Sunday, July 30, 2023

Letter 310


Letter 310

Dear Ones,

I have much to share with you about the coming months. From your time now until or even after the beginning of your New Year, there will be many changes in your personal lives and in the whole of your world. You will find that you are receiving this same message from many different sources. All the ones from my world and all the ones from the star planets are trying to prepare the beings of Mother Earth for what is to come over the next few months. Many messengers will be giving the same message, only using different words and presenting it in a different way, so the many different beings of Mother Earth will be able to hear and understand what is happening.

First, I want to say very LOUDLY TO EACH OF YOU; THAT CHANGE IS NOT A BAD THING TO HAVE HAPPEN IN YOUR PERSONAL LIVES OR IN YOUR WORLD. Much will be changing over the next months. Each being of Mother Earth is in some form of transformation at this time. For many beings, it will be a complete transformation of their lives as they now know it, and for others, it will be a slower time of changing, and it will happen in small increments. All ways of traveling through this transformation are perfect, just as they need to be for each individual. Also, there will be those beings who decline the transformation that is awaiting them. Those beings are to be honored and respected for using their free will as they choose.

This time is one more big step in preparing yourselves for the 5D World. Some of you will find yourselves living in different places and working in different jobs. The changes to come will stretch you out of your comfort zones and allow you to see yourselves as you more truly are. It will be a time of letting go of the ego parts of your world, that part of the ego that separates you from other beings. Allowing all to see that everyone is equal and no one is more, and no one is less. Everyone is the same, whether you are from a different country, different religion, different color, or have a different belief systems. All beings are important and precious to the whole of the Universe. Everyone is part of everyone else. Whether you live in a Mansion or you are Homeless. You are still, all the same, all part of the whole, all of the same importance to the whole of the Universe.

Each of you and your Mother Earth have been working for a very long time to come to this point in time, where all will be seen as equal and as one. We here in my world are applauding and paying honor for the hard work and courage it has taken for the beings of Mother Earth to come to this place and this time.

This is also the time to think and speak out loud of what you want your life to be. The time for saying I don't know what I want my life to be, or I don't know what I am supposed to be doing is over. I will tell you most loudly that inside of your heart, you do know what it is you want and how you want it to be. Now is the time to step forward in your great courage and speak of who you are and what you will be doing when this time is over. Right now, all that is required is one small step in allowing your knowing to come forward and be spoken of. It can be simply saying one word to another being or simply saying it out loud. That is all it will take to start this process.

Yes, I am aware that many of you have already started the process, but there are those of you who have not. So, I will say to those who have not to please step forward and join your brothers and sisters on this journey to change and oneness.

WE here in my world are all standing with you and are ready to help you take that next step on your journey. WE are loving you and holding you most dearly in our hearts.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Letter 308


Letter 308

Good Morning Dear Ones,

The month of June has ended. We are into July and the beginning of summer. July and Summer are all about growth, fun, and play. Remembering now that growth does take time and work, so I am afraid this Summer will not be just about play, but also about work. Know that it will be important to spend some time playing, which will release some of the challenges of the growth.

Everyone on Mother Earth is being asked to dig deep within themselves to release the old patterns that have been programmed into you from the beginnings of this lifetime. Think of yourselves as computers and it is simply time to let go of the old programming and to install the new programs. Think of this as Windows from the 5D world. Would it not be wonderful if all of this could be handled by uninstalling a program and installing the new Windows program from the 5D world?

Think about that for a moment. Indeed, it could and can happen just that easily. It will take great courage to allow yourselves to let go of the old ways without any knowing of what the new ways will be. And even who you would be in this new 5D world. Most beings of Mother Earth are not fond of changes or changing, so this would indeed be a huge leap of faith to simply let go of the old without knowing what the new will be.

So, today I challenge you to step forward and release the old ways of being. This is a huge giant leap of faith. A jumping off of the cliff you might say. Do you know that we will be there to catch you? We will not let you fall; we would love to teach you to fly. This will be a taking off or removing many layers of old worn-out clothes, tapes, programs, and restrictions. Picture yourselves in your mind as a being inflight, luminous, and glowing from within. This is who you truly are. The old clothes, tapes, programs, and restriction is a way of holding in and hiding from the world who you really are. I am asking you now to break free. It is time for this to happen to each one of you. Indeed, it is past time for freedom.

CLOSE YOUR EYES AND PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME. I AM RIGHT HERE WITH YOU, IN FACT; I AM HOLDING YOUR HAND. YOU ARE NOT ALONE FOR THIS ADVENTURE INTO YOURSELVES. Let us breathe, taking several deep breaths; now putting your attention to your heart. Just keep breathing and listening to what your heart has to say or to show you. Your heart knows the way for you to shed all of your outer and inner coverings, (the clothes, tapes, programs, and restrictions.) Each one of you will proceed a little differently in how you choose to take this leap of faith. Taking one step at a time now; removing the outer coverings and saying good-by to this layer of clothing. Now moving on to the old tapes, programs, and restrictions. Are you ready to let go of old judgments, jealousies, and fears?? How freeing will this be for you? I am asking you to keep moving through this and find your freedom and the knowledge of who you truly are. You may need to do this several times to rid yourselves of all tapes, programs, and restrictions.

Yes, I am asking a lot of each one of you, but remember to know that each one of you made the choice to come back during this lifetime to do exactly what I am asking of you. Are you saying to yourself, "Well darn, why did I choose to do this?" That is a very good question to ask yourself, and it will be even better if you can answer yourself. REMEMBERING NOW THAT THIS IS NOT A JOURNEY YOU ARE BEING FORCED TO TAKE, BUT A JOURNEY YOU DECIDED THAT YOU WANTED TO TAKE. We are simply here to help and guide you on your journey and most importantly we are here to love you and hold you as you make this journey.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Letter 307


Letter 307

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Is today, not a wondrous day? It is a new time and a new day. If you choose, it can be a new beginning. So, what will you choose today? Will you go on in the same-old pattern, allowing fear to hold you in the same place as all the yesterdays? Yes, these are big questions for a beautiful day. But, it is past time that I ask you these questions. Are you ready to move forward to the next level or are you going to stay where you are??

There is no way for me to tell you what the next level will be, for it is different for each one of you. Most of you have some small inkling in your mind about what the next level holds for you. I will say that this is what you have been asking for in your journey into the 5D world. The journey is about traveling from one level to the next. And yes, it means cleaning and clearing out all the past levels to be able to go forward.

Moving to the next level this time means digging deep within yourselves to release and clear out very old deep patterns from your beginning days. There are old patterns still buried within you that must be released so that you will have the freedom to move forward. The move forward can only be complete with the releasing of old buried fears and frustrations. I am speaking of the ones you have been refusing to acknowledge. Now is the time to step up and allow these fears to be gone once and for all.

Fear is the opposite of love. Love is where each of you are traveling to. The 5D is about love. There is no room for old buried fears. Even though the fears are buried deep, and you believe they can be ignored, they do affect every moment of your lives. They are there with you always, and they affect every decision that you make about your lives and how you relate to the world.

We here in my world have been talking about letting go of old patterns and old fears for months and months and maybe even years now. It is important to remember that the old patterns and old fears did not happen to you all at once but were accumulated over the years and years of your lives. As you are doing your releasing and letting go, it is beyond important that you give yourselves the very best in self-care. Self-care includes asking for help when you are doing your releasing or in the aftermath of letting go.

You will find that yourself-care will greatly improve as you release and let go of all old buried fears and patterns. One of the unknowns of holding all inside is that you have no room or space to think of self-care or self-love. Most of you will find yourselves unworthy of self-care. Of course, that is a HUGE UNTRUTH. Each and every one of you are most worthy of self-care and self-love. You cannot even imagine the greatness of yourselves when you are seeing yourselves through the eyes of fear and old patterns.

I can only hope you will believe my words when I tell you that each of you are wondrous beings beyond your wildest imaginations. You have the power and love inside yourselves to change the world. You each have the power inside yourselves to heal Mother Earth and make her well again. We here in my world are standing at the ready to help you in any way we can. You only need to ask for our help, and we will be there. Asking for help from us or anyone is marvelous self-care. We here are loving you and holding you most tenderly in our hearts.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Letter 306


Letter 306

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Today I wish to speak of you! I am wanting to know how you are feeling? How are you holding up under all that is happening in your world? As you know, the energy that is coming into your world is pushing and pushing and pushing some more. There has been little time for you to take a break or take a look at all that has been happening in your personal one on one lives.

Many of you are moving so fast as you are trying to keep up with all that is happening in your personal worlds. The resistance to the pushing that you are feeling is increasing the pressure of what is going on in your world. Resisting all that is happening only causes you more distress. I am asking you to allow the energy to simply move through you as if it were giant waves washing over you.

When you feel the pushing, simply stand and allow it to move through you. The changes that are occurring in each of you will happen rather you are resisting or not. It is simply your choice about how they will occur. There is a saying in your world about "the path of least resistance." It is time to take that path and to stop fighting the changes that are occurring. These changes are the ones that you have asked for. They are changes that will allow you to move closer to the 5D world.

It is no small matter to change how you live, think, and be in your world. You quite simply are turning your personal worlds upside down. You could also look at it as if you are totally rebuilding the computer that is known as you. All-new circuit boards are being installed by you. All-new tapes are being put into place.  And while all this is going on, you are being asked and also asking yourselves to release all the ways you have been and have thought in the past. You are telling yourselves that all you believed to be true in your minds is no longer true.

You are in the process of allowing yourselves to see the truth of who you really are and the truth of your world. Have you not noticed how you no longer believe all the words you hear daily, that you are hearing what is being said in a different way? The words now are starting to filter through your heart, not just your minds. REMEMBER NOW THAT ALL IN YOUR WORLD IS HEADING INTO A 5D WORLD AND MOVING AWAY FROM THE 3D WORLD. The meaning of this is that everything in your personal lives will start to be perceived from your heart, not your mind or brain. Your brain is programmed into what the 3D world has taught it. Your brain has all the knowledge about how you should exist in the world, meaning the 3D world, not the 5D world. Your brain now has to learn from your heart, which means your brain needs to be put in second place, and the heart now takes over and is allowed to assist you in living in the 5D world.

It is strange is it not to think that your brain is not the one you should be following? It has been so ingrained into every being of earth that your brain is the most important part of you. It stores all your knowledge and knows what is best for you. What a surprise to find out that is not necessarily so. IT IS A TRUTH THAT YOUR HEART IS THE VERY MOST IMPORTANT PART OF YOU. THE HEART NEVER LIES, NEVER MISDIRECTS YOU. THE HEART IS ABOUT LOVE. AND INDEED, LOVE IS WHAT MAKES THE WORLD GO AROUND.

So, indeed it is time for change, it is time for the energy to be pushing and pushing, moving you towards your heart-directed life. Of course, as always, we are standing right here wishing to help you in any way we can. There is no one on Mother Earth who is standing by themselves. We are surrounding and holding each and every one of you in our hearts. You each are cherished beyond what you can imagine. Know that I love you and will continue to love you forever.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Letter 303


Letter 303

Good Morning Dear Ones,

On this day, meaning, Yesterday, we have stepped into a new time. A New Time of New Beginnings. Have you not, over the last many months, been wishing for a new time? For each of you to truly step into this time of New Beginnings, it will be necessary to let go of the past. Letting go of the past meaning to leave it behind and allowing any unfinished feelings of the past to stay in the past or choose to finish them now. Now meaning today.

No being of Mother Earth is really able to have a clean and clear New Beginning while they are trying to carry a huge backpack full of regrets, non-forgiveness of self or others, what-ifs, and of course, the list goes on and on. Each of you will know in a flash once you read my words what I am talking about.

So today, I am asking you to open your hearts very wide and allow yourselves to let go of past hurts, misunderstandings, and harsh words that might have broken your hearts. It is most important that you recognize you are not doing this for the other person; you are doing this to free yourselves of the past. FOR TRULY, YOU ARE THE ONLY BEING WHO CAN DO THIS. THERE IS NO FORGIVENESS NEEDED FROM MY WORLD; THAT HASN'T ALREADY HAPPENED EONS AGO. WE HERE IN MY WORLD HOLD EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU IN THE HIGHEST REGARD. YOU EACH ARE HELD WITH LOVE AND RESPECT OF THE HIGHEST BY EVERYONE IN MY WORLD.

Know that there is a whole new world of new beginnings waiting for each of you. I am asking only that you free yourselves and allow the heaviness of the past to be lifted and taken away. It is not necessary to go back and pick through once again all that you have been carrying. You have already picked through it many, many times. So, I say to you go and take your morning shower, or any time shower and allow the water to wash the heaviness of the past away. Know that we will be right beside you, helping you release your heaviness and set yourself free.

Know in your hearts that this is something you deserve to do for yourselves. This is your second chance, so to speak, and is there, not a saying in your world that everyone deserves a second chance? In my world, the saying would be that everyone deserves as many chances as they need. Know in your hearts that you deserve this New Beginning and the joy and happiness it will bring you.

WE are standing right here beside you today, paying you honor and respect. And, of course, I am loving you so tenderly and holding you in my heart.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary