Sunday, April 30, 2023

Letter 286


Letter 286

Good Morning Dear Ones,

There are a hundred thousand things I could speak of this morning. But, as always I would rather talk about you and how you are doing in the craziness of your world. The energies of your world are once again battering your physical and mental bodies.

These energies are taking you each into the depths of all that has been buried inside of you throughout your lifetimes. Many are experiencing great grief and letting go of much that has been known to them. Others are experiencing pain from this lifetime and other lifetimes. Your actions today are not always about what is happening today, they can be from days long ago.


When this time has passed you will find that your physical bodies feel so much lighter and more at peace than you have known before. Your emotional and mental bodies will be clear and able to process all the information that comes from traveling your daily lives. You will no longer find the confusion and doubts that have lingered with you in the past. You will find your minds sharp and in tune remembering much more than has been occurring in the past many months.

You will find that your motivations and inclinations are stronger and help you to move forward on your chosen paths. Many of the questions that you have been asking yourself and me will come to your minds and there will be answers that come with the questions. You will have reached the place in your life cycle where the answers to your questions will no longer be so frighting and unimaginable. Finding your direction and path for these times will be easier and more clear. Your self-confidence and belief in yourself will have grown and expanded. You will find that you are much more than you believed yourselves to be.

This will be the beginning of becoming who you are meant to be; the beginning of starting to fulfill your purpose here on earth and your reason for returning during this time. It is no small thing that each one of you has chosen to be here during this time on Earth. Your bravery, courage, and strength are wondrous to watch. WE here in my world, applaud you and are standing with you every step of the way. In fact, we will carry you if that is what you need. We love you each and every one. You are so precious to each being here in my world. It is beyond your imaginations to know how much you are loved and supported by all beings in my world. Know that I am loving you so greatly and holding you so dearly in my heart. I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Letter 285


Letter 285

Dear Ones,

I am so honored to be here with you this morning. It is with great joy that I ask Barbara to scribe these letters for me. It is my hope and prayers that my words bring some comfort and joy as you walk your path on Mother Earth. You each are doing just a magnificent job on your journeys. Yes, there are bumps and rough spots along the way. But, is that not part of the reason you choose to come back to earth for this lifetime?

When your soul made the decision to return to earth and be part of all these changes, it was well known that this would not be an easy path. So, yes, there are many bumps and bruises along the way. But I want to assure you that you are doing well. Each time you come to a rough spot, you find a way to walk around it or through it, and then you just keep on walking. WE in my world are amazed and so proud of all that you do. You each are making progress on your paths. Your thoughts of Love and Light are helping to change the collective energies of Mother Earth.

We are so aware that when you look around in your daily lives, you might find it hard to believe that your world is changing and moving towards the 5D. We want to reassure you that this is a truth. Mother Earth is changing and moving closer to the 5D. You are right; it will not happen tomorrow, but it will happen. Each one of you is part of the reason that it will happen. Your bravery, courage, strength, and love are providing the energy for you and your Mother Earth to move forward.

Your efforts in Self-Care and Self-Love is part of what is moving Mother Earth forward. In these past months, I am aware it has not been easy to move forward with Yourself-Care and Self-Love. So, there may be days or even weeks that you cannot move forward in that area, but you always come back to it and pick up where you left off. Your learning to love and care for yourself is a huge and important step on your individual journeys and on Mother Earth's journey. As you each love and care more for yourselves, then you are reaching out to care and love others more, and that includes Mother Earth.

Each of you are aware someplace in your consciousness that Mother Earth is not doing well. The beings of Mother Earth have not been kind and loving to her. For decades, she has been the dumping ground for all and any waste, no matter how toxic and deadly. The beings of Mother Earth oftentimes see her reactions to all that has happened to her as a personal affront to them. The truth is, at times, you could say she has the flu. Her actions and reactions are much like a human who has the flu. There is a releasing and letting go of what is causing the sickness inside of her or each of you. Her releasing is much more dramatic because it affects each of you. This is a perfect example of actions and reactions. Each action that each of you takes caused a reaction to the whole of Mother Earth. It is important to remember that when you are releasing anger and frustration, or perhaps it is even rage and thoughts of revenge, then that goes into the collective consciousness of Mother Earth. Those thoughts, feelings, and actions are disbursed out into the energies of Mother Earth and Mankind.

It is important to remember that every being who makes up the whole of all brings their energies to the collective whole. So, practice Yourself-Care and Self-Love and bring that energy to the collective whole. Each one of you makes a huge and important contribution to the whole of the ONE. Be mindful of what energies you are providing to the whole.

I am sending you much love and surrounding you with my presence. Each one of you is surrounded by your guides and angels. Often times they are, in fact, carrying you when you yourselves are unable to move forward. There are those times when you think, how did I do that? Believe me when I say that you have much help in all that you do. We here are loving you so greatly and holding you so dearly in our hearts and hands.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Letter 284


Letter 284

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Today, I once again I want to talk about Self-Care. We are going to take Self-Care to another level today. A most important level. I wish to speak of energetic Self-Care. As you start your day and walk out your door in the morning are you asking for help in keeping yourself protected and grounded?

There are some of you who do not know what I am speaking of and then there are those of you who do know and often forget. So today, we will have a conversation about protection and grounding. Let us start with grounding. During these most intense times, it is imperative that you stay grounded and in your bodies. Yes, we are aware that during these times, it may feel more comfortable and easier to be out of your body floating around in the ethers. But, while your energetic body is out in the ethers, what is happening to your physical bodies? During those times, your physical body will go into automatic pilot. Doing whatever it has done in the past, and leaving a part of yourselves unaware of what is happening. A good way to explain this is, to think about those times when you find yourself someplace and you have no memory of how you got there or what has been happening. That is having your physical body on automatic pilot.

We of course, are there protecting you and watching out for you. We are holding you close to us, loving and supporting you. During these intense times, it is beyond important that all bodies meaning your physical, energetic, cellular, spiritual, mental, and emotional bodies all be connected and in one place at the same time. If you are unaware of how to protect yourselves or how to ground, then you need to ask for help in learning how to do that. All of you know Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light and they can show you what you need to do.

It is important for each of you to recognize that just as the 3D world and the 5D physical world are struggling against each other; the same is happening in the energetic world. What is happening in the middle east of Mother Earth is also happening in the energetic world. The 3D and the 5D worlds are struggling against each other and it has escalated to intense proportions. The 5D world is winning and becoming more prominent in its thoughts and beliefs. More beings are turning towards the way of the 5D world. The beings of Mother Earth are hungry for LOVE and the world where they can live and be surrounded and supported by LOVE. The 3D world is fighting to hold on to its old ways of anger, hate, violence, control, and power at all costs. All of this is happening in your physical world there on Mother Earth, but it is also happening in the energetic world. The beings that are choosing to stay with the 3D way of being are becoming desperate and more intense. This is a truth in the physical and energetic realms.

So, as Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light, it is imperative that you keep yourselves grounded and in your bodies. It is also imperative that you keep yourselves protected, So, each day before you leave your home and safe space it is of the utmost importance that you ask for our help in keeping yourselves grounded and protected from the 3D energies that are looking for ways to drag you back into their way of thinking and being. If you find yourselves doing and acting in old uncomfortable ways, such as, feeling powerless, becoming the victim, feeling desperate, isolated, hopeless, holding hate and anger in your minds and hearts, know that this is not who you are and that you have picked up 3D energy that is hanging out in the collective consciousness looking for someone to attach to.

If you find that you have indeed picked up old 3D energy, then it is time to ask of course for our help, but also from helpers there on Mother Earth. There are many wonderful energy workers in your world and you will need to step up and ask for help in sending those 3D energies away. We of course will be right there loving you and helping you to stay grounded and protected. But, it is also necessary for each of you to ask for help and protection. Know that I am loving you greatly and holding you so dearly in my heart.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, April 8, 2023


Letter 283

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Over the next few weeks and months, you will notice that there has been a change in the energy that is coming into your Mother Earth. Many will feel as if they have climbed abroad a roller coaster. Their feelings and emotions may seem out of control. One moment feeling happy and at ease with the world and all they are accomplishing and then boom it will feel as if the bottom has dropped out of your world.

Some of you may already be aware of what is happening and it may not have caught up with others, yet. So, what I am saying to you is that it is time to learn how to surf the energy waves. Some of the waves will be very small and easy to ride out; other waves will be larger and take more time and skill to stay abroad the wave and not in it.

It is of the utmost importance that you allow yourselves to ride these energy waves and not to become swallowed by the moving currents. Each of you will find yourselves inside the energy waves many times over the course of these times. Use those times to release and let go of all old patterns and beliefs that are no longer serving you. If you are thinking that you have released all those old patterns and beliefs, then it is time to take another look at your life and reactions to all that is happening. Those old patterns and beliefs are still hanging around they may not be as strong, but they are lingering and holding on.

Your lives will be so much easier and gentler when they are released and let go of. It will take the surprise out of how you react to some of your life situations. I am talking about those times when you say and do something that you can't even believe you behaved in that way. Once you have time to think about what has happened you then recognize that it was how you had reacted and thought in the past. It is no longer who you are or how you think and act. But, all those old patterns and beliefs are still hanging around and sometimes spring into action without you being able to stop them.

It is important to know and recognize that you are not alone and this is happening to everyone on Mother Earth. Old patterns and beliefs are rising up to be released and let go of, completely. This is a time of completion, clearing, and cleansing. So, enjoy your ride on the energy waves and find gratefulness in those moments when you are in the waves. Of course, we will be right there with you surfing the waves and holding you as you fall into the waves.

We are always loving you and holding you most dearly in our hearts. We, here in my world are so proud and overjoyed by all that each of you are doing to help yourselves and your world. Each of you in your very own way is an immense light in the world. I am loving you each and every one.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Letter 282


Letter 282

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about each of you. How are you doing and where are you going? These times are once again more than intense. Are you feeling like you have been battered and bruised? The extreme strong energy waves continue to pound your Mother Earth and each one of you.

It is becoming more difficult in your world as the beings who are unaware of what is causing all that is happening on your planet try to maintain and survive. Those beings are becoming more agitated and angry with all that is happening. The collective consciousness of your world is becoming filled with extreme anxiousness and despair.

I am here with you today letting you know that we are aware of all that is happening on your Mother Earth and to each one of you. We are sending you energy daily to uplift you and provide you with the energy to continue moving forward. As you go about your daily lives it will help as you interact with other beings in your world if you can remember that there are many beings who do not know what is going on. Remembering that they do not know about energy or the changes that are happening and more importantly why those changes are happening. Looking at each being that you come in contact with the eyes of Love and Understanding can and will change the energy of Mother Earth.

Each one of you can make a powerful change in your world. The eyes of Love and Understanding have the power to change everything. Yes, we know that you each are tired and worn thin, but remember now that allowing the eyes of Love and Understanding to be your eyes will also change your personal world. As you see others with your eyes of Love and Understanding they will in turn see you with their eyes of Love and Understanding. Imagine if all eyes of the beings of Mother Earth would and could only see with LOVE and UNDERSTANDING. IT WOULD BE AS IF A TIDAL WAVE OF LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING FLOWED THROUGHOUT YOUR WORLD.

That tidal wave of Love and Understanding could and would change your world beyond your recognition. Are these not the changes you have been waiting for and working towards? Is this not what you want? This is the time now to shine your light and become all that you can be. All the doors are open and waiting for you to step forward. Eyes of Love and Understanding will wash away fear and self-doubt. Eyes of Love and Understanding will wash away all that keeps you trapped in your world of distrust of self and us. Your freedom lies in the Eyes of Love and Understanding. Those eyes will change your personal world and the whole of the world.

Know we are right here with you every step of the way. WE are seeing you with the eyes of Love and Understanding for all you have accomplished and all you will accomplish. Can you be the one to lead the change? As you go out into your world today, be it to the grocery store or the places where you work, can you and will you allow yourselves to make the shift that is needed to see with the eyes of Love and Understanding? We here in my world are very much hoping so!!!

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary