Sunday, October 7, 2012

Letter 209

Letter 209

Good Morning Precious Ones,

There are not enough words in your world to express our love and appreciation for who each of you are.  Your differences and uniqueness is wonderful to behold.  My heart breaks when I see your young people so desperately trying to be like everyone else.  And it is not just the young people who wish to be like everyone else.  Many, Many times I hear beings say I just want to be normal; I want to be like everyone else. 

So, let me say again that it is your differences and uniqueness that is wonderful to behold.  Each of you learning to love yourselves is a big step on your journey into the 5D world.  In fact, that is the biggest step and perhaps the hardest one to reach and achieve.  It is easy to try and walk around this one or to pretend to the outside world that you are loving and appreciating yourself.  But, it is important to remember that pretending to the outside world is not going to work on your journey to the 5D.  Saying loving words out loud about yourself and the whisperings that you do inside your head need to match.  It is the whisperings that I am concerned with.  What you say to yourselves each and everyday all day long.  Are the words inside your head loving and caring words or are they abusive and harmful?   It is time to know that the unkind whisperings have to stop before you journey fully into the 5D world.

The 5D world is a world of truth, light and love.  Pretending does not work here.  You are being asked to appreciate and love yourself for exactly who you are.  It does not mean that you wait to love yourself until you have changed this or that.  IT MEANS THAT RIGHT NOW TODAY THAT YOU LOVE YOURSELF JUST AS YOU ARE.  It is important to remember that everything is a work in progress.  Each and every day you are changing and becoming new and different.  So it is about loving the changes, loving who you were yesterday, loving who you are today and who you will be tomorrow. 

It is also important to know that until you can accept and love yourself just as you are right now in this moment in time, it is not possible to love others in an unconditional way either.  These two things walk hand in hand.  Loving yourself unconditionally is step one.  Once that is accomplished then step two falls right into place and you are able to extend that same unconditional love to each being of Mother Earth and Mother Earth herself. 

So today, I ask you to let go of your right and wrong, good and bad thinking and I should have or should do thinking.  Just allow yourselves to be without judgments or long lists of things you should have done or not done.  FOR TODAY JUST BE.  When those harmful whisperings in your head start up let them go, send them away or ask me for help in taking them away.  As you start practicing this in your daily lives, you will soon find that the whisperings in your head will start matching what you say out loud to the world about yourself.  Soon you will know that you are a most perfect being just as you are today, tomorrow and all the days after that.

Know that we are here loving you and wishing to help you in any way we can.  You only need ask and we will be there to help you.  I am cherishing who you are and loving you most dearly in my heart.  I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question and
answer readings to everyone.  If you are interested in having
your own letter or reading from Mother Mary, please email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or reading

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