, it is impossible to hide or hold onto any unfinished issues you may have. The energies of now will make you so uncomfortable and feel so out of control that stopping this is impossible. The only thing that can be done at this time is to keep standing and releasing and letting go. All that is coming forward from your depths has no value or meaning in your life right now. Its only purpose at this point in time is to hold you back or hold you in a stuck place.

The rest of your body, mind, and spirit is reaching and stretching to go forward. You each are straining to move forward in your journeys to the 5D world. So know that this too is part of your journey. It is something that each of you must travel through to reach the 5D world. As you move into the 5D world, each being must be free of all old emotional, mental, and physical conflicts within themselves.

Imagine in your mind that as each wave passes over and through you that your heart is able to open wider and wider. The old emotional, mental, and physical conflicts are able to keep your heart closed and afraid. The release of these will allow your heart to open to its fullest. A completely open heart is what your journey is all about and what your goal is and was in returning to Mother Earth at this time.

I am here loving you and holding you most dearly in my arms. Allow me to comfort and hold you as you walk this part of your journey. Know that there are thousands or millions of beings here on my side wanting and wishing to comfort and support you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Letter 210


Letter 210

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about paying attention to yourselves. What I mean by that is, are you noticing how you are feeling in the morning when you get dressed? How do you feel once you have your clothes on? Do your clothes make you feel good or do they make you feel skinny, fat, ugly, beautiful, old, young or are you just wearing the same old thing because that is what you always wear? How do they make you feel?

I am thinking that there are many of you right now saying, “Oh Mother Mary what does this have to do with anything?” It has to do with how you live your life. I will explain what I am talking about. How you feel about yourselves once you are dressed and ready for your day is how you will feel about yourself for the rest of the day. It may not be the constant feeling right there on the top of the feeling pile, but it will continue to be there all day. It will be hiding under the surface. So whatever you are feeling in your clothes then you are carrying that feeling about yourself around with you all day long.

And all day long that feeling will be underlying everything you say and do. It will be a constant in how you project yourself to your family, your friends, your co-workers, and the people on the street. Most importantly it will be how you are thinking and feeling about yourself all day long. If you are a being who is feeling good about yourself and ready to face the world with your heart open and caring that is wonderful. BUT, FOR THE OTHERS THAT ARE NOT HAVING LOVING, KIND, SUPPORTIVE, AND CARING FEELINGS FOR THEMSELVES, IS THIS HOW YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TO LIVE YOUR LIVES? MY NEXT QUESTION IS, HOW CAN YOU BE LOVING AND SUPPORTIVE OF OTHERS WHEN YOU ARE NOT BEING LOVING AND SUPPORTIVE OF YOURSELVES?

I HAVE USED CLOTHES AS AN EXAMPLE BECAUSE EACH OF YOU PUT ON YOUR CLOTHES EVERY MORNING AND THEN SET YOURSELVES UP FOR HOW YOU WILL FEEL ABOUT YOURSELVES THE REST OF THE DAY. No, you will not be thinking about it every morning, but it will be there affecting everything you do all day long.

This is not just about the clothes you wear it is about everything you do in your life. How does each and everything that you do daily in your life make you feel? If you are feeling good and knowing that it is a loving and supportive thing to do for your body, mind, and spirit that is wonderful and I applaud you. If it is not, then it is time to change what you are doing.


The clothes you wear, the food you eat, how you drive your car, or how you walk through the grocery store matters. The journey into the 5D is not just about the big things in life it is about the smallest thing that happens to each of you everyday day. EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT. EVERY FEELING YOU HAVE ABOUT YOURSELVES AND YOUR WORLD IS IMPORTANT.

Whether you are aware of it or not you each act and react to every feeling you have. How you are in the world is a picture of how you are acting or reacting to your thoughts and feelings. IT IS TIME TO STOP AND TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT IS HAPPENING DAILY INSIDE YOURSELVES. IT IS TIME TO TAKE A LOOK AT WHO YOU ARE IN THE WORLD. HOW ARE YOU INNER-FACING WITH THE WORLD?

We are here loving you and wishing to help you in any way we can. You only need ask and we will be there to help you. Once again, I will say there are thousands of us here to help. We are loving you and holding you most gently in our hearts.


Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Letter 209


Letter 209

Good Morning Precious Ones,

There are not enough words in your world to express our love and appreciation for who each of you are. Your differences and uniqueness is wonderful to behold. My heart breaks when I see your young people so desperately trying to be like everyone else. And it is not just the young people who wish to be like everyone else. Many, Many times I hear beings say I just want to be normal; I want to be like everyone else.

So, let me say again that it is your differences and uniqueness that is wonderful to behold. Each of you learning to love yourselves is a big step on your journey into the 5D world. In fact, that is the biggest step and perhaps the hardest one to reach and achieve. It is easy to try and walk around this one or to pretend to the outside world that you are loving and appreciating yourself. But, it is important to remember that pretending to the outside world is not going to work on your journey to the 5D. Saying loving words out loud about yourself and the whisperings that you do inside your head need to match. It is the whisperings that I am concerned with. What you say to yourselves each and every day all day long. Are the words inside your head loving and caring words or are they abusive and harmful? It is time to know that the unkind whisperings have to stop before you journey fully into the 5D world.

The 5D world is a world of truth, light, and love. Pretending does not work here.

You are being asked to appreciate and love yourself for exactly who you are. It does not mean that you wait to love yourself until you have changed this or that. IT MEANS THAT RIGHT NOW TODAY THAT YOU LOVE YOURSELF JUST AS YOU ARE. It is important to remember that everything is a work in progress. Each and every day you are changing and becoming new and different. So it is about loving the changes, loving who you were yesterday, loving who you are today, and who you will be tomorrow.

It is also important to know that until you can accept and love yourself just as you are right now in this moment in time, it is not possible to love others in an unconditional way either. These two things walk hand in hand. Loving yourself unconditionally is step one. Once that is accomplished then step two falls right into place and you are able to extend that same unconditional love to each being of Mother Earth and Mother Earth herself.

So today, I ask you to let go of your right and wrong, good and bad thinking and I should have or should do thinking. Just allow yourselves to be without judgments or long lists of things you should have done or not done. FOR TODAY JUST BE.

When those harmful whisperings in your head start up let them go, send them away, or ask me for help in taking them away. As you start practicing this in your daily lives, you will soon find that the whisperings in your head will start matching what you say out loud to the world about yourself. Soon you will know that you are a most perfect being just as you are today, tomorrow, and all the days after that.

Know that we are here loving you and wishing to help you in any way we can. You only need ask and we will be there to help you. I am cherishing who you are and loving you most dearly in my heart. I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Letter 208


Letter 208

Dear Ones,

Today let us take a look back at what has been. Who were you a year ago?  How has your life changed? How have you changed? Many of you who have  been reading my letters for some time, will be able to see great changes in yourselves. There will be many beings who have never read my letters and who will have made great changes, for they have been learning and listening to other messengers who have come forward at this time.

There are still many beings of your Mother Earth who are not listening to any of the messengers who have come forward at this time. These beings have not started on their journeys of change and then there are the beings who started their journeys but got stuck along the way.

So, today there will be beings who read my letters and they know that they are stuck. I will say to you, it is time to become unstuck. I hear the question coming back to me; I don’t know how to become unstuck. The answer is simple “YOU ASK FOR HELP.” That has always been the answer to everything. Simply ask for help. It does not matter what you see facing you, what you are afraid of, or who or what you think is standing in your way. We will always be there to help you. If you believe that you are unable to hear us or feel us, then I say to you go to a quiet space. Stop and give yourselves a chance to hear us or feel us. REMEMBERING THAT WE ARE HERE, WE ARE ALWAYS HERE.

For those of you who are standing in amazement at how much you have changed and who you have become, we are standing here and applauding you. Now it is time to turn around and see the ones who are coming along behind you. It is time to reach out a hand if you have not and help others who are not as far along on their journeys as you are. This is all leading back to some of the very first letters I have written. Each of you are connected to every other being on your planet. Everyone and everything is connected and part of the whole. There is no room here for judgments, or I am further along than you. Everyone is at their own place and time in their journeys. But, every being needs help and needs a hand along the way. If anyone thinks, they have gotten to this place in their journey by themselves, then you are not as far along on your journey as you are thinking.

Your world was meant to be about one hand reaching out to another helping, supporting, encouraging and loving each other. Your world is to be about LOVE.

Part of loving is the willingness and the wanting to help others as well as helping yourselves. Part of loving is also the willingness to ask for help and to accept the help when it arrives. Be it help from us here in my world or help from the beings of your Mother Earth.

Right now in your world, there is such anger, fear, hate, and rage floating in the air that any signs of help being offered will do much to alleviate what is floating around the energy field of Mother Earth. So for those of you who have been walking your journey and who have made many changes, ask for help as you turn around to offer help to others. In just the asking for help, some of the energy field surrounding your Mother Earth lightens and becomes clear and love filled again.

Know that we are always here and that we are ready to help in any way that you ask. We are loving you greatly and holding you most dearly in our hearts. I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Letter 196


Letter 196

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Are your eyes open and are you ready for a bright new day? Many of you are still sleeping and vaguely wondering what is happening out in the world. You go to work, feed yourself and your families. Think about the world in general terms and wonder what is happening.

But, you choose not to delve further into what is happening. Life is easier if you pretend that you are unaware of what is going on around you. There are others who are pretending to be awake. They are listening and watching, acting as if they are participating in the changes that are taking place. When I speak of changes, I am meaning the energy changes of your world. The changes of your world going from a 3D directed universe to a 5D directed universe.

Then there are those of you who are awake and working very hard to clear and clean your energy fields. Working to be present and involved in the energy changes that your Mother Earth is going through. We are most aware of the courage and strength it takes to be an active participant in these changes. We know and you also know that is your reason for being on Mother Earth at this time.

For those of you who are sleeping or pretending to be awake, I want to assure you that what is happening in your world is not as scary as you first thought. Yes, I know you have been watching what those ones who are actively participating in these changes are doing. What you are seeing them going through can at times be frightening. They are dealing with feelings of all kinds. They are facing their fears and walking through them to the other side. They are digging deep within themselves to find out who they are and who they can be.

All of these things are scary and beyond your wildest imagination. But, have you talked to them, have you looked at their faces, have you noticed how they are living and how they have changed? Do they look and act scared? Yes, sometimes they do look and act scared, but what about the rest of the time?

Are they not walking taller, is there not a light shining out from inside of their bodies, are they looking younger? Have you noticed the differences? Are they not more confident and sure of who they are? Would you not like to have some or all of those things for yourselves? Is it not time to wake up and time to stop pretending? Is it not time to become an active participant in your changing world?

So, today I am asking all of you who are still asleep and those of you who are pretending to participate if you are ready to step forward and start becoming who you are meant to be? If you are ready then, simply say in your mind that you are ready and say to me that you are ready.

We will be here to show you the way. We will be leading you, helping you to find your path and at times we will be standing behind you pushing you forward. But, most certainly we will always be loving you and cheering you on. Each of you will have your very own support group of Angels, Guardians, and Protectors. You will never ever be alone on this journey. We will always be right there with you.  I am loving you and holding you dearly in my heart.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Letter 195


Letter 195

Dear Ones,

Has it felt over the last few weeks and months as if you have been dropped in a whirlpool of confusion, chaos, and episodes from your past or even perhaps past lives? There has been and will be for a few more weeks and intense energy wave filtering around and through your Mother Earth. Your physical bodies are on overload. The human body has never experienced or expected to experience the energetic vibration that is occurring now on Mother Earth.

We here are doing all that we can to assist you during this time.  If I were standing in your shoes right now, I think I would be screaming you are not doing enough to help me.  So please know that we are doing all this is possible at this time.  We are standing close and will assist you in whatever you are asking for.  It is important during these times to recognize that you are not alone

Today I wish to speak of your wants, dreams, and wonderings about who and what role you each will play in the coming 5D world. Many of you say often, "I don't know what I want or who I want to be." I AM SPEAKING VERY LOUDLY RIGHT NOW. ALL OF THAT INFORMATION IS STORED INSIDE OF YOU. Yes, that is right, it is inside of each of you. It is buried and hidden away under all the fears that you are holding. Those fears will continue to keep you from who you are and what you want to do. I can feel your looks of wonderment, thinking and saying what is she talking about.

I am talking about your dreams, hopes, and the real you that is buried under a mountain of fear. Or perhaps it is no longer a mountain but a small hill if you are one of the beings who has been working on releasing their fear. ALL OF THIS PRECIOUS INFORMATION IS HELD INSIDE EACH OF YOU. IT IS TIME TO REMEMBER THAT EACH OF YOU ARRIVED ON MOTHER EARTH WITH ALL THAT INFORMATION IN YOUR HEARTS. YOU ALL WERE AWARE OF WHY YOU CAME BACK AND WHAT YOU WERE TO BE DOING DURING THIS LIFETIME.


So, remembering now that what affects the one will affect the whole.  That is true of releasing fear also.  As one of you releases old fear you become a beacon to others who also need to release old fear.  Your courage is contiguous and will move forward to the next person.  Your courage will continue spreading from one person to the next in an ongoing never-ending line of support and encouragement to all.   

We here are knowing that you all have the courage and strength to help yourselves and to pass it along to help your family, friends, and loved ones. Of course, we here are standing right beside you. We are loving you greatly and holding you most dearly in our hearts. Each of you are treasured and held in the highest regard for who you are and who you are becoming. I love you, I love you and I love you.              

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Letter 241


Letter 241

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about resistance. I am guessing there are some of you out there who are going to say what is she talking about, resistance? Resistance is the holding back usually from fear of any new changes that are happening in your personal world, Mother Earth's world, and the universal world.

Resistance comes in many forms and in many ways. It is as individual as each of you. Resistance in any form is almost always about fear. The list of different kinds of fear goes on and on. The list of fears is huge and immense. Each being of Mother Earth could be holding resistance in their bodies, and there would still be enough fear left over to go around a second time.

Many of you can see the fear and resistance in your friends and families, but what about in yourself? It is most unusual for beings of earth to be aware of their own resistance. Beings of earth always find another way to explain their not taking the next step. Their explanations go from being too tired to busy with work, needing to take of their children, husband, and on and on. There is a never-ending supply of reasons that you each can hold back and hang on to your resistance.

Resistance is the one way you are able to stop yourselves from moving forward and becoming who you are meant to be. Resistance is your logical mind/brain working overtime to stop you. Telling you, NO you can't do that, what will people think, he or she won't like me if I do that, and again, we can go on and on.

Resistance does not belong in the 5D world, nor will it ever be allowed in the 5D. Resistance is not part of being a heart-centered being. In your heart-centeredness and your connection to me and the rest of the spirit world, there is no thought that you can't do something or someone might not like it. Those thoughts do not exist here in the 5D world. Those kinds of thoughts come from the 3D world where your very existence was based on what others thought about you. Their thoughts and opinions counted 100%, and yours counted for 3%. That is not the way the 5D world works. In the 5D world, your opinion of yourself is all that counts. Harsh judgments of yourself or others does not live in the 5D world. REMEMBERING NOW THAT THE 5D WORLD IS HEART-CENTERED. Harsh judgments reside in the 3D logical mind/brain world only.

WE are so very aware that it takes immense courage and strength to step out and be all that you are meant to be. We find no surprise in the fact that many of you are facing huge resistance inside your beings. We are asking you to step out and do things you never in your wildest dreams thought that you could or would be doing. To some of you, it may seem as if we are asking you to step off the cliff and fly. Your logical minds are unable to process the pictures and thoughts of who you think you might be that are coming to you during this time. That logical mind of yours is screaming and waving its arms saying no, don't go there. THAT IS RESISTANCE IN ALL ITS GLORY.

So not only are we asking you to step out and step off that cliff, we are asking you to let go of your logical mind/brain, and no longer believe what it is telling you. IT IS TIME TO BELIEVE THE PICTURES AND THOUGHTS THAT ARE COMING TO YOU. Those thoughts and pictures are truth. Your hearts are opening more all the time, and your heart is allowing the thoughts and pictures to come to you.

We are hoping so urgently that you will choose to believe what your heart is showing you. WE are standing right here beside you, sending you light, love, hope, courage, and strength. WE are here with you 100%, and we will always be here for each of you. I have said this a hundred million thousand times, and I will never be tired of telling you that you are so greatly loved and cherished by all here in my world. We honor each one of you for all you are doing to help your world on its journey into the 5D world. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Letter 240


Letter 240

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Today you each will be experiencing subtle shifts and changes in your world. Some of you will be aware and then others will walk through their day as if nothing is happening. Is this not the way it is in your world right now? There are many of you who are so aware of what is happening and the changes taking place with your world moving from 3D to 5D. Then again, there are those beings that have no conscious thoughts about this at all. Furthermore, they do not want to know because it will mean great change in their lives.

During these next few weeks is a golden opportunity for those of you who are aware to strive to be all that you are. In your hearts, each of you knows who you truly are. It is your minds or brains that stop you from believing it or acting on it. If you are unable to allow yourselves to believe what your heart is telling you how could you possibly start living your life in that way.

It is time to live consciously as if you are in the 5D world. Over the last, many months we have been talking about the 5D world being a heart-centered world. So now it is time to start consciously living as if you believe and know that to be true. In other words, it is time stop your logical mind and brain telling you who you are or who you aren’t. It is time to act from what your heart is telling you.

Listen to your heart and believe what it is showing you and telling you. Take a moment to close your eyes and now taking several deep breaths. Put your hand on your heart and call my name. Just for now, in this moment in time brain/mind is going to take a time out. The only thing we are interested in right now is what your heart is saying to you and showing you.

Stay right here with me, picture me in your mind; however, you might imagine that I look like or feel like to you. Very slowly now allow the picture in your mind to change. Now you are seeing who you truly are. The picture may appear very slowly, but just keep breathing and allowing. If you start to try and control what is happening just go back to your breathing and concentrate on that for a moment. Then, just allow the pictures of yourself to come back into focus. Pay attention to what you are doing and saying. Watch this person you are seeing like you would watch someone walking in the park. Simply pretend that you are people watching right now.

Watch very closely to what is being said, to what is happening. What about the energy around this person and how do they carrying themselves? How are they walking through the world? Notice how the scene changes and they are moving through their lives with ease and confidence. You are showing yourselves how your life was meant to be. When you feel you have seen all there is for you to see come back to the here and now. This is the time to write about what you have seen, either physically writing or by going to your computer and recording it there. This is not the time to say, “Oh, I will remember and write it down later.” Your memory will fade and your day will be full and all you have learned about yourself today will be forgotten. The truth is, it will be more convenient to forget what you have seen and heard then it will be to remember. Because, if you remember, then you will have to change and start becoming who you are.

It is time, My Dear Ones to start living and being who you are truly. Even if your brain and mind keeps telling you NO YOU CAN’T POSSIBLY BE THAT PERSON your heart knows the truth and so do I. It is important for me to remind you that we are right here beside you. WE are ready and willing to help you in any way that we can. WE will hold your hand and walk with you as you take those steps to become who you truly are. So, take my hand let us walk this path together. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary