Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Letter 253


Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal conversation with her.  Barbara and Mother Mary will trade places during your reading so that you will be able to talk directly to Mother Mary.  Barbara will simply move into a special chamber that Mother Mary has prepared for her during this time and then Mother Mary will move into Barbara’s body to have that personal one on one conversation with you.  These conversations can be long distance over the phone or in person.  The fee is $55.00 and there is a discount available for first time clients.  Please contact Barbara for an appointment at  or 503-717- 4302.

Letter 253

My Very Dear Ones,  

As I write this letter to you today, I am hoping that you know how much you are loved and cherished.  WE here in my world are so aware of all that you have done and are doing daily to help yourselves and your world make its way into the 5D world.  

I keep stressing and talking about your inner work that is still left to be completed.  I can hear many of you as you start to read my letters or receive an email telling you there is another letter saying to yourselves, does she not know we have finished that.  I do hear you and I have to come back and say to each of you, “you have not completed that inner work.”  There is still much left to do.  

You have no idea what your life would be like if that work was completed.  Can you imagine living without fear and doubt?  Can you imagine living without worrying about what others might think of you?  Yes, there are many of you who are past that point, but there are still so many living back there.  There are still hundreds of thousands of beings that do not know they are loved or even that they are lovable.  I see you shake your heads wondering how can that be.  

The children and young people of your world are slowly dying inside themselves from a lack of knowing that they are loved and lovable.  They are growing up in families that have been torn apart for one reason or another.  Their Mothers and Fathers are working many hours a day to feed them and keep a roof over their heads.  Those parents are so involved in survival that they are unable to see what is happening.  Often times even if they could see they would be totally unaware of what to do or how to fix it, because they have never felt loved or lovable, either.  Once again, I see you are shaking your heads wondering how can that be.  

It is time for all Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light to step away from your many like-minded families, friends and acquaintances.  It is the time in all of your journeys to take a step back from what you know and look at the world around you.  Over the past few years, many of you have been focused on healing yourselves and preparing yourselves for the journey into the 5D world.  For all of you it was necessary to focus on yourselves and all that you needed, but now it is time open your focus up and see the world and all of its beings in the light of truth.  

I am not saying it is time to stop working on yourselves, I am simply saying it is time to step out and open up your focus.  Allow your focus to be in two parts, one for yourselves and your inner work; the other part is being involved and in touch with beings that are still struggling with feelings of being unloved or unlovable.  Sometimes that could be no more than a loving smile on your face as you walk down the street.  You will know who those beings are by just looking at them.  Their faces will have a look of despair and hunger, for to them it feels like they have been searching for those feelings of being loved and belonging forever.   You will only need keep your eyes open to what is really happening and where you really are as you walk down the street.  

So, today we are asking each of you to step out and share your love and share the love that we too are sending you.  REMEMBER NOW THAT THIS IS A LARGE PART OF YOUR JOURNEY INTO THE 5D WORLD.  THE SHARING OF LOVE IS PARAMOUNT IN THE 5D WORLD.  THE 5D WORLD IS ALL ABOUT LOVE AND THE SHARING OF IT UNCONDITIONALLY.  

Know that I am holding each of you in my arms and loving you so dearly. I love you, I love you and I love you. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary 
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Letter 252


Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal conversation with her.  Barbara and Mother Mary will trade places during your reading so that you will be able to talk directly to Mother Mary.  Barbara will simply move into a special chamber that Mother Mary has prepared for her during this time and then Mother Mary will move into Barbara’s body to have that personal one on one conversation with you.  These conversations can be long distance over the phone or in person.  The fee is $55.00 and there is a discount available for first time clients.  Please contact Barbara for an appointment at  or 503-717- 4302.

Letter 252

Good Morning Dear Ones, 

All is happening very quickly in your earth world today and for the days ahead.  You have come into the time of your fall equinox.  All the stars and planets throughout the universe are lined up surrounding and in folding each of you with immense new energy and the consciousness of love.  

All the stars and planets of the Universe are aware of the fact that your world as a whole has learned to deal with conflicts and disagreements in only one way.  That one way is the path of destruction fueled with hate, violence and war.  It is way past time for all beings of earth to learn that this is not the way you were ever meant to live and be in connection with all the other beings of earth and the universe.

The use of your lives to hold power over others is an old emotional thought pattern heavily steeped in the old ways of your 3D world.  HOLDING AND BELIEVING THE THOUGHT PATTERNS THAT ONE INDIVIDUAL IS BETTER THAN ANOTHER BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE, RELIGION, WEALTH OR INTELLECT BELONGS IN THE LARGEST TRASH CAN THAT WE CAN FIND ON MOTHER EARTH.  I want to assure you in the loudest and biggest words possible that there is no one being who is better than any other being.  

Each and every one of you is special, unique and wonderful beyond words.  You were all meant be different from each other.  Differences are to be celebrated and appreciated.  You were meant to learn and grow with each other; to share your differences and to learn from them.  Your cultures and religions were meant to be shared and appreciated.   There is no right religion or right culture.  There is no wrong religion or wrong culture.  There are just different religions and different cultures to accommodate all the different and unique beings of Mother Earth.   It was never meant to be that you would be all the same.  There was never a thought in God’s mind that you should all be exactly the same, thinking the same, dressing the same, eating the same and living exactly the same as every one else of Mother Earth. 

The beings of Mother Earth have spent eons and eons trying to make sure that they erase the differences of the many beings of Earth.  IT IS TIME TO STOP!!  You are walking into the season of gratitude for all that your lives have been over the past year.  This year I am asking you each to honor and be grateful for all the beings of Mother Earth.  I am asking you to honor your differences and to reach out to understand and appreciate those differences.  

In honoring and appreciating the differences of cultures and traditions perhaps you can step back and honor your own differences.  Perhaps you can start to appreciate how you are different from anyone else that you know.   Perhaps the shame and embarrassment that you have always felt because you are different can start to subside and be released.  You were never meant to be like anyone else on your Mother Earth.  Each being was meant to be different from everyone else.  No matter how hard you try or how carefully you hide who you truly are, you will never be able to make yourself over in someone else.  

We have talked many times about the all the things from your past that has been buried and hidden away.  Those old emotional feelings and thoughts that are hurtful and painful, but are still buried deep inside each of you.  At the bottom of that pile of hurt and pain, you will find the shame and embarrassment that you have always felt about being different from everyone else.  The time has come to release those thoughts and feelings about your differences.  The time has come to honor and celebrate the many ways that you are different from other beings.  We here in my world are cheering and celebrating who you are.  We are loving your differences and all that makes you unique from everyone else.   Know that I am loving you so dearly and cherishing you in my heart. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Letter 251


Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal conversation with her.  Barbara and Mother Mary will trade places during your reading so that you will be able to talk directly to Mother Mary.  Barbara will simply move into a special chamber that Mother Mary has prepared for her during this time and then Mother Mary will move into Barbara’s body to have that personal one on one conversation with you.  These conversations can be long distance over the phone or in person.  The fee is $55.00 and there is a discount available for first time clients.  Please contact Barbara for an appointment at  or 503-717- 4302

Letter 251

My Dear Ones, 

Today let us talk of the emptiness you hold inside yourselves.  There will be many many of you who will read these first words and then turn away.  Emptiness or the holes that you hold inside yourselves are difficult to live with and most difficult to talk about.  But, today it is time to look at this and talk about it.  

Many of you have tried to fill up these holes with things; meaning clothes, jewelry, cars, boats, toys and trinkets of every kind.  Others use alcohol, food and relationships that last for a night or two.  Are you getting the idea now of what I am talking about? 

Most of the beings of earth are holding an emptiness inside themselves and they are unaware of how to make it better or heal it so there will be no more emptiness.  These holes or places of emptiness are where all your feelings of being unloved or separate from all the other beings of Mother Earth are held and stored.  There is a huge epidemic on Mother Earth of separateness and feelings of being unloved.  

Yes, this is the time when all are working towards going into the 5D, which is all about opening your heart and living in love.  How can that possibly happen if most of the beings of Mother Earth are walking around in unlovable separateness?   Many of you are doing a fine job of hiding what is really going on inside.  You are walking and talking as if you were involved in moving towards the 5D.  Yet, inside there is this immense emptiness that is never talked about or looked at.  

My Very Dear Ones the time is now.  We here in my world are so aware of how painful all of this is to each of you who have been carrying this emptiness around your whole lifetime.  At times, it has grown a little smaller and then a week later it doubles in size.  With our help will you, now be willing to work on making it disappear forever?  Believe me when I tell you this is part of your path into the 5D world.  The healing and letting go of this emptiness and separateness is part of the journey.  Only when all has been healed and released can you truly live in love.  Meaning unconditionally loving yourself and every other living breathing life form on your Mother Earth.    

There are no simple words or answers that I can give you in this letter to make this part of your journey disappear and be gone.  Each one of you will need different things to help you along this path.  There are wondrous healers living in your world who can help you in a face-to-face physical way.  These healers come in many different forms and practices.  Try them all until you find the one that will work for you.  Of course, we are always standing at the ready to help you in any way we can.  Know that we can stand beside you, hold your hand or wrap you in our arms or even hold you on our laps as if you were a small child.  Remembering now that each and every one of you is a small child inside yourselves.  Your small child inside knows more about the emptiness and separateness that you carry then anyone else.   

Now is the time to take care of this part of your journey into the 5D.  The energy that is coming into your world right now will give you the push forward that is needed to make your way through this.  The stars, planets, the solar flares and all beings of all the many worlds in your universe are sending you the energy and strength to step forward into this part of your journey.  We here in my world are sending you love, encouragement and support to help you in making these next steps.  I am holding you most dearly in my heart.  I love you, I love you and I love you. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Letter 250


Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal conversation with her.  Barbara and Mother Mary will trade places during your reading so that you will be able to talk directly to Mother Mary.  Barbara will simply move into a special chamber that Mother Mary has prepared for her during this time and then Mother Mary will move into Barbara’s body to have that personal one on one conversation with you.  These conversations can be long distance over the phone or in person.  The fee is $55.00 and there is a discount available for first time clients.  Please contact Barbara for an appointment at  or 503-717- 4302.

Letter 250
Dear Ones, 

Today let us talk about who you believe you are?  I am not talking about who you really are, but who you believe you are.  Most of you will still be holding thoughts and beliefs about yourselves that you learned in your childhood.  There will be very few of you who have taken time to adjust your thinking to the truth of who you are today and who you are meant to be.  

Those thoughts that you have carried with you from your childhood are really thoughts that belong to someone else.   Throughout your childhood, you heard your Mother, Father, Aunts, Uncles and siblings tell you who they thought you were.  Most often those are the things that you believed about yourselves.  In your childhood thinking, you would believe that if they said it, it must be true.  

Well, I want you to hear me very clearly today, this is not a truth.  What you heard was their opinion, which can often be a long ways from the truth of any situation.  So, I say to you today, who do you believe you are?  Many of you will simply repeat what you have been told over and over by others.  I am hoping there are a few of you who will stop and think about this question.  Actually, I am hoping there are more than a few who will stop and wonder about this.  Looking at what they have been told and then looking at how they live their lives.   

These are very large and important questions for you to answer.  First looking at who you use to be and how you live your lives in the past.  Then going forward to how you live your lives today, who are you right now in this day.  You have all changed and grown over your lifetimes.  NOW THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION OF ALL WHO ARE YOU GOING TO BE FROM THIS DAY FORWARD.  In my last letter, we talked about your dreams and what you are wanting in your lives.  NOW ONCE AGAIN, A BIG IMPORTANT QUESTION.  Can the person you believe you are today live the life you are dreaming about?  Do you believe that inside yourself?   If you don’t believe you can be the person in your dreams, then how can those dreams come true?  

Are you understanding that it is time to change the perception you have of yourself?  It is the time to close your eyes and see the truth of who you are.  You are capable of impossible things.  You are capable of fulfilling every one of your dreams.  YOU, INSIDE YOURSELF MUST BELIEVE AND KNOW THIS IS TRUTH.  If you don’t truly believe you can be the person in your dreams, then how can your dreams come true?  

So, once again, I will say, close your eyes, come with me, and we will watch this video of who you truly are.  Just breathe slowly allowing yourselves to relax and see what we are showing you.  This is the truth of who you are and what you are capable of doing.  OPEN YOUR HEARTS AND MINDS TO ALLOW THIS NEW INFORMATION TO BE ABSORBED INTO YOUR BEING.  NOW ALLOWING THE OLD PERCEPTIONS TO RELEASE AND FADE AWAY.  It is most necessary to let go of the old so that there will be room for the new to come into your being.   Each morning over the next days and weeks take the time to sit quietly and watch this video, giving yourself the time and space to truly absorb what you are seeing.  

For a few of you there will be instant recognition of the truth of who you are.  For, others it will take time and effort to let yourselves believe what you are seeing.  Can you see yourselves living your dreams and doing all that is being asked of you for your dreams to become your reality?  REMEMBER THAT THIS CAN BE A PROCESS OF TAKING VERY SMALL STEPS TO REACH YOUR BIGGEST GOALS.  Once again, I will say to you, we are here ready to walk each of those steps with you.  We are loving you and support you every step along the way.   These small steps are part of your pathway into the 5D world.  Allow yourselves the possibilities of all there is.   I am loving you so greatly and cherishing each one of you in my heart. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary 
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at