Letter 210
Dear Ones,
Today let us talk about paying attention to yourselves. What I mean by that is, are you noticing how you are feeling in the morning when you get dressed. How do you feel once you have your clothes on? Do your clothes make you feel good or do they make you feel skinny, fat, ugly, beautiful, old, young or are you just wearing the same old thing because that is what you always wear? How do they make you feel?
I am thinking that there are many of you right now saying, “Oh Mother Mary what does this have to do with anything?” It has to do with how you live your life. I will explain what I am talking about. How you feel about yourselves once you are dressed and ready for your day is how you will feel about yourself for the rest of the day. It may not be the constant feeling right there on the top of the feeling pile, but it will continue to be there all day. It will be hiding under the surface. So whatever you are feeling in your clothes then you are carrying that feeling about yourself around with you all day long.
And all day long that feeling will be underlying everything you say and do. It will be a constant in how you project yourself to your family, your friends, your co-workers and the people on the street. Most importantly it will be how you are thinking and feeling about yourself all day long. If you are a being who is feeling good about yourself and ready to face the world with your heart open and caring that is wonderful. BUT, FOR THE OTHERS THAT ARE NOT HAVING LOVING, KIND, SUPPORTIVE AND CARING FEELINGS FOR THEMSELVES, IS THIS HOW YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TO LIVE YOUR LIVES. MY NEXT QUESTION IS, HOW CAN YOU BE LOVING AND SUPPORTIVE OF OTHERS WHEN YOU ARE NOT BEING LOVING AND SUPPORTIVE OF YOURSELVES?
I HAVE USED CLOTHES AS AN EXAMPLE BECAUSE EACH OF YOU PUT ON YOUR CLOTHES EVERY MORNING AND THEN SET YOURSELVES UP FOR HOW YOU WILL FEEL ABOUT YOURSELVES THE REST OF THE DAY. No you will not be thinking about it every morning, but it will be there effecting everything you do all day long.
This is not just about the clothes you wear it is about everything you do in your life. How does each and everything that you do daily in your life make you feel? If you are feeling good and knowing that it is a loving and supportive thing to do for your body, mind and spirit that is wonderful and I applaud you. If it is not, then it is time to change what you are doing.
The clothes you wear, the food you eat, how you drive your car or how you walk through the grocery store matters. The journey into the 5D is not just about the big things in life it is about the smallest thing that happens to each of you everyday day. EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT. EVERY FEELING YOU HAVE ABOUT YOURSELVES AND YOUR WORLD IS IMPORTANT.
Whether you are aware of it or not you each act and react to every feeling you have. How you are in the world is a picture of how you are acting or reacting to your thoughts and feelings. IT IS TIME TO STOP AND TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT IS HAPPENING DAILY INSIDE YOURSELVES. IT IS TIME TO TAKE A LOOK AT WHO YOU ARE IN THE WORLD. HOW ARE YOU INNER-FACING WITH THE WORLD?
We are here loving you and wishing to help you in any way we can. You only need ask and we will be there to help you. Once again, I will say there are thousands of us here to help. We are loving you and holding you most gently in our hearts.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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