Saturday, September 26, 2020

Letter 285


Letter 285

Dear Ones,

I am so honored to be here with you this morning. It is with great joy that I ask Barbara to scribe these letters for me. It is my hope and prayers that my words bring some comfort and joy as you walk your path on Mother Earth. You each are doing just a magnificent job on your journeys. Yes, there are bumps and rough spots along the way. But, is that not part of the reason you choose to come back to earth for this lifetime.

When your soul made the decision to return to earth and be part of all these changes, it was well known that this would not be an easy path. So, yes, there are many bumps and bruises along the way. But I want to assure you that you are doing well. Each time you come to a rough spot, you find a way to walk around it or through it, and then you just keep on walking. WE in my world are amazed and so proud of all that you do. You each are making progress on your paths. Your thoughts of Love and Light are helping to change the collective energies of Mother Earth.

We are so aware that when you look around in your daily lives, you might find it hard to believe that your world is changing and moving towards the 5D. We want to reassure you that this is a truth. Mother Earth is changing and moving closer to the 5D. You are right; it will not happen tomorrow, but it will happen. Each one of you is part of the reason that it will happen. Your bravery, courage, strength, and love are providing the energy for you and your Mother Earth to move forward.

Your efforts in Self-Care and Self-Love is part of what is moving Mother Earth forward. In these past months, I am aware it has not been easy to move forward with Yourself-Care and Self-Love. So, there may be days or even weeks that you cannot move forward in that area, but you always come back to it and pick up where you left off. Your learning to love and care for yourself is a huge and important step on your individual journeys and on Mother Earth's journey. As you each love and care more for yourselves, then you are reaching out to care and love others more, and that includes Mother Earth.

Each of you are aware someplace in your consciousness that Mother Earth is not doing well. The beings of Mother Earth have not been kind and loving to her. For decades, she has been the dumping ground for all and any waste, no matter how toxic and deadly. The beings of Mother Earth oftentimes see her reactions to all that has happened to her as a personal affront to them. The truth is, at times, you could say she has the flu. Her actions and reactions are much like a human who has the flu. There is a releasing and letting go of what is causing the sickness inside of her or each of you. Her releasing is much more dramatic because it affects each of you. This is a perfect example of actions and reactions. Each action that each of you takes caused a reaction to the whole of Mother Earth. It is important to remember that when you are releasing anger and frustration, or perhaps it is even rage and thoughts of revenge, then that goes into the collective consciousness of Mother Earth. Those thoughts, feelings, and actions are disbursed out into the energies of Mother Earth and Mankind.

It is important to remember that every being who makes up the whole of all brings their energies to the collective whole. So, practice Yourself-Care and Self-Love and bring that energy to the collective whole. Each one of you makes a huge and important contribution to the whole of the ONE. Be mindful of what energies you are providing to the whole.

I am sending you much love and surrounding you with my presence. Each one of you is surrounded by your guides and angels. Often times they are, in fact, carrying you when you yourselves are unable to move forward. There are those times when you think, how did I do that? Believe me when I say that you have much help in all that you do. We here are loving you so greatly and holding you so dearly in our hearts and hands.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary