Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Letter 212

Letter 212

Dear Ones,

There have recently been several earthquakes and rumbles going on within Mother Earth, this is her way of releasing old energy.  These shakings and rumblings are not meant to harm the beings who live on Mother Earth it is simply her way of releasing and letting go.  Mother Earth is also using the wind, rain and other forces of nature to cleanse herself and to prepare herself for the new world that is coming.   And just as Mother Earth is preparing herself, you must also prepare yourselves. 

Your heart, your love, your light is what makes the 5D world.  Nothing is impossible in this world.  LOVE IS THE CONSTANT IN THIS WORLD.  ALL ARE CONNECTED BY THIS LOVE.   Is the journey into the 5D world not worth all of this?  Releasing and letting go of the pain and sorrow, so there is room for the love and light to flow and grow within your body.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at  
Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question and
answer readings to everyone.  If you are interested in having
your own letter or reading from Mother Mary, please email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or reading

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Letter 211

Letter 211

Dear Ones,

The energies of your Mother Earth right now are intense, confusing and extremely stressful.  The energies right now are down at the bottom of your core bringing up every piece of garbage it can find.  If you have any victim issues left unfinished, then that is coming up.  If you have any relationship issues with your partner, families or friends, then that is coming up.  Everything is coming to the surface and this will continue for the next few months. 

We are so aware of how difficult this is for each of you.  Know that we are standing right here beside or behind you supporting and loving you.  Know that for some of you if we were not here beside you or behind you, then you would be laying on the floor.  For most of you, it seems to be coming in waves.  When the waves come just acknowledge them and let them wash over you and go on by.  Above all do not hold onto any part of the waves, feelings or energies that accompany the waves.  Spend time cleaning and clearing your energy field and ask us for help in that area. 

At this time, it is impossible to hide or hold onto any unfinished issues you may have.  The energies of now will make you so uncomfortable and feel so out of control that stopping this is impossible.  The only thing that can be done at this time is to keep standing and releasing and letting go.  All that is coming forward from your depths has no value or meaning in your life right now.  Its only purpose at this point in time is to hold you back or hold you in a stuck place. 

The rest of your body, mind, and spirit is reaching and stretching to go forward.  You each are straining to move forward in your journeys to the 5D world.  So know that this too is part of your journey.  It is something that each of you must travel through to reach the 5D world.  As you move into the 5D world, each being must be free of all old emotional, mental and physical conflicts within themselves. 

Imagine in your minds that as each wave passes over and through you that your heart is able to open wider and wider.  The old emotional, mental and physical conflicts are able to keep your heart closed and afraid.  The release of these will allow your heart to open to its fullest.  A completely open heart is what your journey is all about and what your goal is and was in returning to Mother Earth at this time.  

I am here loving you and holding you most dearly in my arms.  Allow me to comfort and hold you as your walk this part of your journey.  Know that there are thousands or millions of beings here on my side wanting and wishing to comfort and support you. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at  
Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question and
answer readings to everyone.  If you are interested in having
your own letter or reading from Mother Mary, please email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or reading

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Letter 210

Letter 210

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about paying attention to yourselves.  What I mean by that is, are you noticing how you are feeling in the morning when you get dressed.  How do you feel once you have your clothes on?  Do your clothes make you feel good or do they make you feel skinny, fat, ugly, beautiful, old, young or are you just wearing the same old thing because that is what you always wear?  How do they make you feel?

I am thinking that there are many of you right now saying, “Oh Mother Mary what does this have to do with anything?”  It has to do with how you live your life.  I will explain what I am talking about.  How you feel about yourselves once you are dressed and ready for your day is how you will feel about yourself for the rest of the day.  It may not be the constant feeling right there on the top of the feeling pile, but it will continue to be there all day.  It will be hiding under the surface.  So whatever you are feeling in your clothes then you are carrying that feeling about yourself around with you all day long.

And all day long that feeling will be underlying everything you say and do.  It will be a constant in how you project yourself to your family, your friends, your co-workers and the people on the street.  Most importantly it will be how you are thinking and feeling about yourself all day long.  If you are a being who is feeling good about yourself and ready to face the world with your heart open and caring that is wonderful.  BUT, FOR THE OTHERS THAT ARE NOT HAVING LOVING, KIND, SUPPORTIVE AND CARING FEELINGS FOR THEMSELVES, IS THIS HOW YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TO LIVE YOUR LIVES.  MY NEXT QUESTION IS, HOW CAN YOU BE LOVING AND SUPPORTIVE OF OTHERS WHEN YOU ARE NOT BEING LOVING AND SUPPORTIVE OF YOURSELVES?

I HAVE USED CLOTHES AS AN EXAMPLE BECAUSE EACH OF YOU PUT ON YOUR CLOTHES EVERY MORNING AND THEN SET YOURSELVES UP FOR HOW YOU WILL FEEL ABOUT YOURSELVES THE REST OF THE DAY.  No you will not be thinking about it every morning, but it will be there effecting everything you do all day long.

This is not just about the clothes you wear it is about everything you do in your life.  How does each and everything that you do daily in your life make you feel?  If you are feeling good and knowing that it is a loving and supportive thing to do for your body, mind and spirit that is wonderful and I applaud you.  If it is not, then it is time to change what you are doing. 


The clothes you wear, the food you eat, how you drive your car or how you walk through the grocery store matters.  The journey into the 5D is not just about the big things in life it is about the smallest thing that happens to each of you everyday day.  EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT.  EVERY FEELING YOU HAVE ABOUT YOURSELVES AND YOUR WORLD IS IMPORTANT. 

Whether you are aware of it or not you each act and react to every feeling you have.  How you are in the world is a picture of how you are acting or reacting to your thoughts and feelings.  IT IS TIME TO STOP AND TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT IS HAPPENING DAILY INSIDE YOURSELVES.  IT IS TIME TO TAKE A LOOK AT WHO YOU ARE IN THE WORLD.  HOW ARE YOU INNER-FACING WITH THE WORLD? 

We are here loving you and wishing to help you in any way we can.  You only need ask and we will be there to help you.  Once again, I will say there are thousands of us here to help.  We are loving you and holding you most gently in our hearts.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at  
Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question and
answer readings to everyone.  If you are interested in having
your own letter or reading from Mother Mary, please email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or reading

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Letter 209

Letter 209

Good Morning Precious Ones,

There are not enough words in your world to express our love and appreciation for who each of you are.  Your differences and uniqueness is wonderful to behold.  My heart breaks when I see your young people so desperately trying to be like everyone else.  And it is not just the young people who wish to be like everyone else.  Many, Many times I hear beings say I just want to be normal; I want to be like everyone else. 

So, let me say again that it is your differences and uniqueness that is wonderful to behold.  Each of you learning to love yourselves is a big step on your journey into the 5D world.  In fact, that is the biggest step and perhaps the hardest one to reach and achieve.  It is easy to try and walk around this one or to pretend to the outside world that you are loving and appreciating yourself.  But, it is important to remember that pretending to the outside world is not going to work on your journey to the 5D.  Saying loving words out loud about yourself and the whisperings that you do inside your head need to match.  It is the whisperings that I am concerned with.  What you say to yourselves each and everyday all day long.  Are the words inside your head loving and caring words or are they abusive and harmful?   It is time to know that the unkind whisperings have to stop before you journey fully into the 5D world.

The 5D world is a world of truth, light and love.  Pretending does not work here.  You are being asked to appreciate and love yourself for exactly who you are.  It does not mean that you wait to love yourself until you have changed this or that.  IT MEANS THAT RIGHT NOW TODAY THAT YOU LOVE YOURSELF JUST AS YOU ARE.  It is important to remember that everything is a work in progress.  Each and every day you are changing and becoming new and different.  So it is about loving the changes, loving who you were yesterday, loving who you are today and who you will be tomorrow. 

It is also important to know that until you can accept and love yourself just as you are right now in this moment in time, it is not possible to love others in an unconditional way either.  These two things walk hand in hand.  Loving yourself unconditionally is step one.  Once that is accomplished then step two falls right into place and you are able to extend that same unconditional love to each being of Mother Earth and Mother Earth herself. 

So today, I ask you to let go of your right and wrong, good and bad thinking and I should have or should do thinking.  Just allow yourselves to be without judgments or long lists of things you should have done or not done.  FOR TODAY JUST BE.  When those harmful whisperings in your head start up let them go, send them away or ask me for help in taking them away.  As you start practicing this in your daily lives, you will soon find that the whisperings in your head will start matching what you say out loud to the world about yourself.  Soon you will know that you are a most perfect being just as you are today, tomorrow and all the days after that.

Know that we are here loving you and wishing to help you in any way we can.  You only need ask and we will be there to help you.  I am cherishing who you are and loving you most dearly in my heart.  I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at  
Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question and
answer readings to everyone.  If you are interested in having
your own letter or reading from Mother Mary, please email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or reading

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Letter 208

Letter 208

Dear Ones,

Today let us take a look back at what has been.  Who were you a year ago?  How has your life changed?  How have you changed?  Many of you who have been reading my letters for sometime, will be able to see great changes in yourselves.  There will be many beings who have never read my letters who will have made great changes, for they have been learning and listening to other messengers who have come forward at this time.

Your world was meant to be about one hand reaching out to another helping, supporting, encouraging and loving each other.  Your world is to be about LOVE.   Part of loving is the willingness and the wanting to help others as well as helping yourselves.  Part of loving is also the willingness to ask for help and to accept the help when it arrives.  Be it help from us here in my world or help from the beings of your Mother Earth. 

Right now in your world there is such anger, fear, hate and rage floating in the air that any signs of help being offered will do much to alleviate what is floating around the energy field of Mother Earth.  So for those of you who have been walking your journey and who have made many changes, ask for help as you turn around to offer help to others.  In just the asking for help some of the energy field surrounding your Mother Earth lightens and becomes clear and love filled again.

Know that we are always here and that we are ready to help in any way that you ask.   We are loving you greatly and holding you most dearly in our hearts.  I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at  
Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question and
answer readings to her everyone.  If you are interested in having
your own letter or reading from Mother Mary, please email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or reading