Thursday, April 25, 2013

Letter 240

Letter 240

Good Morning Dear Ones, 

Today you each will be experiencing subtle shifts and changes in your world.  Some of you will be aware and then others will walk through their day as if nothing is happening.  Is this not the way it is in your world right now?  There are many of you who are so aware of what is happening and the changes taking place with your world moving from 3D to 5D.  Then again, there are those beings that have no conscious thoughts about this at all.  Furthermore, they do not want to know because it will mean great change in their lives.  

During these next few weeks is a golden opportunity for those of you who are aware to strive to be all that you are.  In your hearts, each of you knows who you truly are.  It is your minds or brains that stop you from believing it or acting on it.  If you are unable to allow yourselves to believe what your heart is telling you how could you possibly start living your life in that way.  

It is time to live consciously as if you are in the 5D world.  Over the last, many months we have been talking about the 5D world being a heart-centered world.  So now it is time to start consciously living as if you believe and know that to be true.  In other words, it is time stop your logical mind and brain telling you who you are or who you aren’t.   It is time to act from what your heart is telling you.  

Listen to your heart and believe what it is showing you and telling you.  Take a moment to close your eyes and now taking several deep breaths.  Put your hand on your heart and call my name.  Just for now, in this moment in time brain/mind is going to take a time out.  The only thing we are interested in right now is what your heart is saying to you and showing you.  Stay right here with me, picture me in your mind; however, you might imagine that I look like or feel like to you.  Very slowly now allow the picture in your mind to change.  Now you are seeing who you truly are.  The picture may appear very slowly, but just keep breathing and allowing.  If you start to try and control what is happening just go back to your breathing and concentrate on that for a moment.  Then, just allow the pictures of yourself to come back into focus.  Pay attention to what you are doing and saying.  Watch this person you are seeing like you would watch someone walking in the park.  Simply pretend that you are people watching right now.  

Watch very closely to what is being said, to what is happening.  What about the energy around this person and how do they carrying themselves?  How are they walking through the world?  Notice how the scene changes and they are moving through their lives with ease and confidence.  You are showing yourselves how your life was meant to be.  When you feel you have seen all there is for you to see come back to the here and now.  This is the time to write about what you have seen, either physically writing or by going to your computer and recording it there.  This is not the time to say, “Oh, I will remember and write it down later.”  Your memory will fade and your day will be full and all you have learned about yourself today will be forgotten.  The truth is, it will be more convenient to forget what you have seen and heard then it will be to remember.  Because, if you remember, then you will have to change and start becoming who you are.  

It is time, My Dear Ones to start living and being who you are truly.  Even if your brain and mind keeps telling you NO YOU CAN’T POSSIBLY BE THAT PERSON your heart knows the truth and so do I.  It is important for me to remind you that we are right here beside you.  WE are ready and willing to help you in any way that we can.  WE will hold your hand and walk with you as you take those steps to become who you truly are.   So, take my hand let us walk this path together.  I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at

Friday, April 19, 2013

Letter 239

Letter 239

Good Morning Dear Ones, 

I am aware that you are going through your days wishing and dreaming about the times when all of this craziness will be over.  Of course, we both know that it is not near the time for all of this to be over.  There are many, many changes that you and your world need to go through yet.  

Over the next weeks, you and your planet will be going through a series of three eclipses.  These eclipses will bring new energy and change to you and your world.  These changes will help to decrease the pressure that is building among all of you and within your Mother Earth.  You all have been through so many changes in the past months and years.  You have handled those changes with great courage and strength.   WE here are honoring all of you for the way in which you traveled through these changes.  

Of course, we are knowing that you will again walk through the coming changes with the same courage and strength.  Know that these will be gentler and easier to travel through.  It will be as if someone has released steam from your minds and bodies.  Many of you are unaware of the amount of energy that you have been holding on to.  I believe you will find that your body discomforts and pains will subside greatly once this pressure is released.  

The energy that you have been holding as been helping to ground you and Mother Earth into the new energy of your world.  You have done an excellent job of holding the energy, but now it is time to let it dissipate and release.  This release will occur during the three coming eclipses.  Not only will your bodies feel lighter and more at ease, but also your minds will have more clarity and understanding of your own processes.  You will find that you are able to move forward with great speed and energy towards your goals for your new lives. 

If you are one of the beings that are unsure of what your new life is to be about, then this time during the eclipses will give you more clarity and understand of who you truly are.  Let me reassure you that inside of your being all is known about your new life and the truth of yourselves.  All of that information is being released as you each are able to take it in and believe it.  As you reach certain markers in your journeys then you, each are shown your next steps.  Some of you have seen glimpses of what your new lives will be about and the truth of who you are.  Most are in disbelief of these glimpses thinking in their hearts that this could not possibly be the truth of who they are.  Again, let me reassure you that those glimpses in almost all cases are certainly truth and you will see it all come to pass.  

Know that we will be right here beside you as you travel through these coming eclipses.  All you need to do is ask for any help you might need.  Again, I want to remind you that you are new in every minute and every second of every day.  Allow yourselves the freedom to be new and lead your lives in new and different ways.  Living your lives in past ways causes your journey to be more difficult and unrewarding.  I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In love, Mother Mary

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Letter 238

Letter 238

Dear Ones,

Lets go back and refresh ourselves about the last letter and the message that Pat was given and then delivered to her friend and to all of you.  I am going back over that message again in this letter because it is beyond important that each of you hears and understands what it meant.  The message was “You are new in every moment going forward.  Don’t expect that anything you do now, will be just the same as in the past.”  The message is telling you that you are new each moment in time and that you have the power and choice to act and react new to each situation in your life.  This newness will bring you freedom beyond what you have ever imagined.  You have the power to change your whole lives by choosing the new and the now.  

So, those situations that caused you concern in the past or the things that you were afraid to try or take part in may no longer be valid.  Allow yourself time to recognize that you are no longer the person you were.  You now have the freedom to choose in a different way.  Each time you choose to do things in a new way your brain is building new pathways.  The new pathways will begin to eliminate the old limiting belief systems.  So for now, it will take paying attention to your thoughts and actions so that you recognize and catch yourselves when you slip into your old ways.   

There is always a great curiosity about anything that is NEW and your brain will continue to go back there if it can.  So for a time it may seem as if there is a conflict in your brain wanting to try the new but automatically returning to the old ways.  It is important for each of you to work at staying in the new.  There are so many new possibilities and opportunities just waiting for you to try.   

You will find that your lives flow and are at ease as you work at staying in the newness of yourselves and the world.  Who you can be and who you are becoming is going to amaze and excite you.  There are so many things that you have never allowed yourselves to try out of fear and lack of self-worth.  All of that is in the past and has no place in the new or the now. 

Allowing yourselves to be in the new is your pathway into the now of the 5D world.  Many of you have been wondering how will I find my way into the 5D.  Or your thoughts go to I don’t know how to do this or what to do.  So some simply instructions to follow will help you to find your way into the 5D.   Each time a situation arises and your brain starts to tell you I can’t do something or fear jumps up and says NO, stop yourself right there.  Go no further with those thoughts.  GO TO THE NEW AND DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT TO DO.  Perhaps for a time you will need to write on the palm of your hand NEW as a reminder to stop yourself and do it a different way.  There is great freedom and life energy in doing anything and everything as a new being.  Your body will be filled with such joy and excitement about life and living as it is allowed to be in the NOW.  

Allowing yourselves to live in the new and the now is allowing yourselves to be reborn every second of everyday.  There is no better way to live.  Your lives were never meant to be about stacking up garbage from the past and carrying it forward into your future.  Life was always meant to be about this moment right now!!

Know that we are walking right here beside you.  We are right here offering you reminders about staying in the NEW and the NOW.  Reach out and take our hands and walk this pathway with us.  WE are loving you so tenderly and holding you so gentle in our hearts. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at

Monday, April 1, 2013

Letter 237

Letter 237

Dear Ones, 

Today I want to revisit my last letter to all of you.  I want to talk about speaking up and speaking to the many.  I want to talk about sharing the words that come into your minds and hearts on a daily basis.  Often times they are words from your own knowing and wisdom.  Then there are the other times when they are words from spirit that you are being asked to pass along to other beings of your Mother Earth. 

WE are so aware here in my world that it is not always comfortable or easy to pass along our words.  If you are given a message to deliver it is beyond important that you do so.  You have no way of know what those words can mean to another being’s heart and soul.  Those words that we asked you to deliver can be a healing, or a stepping-stone to help someone move forward on their journey. 

Often these messages or words that you have been given to pass along will have meaning for you also.  Many of you will say very quickly I never receive messages to pass along to anyone.  If that is what you are saying right now I want you to stop and think about this for a moment.   Actually, I want you to come with me for a moment.  Close your eyes, put your hand on your heart and call my name. Take several deep gently breathes.  Allow your mind to quiet and clear.  Think now about the last few months has there not been times when words came into your heads and you thought for just a second that you should pass them along?  But, that is not what happened at all.  As soon as you had the thought that you should pass it along your logical mind stepped in and suddenly there were a thousand reasons not to pass those words along.  You realize how uncomfortable and a little bit scary it would be to pass those words along.  

Yes, we know how uncomfortable and scary this can be for each of you.  But, as Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light we are asking you to step out of your comfort zones and stretch yourselves into the next step.  

Last week, one of the readers of my letters did just that.  Her name is Pat and she has been a follower of Letters From Mother Mary from day one.  She was there on day one to read the first letter.   She was visiting with a friend and received a message from US that she needed to pass on and SHE DID INDEED PASS IT ALONG.  IN FACT, SHE SAID IT SEVERAL TIMES UNTIL SHE WAS SURE HER FRIEND HAD REALLY HEARD THE WORDS.  Her friend shared with her at the end of their conversation that she felt like she had a healing.  Those words that Pat was able to pass along were so important for her friend.  The next-day Pat took one more step on her journey and sent an email to many of her friends sharing her experience and passing along the message to them also.  

What Pat realized was that the message was just not for her friend, it was for her personally and also for everyone else.   It was an important and critical message for every being of Mother Earth.   I am going to include Pat’s email with this letter so each of you can hear and see this message she was given.  As you read her email, you will experience and feel her joy, love and gratitude for receiving the message and being able to pass it along.  REMEMBERING NOW that in the beginning, there is a certain discomfort and scariness that goes along with being one of our messengers.  So today, we here are wanting Pat to know that we are standing and applauding and thanking her for stepping forward.  She has stretched her comfort zone and is following her path as one of the Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light. 

So I am reminding each of you today that everyone is receiving messages to be passed along.  WE are asking you to step out of your comfort zones and stretch yourselves by passing along our messages.  There are always rewards for the one receiving the messages and the one delivering the messages.  REMEMBER THAT WE ARE ALWAYS RIGHT HERE BESIDE YOU AS YOU PASS ALONG YOUR MESSAGES.  WE ARE ALWAYS RIGHT HERE WAITING TO HELP YOU IN ANY WAY WE CAN.  We are loving you so dearly and holding you each one in our hearts.  I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU and I LOVE YOU. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary 

Pat’s delivery of our message to her friend, herself and each of you!!

Okay, okay, okay......... wow. I realize that we have heard this before many times. I want to share the words, the feelings of what came thru the other day when I was speaking to a long distance friend.  And even though it appeared to be for her, it is for all of us. Being in the energy of this heart space I was on cloud 9 yesterday. It seemed in some way I could not be touched by all the “stuff” going on around me. I was present, just in a different way.   5D way? yep

The first message was to her via a long ago friend from here:

“Shower the mind each day- a practice- with love and loving thoughts
from the heart.  The mind must be trained differently”
The message that came thru with much glow, much peace, much love:

“don’t expect that anything you do now, will be just the same as in the past.....

You are NEW in each moment going forward” ---- close your eyes..   be still..... take a moment and say it again, feel this truth.
So we are be given this opportunity, that we have heard about many times already, to be new in each moment, to choose anew, to choose differently and open those new doors that are being presented in each moment now.  Maybe just in thought, maybe in reaction, maybe in DOING differently, a new glow.                   

We let go of our habits.

The past has no rule over us anymore.... we are FREE to be who we truly are and we get to try other ways. How are we inspired?  What does our heart say?  For this all comes from the heart..... when the old stuff comes into our being... the words that came thru as part of the practice.....

“I forgive myself”  “I forgive them”   the thought groove is stopped, we jump out of the old story, old whining, old stuff .... forgiveness washes the habits with love. One more step in our new- ness. the old does not hold power over us.

The only way we are limited now is by our own selves. And in this energy all seems possible. 

All IS possible.

The 3D feels like so much of the past. And so unnecessary now. It takes way too much energy.

“I am new in each moment”
So much love

Dear Ones, you are indeed new in every moment of every day.  Bring your logical minds out of the 3D and come join us in the 5D.
In Love, Mother Mary

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at