Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Letter 265


Letter 265

Good Morning Dear Ones,

This is a grand time of the year.  All of you have just passed through the Winter Solstice.  It is a time of new beginnings.  Mother Earth is heading back into the light and leaving the dark of night behind.  Each day forward there will be longer light.  Each day forward you will find more light and ease coming into your life.  Yes, you are still in the time of reassessment, but you are working your way through all of the past and leaving it behind you.  You are moving forward towards the light.  

This is a time of celebration for the birth of Jesus and a new beginning for Mother Earth.  This journey has been going on for time unending and will continue through time unending.  As you celebrate the birth of my son, so you celebrate the birth of each of you.  Remembering now that we are all one.  You are him and he is you.  There are no differences between the ones you hold on high and all of you living on Mother Earth.  What he has done so can you do.

WE here in my world are celebrating the birth of each of you.  For without each of you there would be no Mother Earth, there would be no journeys, there would be no LOVE and without LOVE all living beings would perish and disappear.  IT IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER THAT ALL BEINGS IN MY WORLD AND THERE ON MOTHER EARTH ARE CONNECTED BY LOVE.  It is as if there is an invisible thread going from one being to the next connecting all and the thread is love.  Every breathing life form is connected to this never-ending thread of Love.  Each one of you can close your hearts and pretend in your mind that you are not connected to the universal life force of love, but there is no way to ever disconnect from that thread.  The thread of love is all-powerful and never ending and each of you are part of that never-ending thread. 

Soon you will be stepping into a New Year.  As you step forward into this New Year take the time to reflect back over the last year.  Notice all the changes in your outer world.  Most importantly notice all the changes in your inner world.  You are not the same person who began 2013.  Some of you have made drastic changes and some of you have made small wondrous changes.  All changes are to be celebrated as you step forward into 2014.  And next year at this time when you are getting ready to step into 2015, you will celebrate the changes of 2014.  Each of you has been working so hard moving forward on your journeys and it is time to stop and celebrate all you have accomplished and will continue to accomplish.  

So, I say to you today keep moving forward, keep changing and growing, keep becoming all that you are meant to be.  You each are wondrous and magnificent beings, capable of doing things you never imagined. We here in my world are watching and celebrating each one of you.  We are in amazement of all that you are.  We are hoping that you will allow us to help you and be a part of your journey, for that is our purpose. Great blessings are being sent your way this day and everyday.  You each are so greatly loved and cherished.  

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Letter 264


 We are well into the Christmas Season of shopping and giving gifts.  Mother Mary and I have Gift Certificates available to ease your shopping worries.   You will be providing your friends and families the opportunity to experience Mother Mary’s Love and Wisdom through a channel conversation with her.  This will be a loved filled experience they will not soon forget.

A CD recording of the experience will be included.  Allowing them to be able to listen and relive the experience time after time.

Call or email me to make arrangements.  503-717-4302 or

Have a great Holiday Season.   Love & Blessings, Barb Beach  *********************************************************************
Letter 264

Dear Ones, 

All in your world has become more intense as the energy for change has increased.  This energy will continue to press forward during the coming months into 2014.  Once again, you are being asked to reassess all that makes up your life.  We are aware that this may seem overwhelming to each of you as you look at the big picture of your life.  It is important to remember that the reassessment will be happening over the next months and not all once.  Many of you have already been in this reassessment for the last few weeks.  

This reassessment is a sign of your growth in the last years.  If you had stayed in the same place and time, there would be no need for reassessment.  Keep in your minds during the next months as you let go of parts of your life that no longer fit, that all are signs of your growth and further journey into the 5D world.  Many in your world will be watching each of you Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light as you go through this process.  Each of those beings watching will be so aware of the changes that have taken place for each of you and they will want those changes also.  For many, it will cause them to take the first steps on their journeys and for others; they will step forward and speed up their journeys.  And we here in my world are applauding all that each of you are doing to bring your world forward into the 5D. 

Many of you right now as you read my letter about reassessment are thinking this means more struggles and pain.  It is most important that you hear what I am saying; this does not have to be about pain and struggle.  You have a choice about what your journey will be about and how you will walk it.  You can fight these changes or you can step forward with open hearts and arms to welcome all the new that is coming into your lives.  The letting go of the old ways that you have out grown can be as simple as expressing your gratitude for all that you learned and an appreciation for what you have accomplished.   

During these months ahead give yourselves time to say your good-byes to the old ways.  ABOVE ALL REMEMBER YOURSELF-CARE AND SELF-LOVE.  SELF-CARE IS AN EXPRESSION OF YOURSELF-LOVE.  IT IS BEYOND IMPORTANT YOU CONTINUE TO DO YOURSELF-CARE DAILY, FOR THAT WILL BE WHAT SUSTAINS YOU DURING THESE CHANGES.  For those of you who are reading this and thinking self-care, Mother Mary, I don’t do that; I just don’t get that at all.  It is time to get it and to start taking responsibility for taking care of yourselves.  For those of you who don’t get the self-care, please step back and re-read the last several letters.  Many of those letters refer to Self-Care and Self-Love.  Know that taking the steps into self-care is a necessary part of your journey.  Your journeys are all going in the same direction; the direction of love and the 5D world that you have been working so hard for.  Self-Love is the most important step on this journey.  Self-Care is the outward expression of your inner Self-Love.

WE of course, are right here walking with you on this journey.  We are loving you each and everyone.  We are ready to help you in any way that you may need.  Please ask for our help, we are waiting.  Asking for help when you need it is an expression of self-care and self-love.  I am loving you all so tenderly and holding you each in my heart. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Letter 263


 We are well into the Christmas Season of shopping and giving gifts.  Mother Mary and I have Gift Certificates available to ease your shopping worries.   You will be providing your friends and families the opportunity to experience Mother Mary’s Love and Wisdom through a channel conversation with her.  This will be a loved filled experience they will not soon forget.

A CD recording of the experience will be included.  Allowing them to be able to listen and relive the experience time after time.

Call or email me to make arrangements.  503-717-4302 or

Have a great Holiday Season.   Love & Blessings, Barb Beach  *********************************************************************
Letter 263

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Are you finding yourselves going in a 100 different directions and not knowing which way you really want to go?  Chaos and confusion is raining down upon your Mother Earth.  For most of you, it is difficult to step aside allowing the chaos and confusion to travel right on by you.  

It is most important to know that you do not have to allow your lives to be ruled by universal chaos and confusion.  Nor, do you need to allow families and friend’s chaos and confusion to become part of your lives.  Once again, it is most important to know and learn that you only need step aside and let other peoples chaos and confusion travel on by you.  Chaos and confusion is a form of denial about not being able to let yourselves move forward on your journey.  Those two things allow you and keep you stuck in the same place day after day.  Once you climb abroad the chaos and confusion train, it is a never-ending cycle of stuck-ness.  


Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Letter 262


 We are well into the Christmas Season of shopping and giving gifts.  Mother Mary and I have Gift Certificates available to ease your shopping worries.   You will be providing your friends and families the opportunity to experience Mother Mary’s Love and Wisdom through a channel conversation with her.  This will be a loved filled experience they will not soon forget.

A CD recording of the experience will be included.  Allowing them to be able to listen and relive the experience time after time.

Call or email me to make arrangements.  503-717-4302 or

Have a great Holiday Season.   Love & Blessings, Barb Beach  *********************************************************************
Letter 262
Dear Ones, 

The beings of earth are heading into a month of many highs and many lows.  Most of you will find that your time is being spent trying to find the middle ground this month.  The energy coming into your world will be intense and filled with immense energy waves that can sometimes be destabilizing.  

So, today I am going to talk again about self-care.  After reading the first paragraph of my letter you might better understand the importance of self-care during this month and this holiday season for many of you.  For those of you who will be celebrating the Christmas Holiday you already are aware of the stress that builds during this time.  So, on top of that stress, the stars and universe are adding an extra dose of up and downs.  SELF-CARE BECOMES BEYOND IMPORTANT.  IT BECOMES A MUST.  Of course, each of you has free will, so it is up to you what choice you will make.  

We here in my world are hoping that you will decide to make self-care a part of your continuing journey into the 5D world.  Self-care allows that journey to be traveled with more ease and comfort.  Each of you has been finding bumps in the road along the way.  It is up to you how high those bumps will be.  Self-care allows you to walk around or over the bumps with ease.  Are you wondering why that is so?  When self-care is part of your daily journey, then your energy level is higher, your perceptions clearer and more defined, thinking patterns have clarity and purpose, and most important your heart is more open taking the lead position on your journey.   All of this is provided from practicing self-care. 

If thoughts of self-care are overwhelming to you or perhaps just beyond what you can imagine, then it is time to stop and take a look at what is happening inside of yourself when I talk about self-care.  We have talked about this before that many of you have been taught by parents, by church and the standards of your world that one always takes care of others first.  My question to you is, how can you take care of someone else if you have not taken care of yourselves?  The answer is very simply, “YOU CAN’T.”  When you have not taken care of yourself first then the care you give out to others is given with resentment, bitterness, anger, rage and most definitely without unconditional love.  Many of you may be unaware of what you are feeling when you continue to take care of others first.  You may have numbed your minds and hearts to all you are feeling.  

Many of you who have not been practicing self-care will find yourselves in some area of the numbness.  Be gentle with yourselves as you start to wake up from the scenario of caring for others first.  This has been a life-long tradition for many of you and those traditions need to be changed with ease and gentleness.  Remember that we are always here ready to help you and of course, we are standing right beside you at all times.  We are wanting to help you take the first steps of self-care.  Learning to travel your journey with self-care is a very large step in learning to love yourselves.  

We here in my world are loving you dearly.  I am holding you each and everyone in my heart.  I love you, I love you and I love you. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary
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