Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Letter 207

Letter 207

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about the Stress and Anxiety you are feeling.  It is as if it is in the air you breath right now!!  Stress and Anxiety are running rampant in your world.  Each of you is picking up enormous amounts from just standing in your grocery lines, being at the bank or having your Televisions on to your news station.

When I say it is running rampant in your world, I truly mean that.  It is in the air you're breathing and the food you are eating.  Many of you are finding it difficult to understand what is happening to you and your world.  You do not understand your impatience, frustration, depression and most of all your anger.  All of these feelings and emotions seem to be coming from out of the blue.  Indeed, they are coming from the stress and anxiety that you are all feeling.

There may be some of you who are saying No I am not feeling stressed or anxious, but you can relate to the illogical anger and frustration that you find yourself experiencing.  It is all mixed together as one.  So, at this time, it is important to take a little extra time to care for yourselves.   Meaning that I want you to take extra time in the morning before leaving your homes to protect yourselves.  Many of you will say I already do this Mother Mary.  Right now what you already do is not enough or you would not be feeling the effects of the stress and anxiety.  As you walk out your door in the morning, I want you to ask me to come and help you. I will be putting an extra layer of protection around you.  This protection will allow your heart to be open, but your energy field will be surrounded and protect with the blue golden filters of light. 

The blue golden filters of light will help you to release the toxic energy you have taken in and will protect you from accumulating more of that energy when you are out in the world.  Part of what is causing extreme stress is the political unrest in the United States as they near their presidential elections.  The other part is the releasing of rage and fury in other parts of your Mother Earth.  It is as if there are huge balls of rage, fury, stress and anxiety floating all over Mother Earth. 

No being on Mother Earth is immune to what is happening.  Each of you is being affected by the energy that is swirling all around each of you.   So, at any time during your day or night that you feel the need simply ask us to come and help you clear your energy and place the blue golden filters of light around you, please do so.  It is indeed a time to take great care of yourselves and to ask for help often.  Asking many times a day is wonderful and we will always be willing and ready to help. 

Know that you are greatly loved.  Know also that this is something that your Mother Earth needs to walk through; just as it is something you need to walk through.  You will find old feelings of anger, rage, stress and anxiety coming up to be released as  you experience what is happening on your Mother Earth right now. 

We are here loving you and supporting you.  I am holding you in my heart and cherishing you.  I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at 

Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question and
answer readings to her everyone.  If you are interested in having
your own letter or reading from Mother Mary, please email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or reading

Monday, September 17, 2012

Letter 206

Letter 206

Dear Ones,

Good Morning!!  It tickles me to say these words to you.  It is not often that I say Good Morning to you and I think perhaps I need to do that more often.  Saying Good Morning is like wishing some one joy and happiness in their day.  And I do so wish you joy and happiness in your day, your life and inside all of your bodies.  So in the future when you say Good Morning to someone allow it to come from your heart reaching out to their hearts. 

LOVE is what makes the world go around.  One heart reaching out to another heart and another heart and to another heart and to another heart.  Unending never stopping always reaching out for the next heart.  Connection reaching all across your Mother Earth, touching each being with LOVE and ONENESS.  REMEMBERING now that you are all one, we are all one.  Each and every being both in the seen and unseen world are connected and joined.  No, you cannot see this connection with your physical eyes, but you can feel it in your heart. 

So, today I say to you go to your heart.  Put your hand on your heart, close your eyes and allow yourselves to stop and be as one with your heart.  Allow yourself to feel your heart connect to me, to your earth, to all the unseen in my world and to each being of your world.  Once you make that connection there will never be another time of feeling alone, isolated and unloved. 

You may find that the first time you allow yourselves to try and make this connection it will not feel as you anticipate that it should.  If this is so for you, then I say to you is it not scary to let go of those feelings of aloneness, isolation and being unloved.  You know those feelings, you know how to act and be in the world carrying those feelings around in your blocked and shut down heart.  And yes I know that is how you feel you are protecting yourself.  Are you aware that in the protecting of your heart in this manner that you are causing yourselves more hurt and pain?  Your life becomes filled with days, weeks, months and a lifetime of aloneness, isolation and feelings of being unloved.  That is a high price to pay for what you call protection of self.  It has become the opposite of what you are desperately wanting and needing in your lives.

So for today will you try and allow yourselves to reach out and connect heart to heart with your world.  REMEMBER NOW that you are reaching out and connecting from your hearts.  Do not mistakenly reach out to connect with your hurt and pain, for that will only call forth a connection with more hurt and pain.  So, place your hand on your heart, close your eyes and connect with your heart self and then reach out to connect with me, to the earth, to all the unseen of my world and to each being of your world.  Continue each day to reach out and try connecting to all. This connecting process will become easier and more fulfilling with everyday practice.  I WELCOME YOUR CONNECTION FROM MY HEART TO YOURS.  I am loving you greatly and holding you most dearly in my heart.  I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at 

Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question and
answer readings to her everyone.  If you are interested in having
your own letter or reading from Mother Mary, please email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or reading

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Letter 205

Letter 205

Dear Ones,

In Love, Mother Mary

Dearest Readers,

I am thrilled and excited that I am writing this letter to you. Writing this letter now means that time is near for my book to be published and out into each of your hands. I have been waiting sometime for this to happen. I am most anxious for you to have these words and letters. It is beyond important for each of you to know how much you are loved and looked after by all the beings here in my world. There are millions of beings there on Mother Earth who do not know that they are loved and cherished. THIS IS WHAT MY BOOK IS ABOUT. THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF MY BOOK IS TO LET YOU KNOW THAT WE ARE HERE LOVING YOU AND WANTING TO HELP YOU. THERE ARE MANY CHANGES THAT ARE HAPPENING TO EACH OF YOU AND TO THE WHOLE OF YOUR WORLD.

The world, as you know, is in the process of a great change. Your world is going from being what I call a 3D world to a 5D world. I will explain to you what I mean by a 3D world. A 3D world is one in which the beings who live there are most interested in power, money, greed, hate, violence, war and self. They are most interested in what they have, what they can get and how important they think they are. This has been going on for centuries on Mother Earth, getting more and more extreme and out of control. People are dying. People are starving. People are killing each other. People are losing their homes and jobs. People are hurting the ones they love out of frustration, pain, and despair. Your governments are non-functional and at war within themselves. THIS IS WHAT I CALL A 3D WORLD.

Over the last few years have you noticed that your world is not working very well? Your old systems are breaking down and becoming non-functional. In different countries of your world, people are standing up and saying they will no longer be controlled, abused and beaten down. They are banding together and saying no to all the extremes and atrocities that are taking place. It is no longer OK for a few to live with the extreme excesses provided by the work and tears of the many. THIS IS PART OF THE PROCESS YOUR WORLD MUST GO THROUGH ON ITS WAY INTO THE 5D WORLD. Many of the people who are standing up and doing the fighting for the changes do not realize that they are indeed warriors for the coming 5D world. The warriors only know that the world has to change and their lives and their worlds have become unbearable.

There are many other beings in your world that are leading the way into the 5D world. I am calling those beings the Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light. Many of you know them by the fact of how different they are from the other people you know. In your world, you might refer to them by saying they walk to a different beat than the average guy. Well, you are right. They do walk to a different beat. These Wayshowers or Keepers of the Light are more aware of the people in my world. Often, they can hear our voices in their heads, or they will see shadows of us as we pass through your world. They are often intuitive and are aware of information that they have no logical way of knowing. Most often they are not logical people; they are more heart-centered. They also have a knowing that all the beings of your world are connected and make a circle of the whole. Their knowing includes the knowledge that each person is responsible for their own life, the energy they put into the world and what they take back from the world. Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light know without a doubt that LOVE is the purpose of your Mother Earth and the connecting rod between all people.

Now and in the days to come you will notice that the Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light are living in a much different way from many of the people in your world. They are on a purposeful journey into what I call the 5D world.

Let me tell you about the 5D world. The 5D world is about LOVE. In fact, that is the most important word in the 5D world. LOVE has reached such a place of importance because it is the source of light and life in the 5D. All beings that reside in this world live from what I call a heart-centered place. There are no struggles for who is better or who has more or who is more important. All beings of the 5D world are equally important. All are accepting of one another. All are reaching out in love and heart-felt connection. Judgments and right or wrong thinking have been left in the 3D world. There is no room here for such thoughts or actions. THERE IS NO MORE WAR, NO MORE VIOLENCE, NO MORE GREED, AND NO MORE POWER STRUGGLES. All of that is in the past and is no longer live and living here in 5D. As you can see, this 5D world is the exact opposite of the world you are now living in. The Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light are and will continue to show you the pathway into this new way of living and being. I say to you, watch how they are living and what they are doing. They are here to help you make this journey. It is part of their purpose for being here on Earth at this time.

The very most important message of this letter is that I am here with you every step of the way and I will continue to be here for you always. Please come and visit me on my blog: http://lettersfrommothermary.blogspot.com or on my website: www.thelivinglettersofmothermary.com for on-going letters and happenings.

Know that there are hundreds of thousands of beings here with me in my world all waiting to provide you with love, help, and support. You only need to ask for help, and we will be there. You are each greatly loved and cherished beyond your wildest dreams. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at 

Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question and
answer readings to her everyone.  If you are interested in having
your own letter or reading from Mother Mary, please email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or reading

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Letter 204

Letter 204

Dear Ones,

Today I am asking the question of you, " What is holding you back?”  Why are you not allowing yourselves to become all you can be?  I will leave these questions with you.  These are things I hope you will ask yourselves.  When you find  the answers then you will once again be back on the path. 

No, these are not easy questions to answer, nor will the answers be easy to hear.  That is the reason they keep hanging over your heads or twisting in your stomachs or even making you physically and mentally sick.  But, these are the questions and answers that are stopping you from having the life you pray about, dream about and keep hoping you will have.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question and
answer readings to everyone.  If you are interested in having 
your own letter or reading from Mother Mary, please email me 
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or reading

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at