Friday, April 19, 2013

Letter 239

Letter 239

Good Morning Dear Ones, 

I am aware that you are going through your days wishing and dreaming about the times when all of this craziness will be over.  Of course, we both know that it is not near the time for all of this to be over.  There are many, many changes that you and your world need to go through yet.  

Over the next weeks, you and your planet will be going through a series of three eclipses.  These eclipses will bring new energy and change to you and your world.  These changes will help to decrease the pressure that is building among all of you and within your Mother Earth.  You all have been through so many changes in the past months and years.  You have handled those changes with great courage and strength.   WE here are honoring all of you for the way in which you traveled through these changes.  

Of course, we are knowing that you will again walk through the coming changes with the same courage and strength.  Know that these will be gentler and easier to travel through.  It will be as if someone has released steam from your minds and bodies.  Many of you are unaware of the amount of energy that you have been holding on to.  I believe you will find that your body discomforts and pains will subside greatly once this pressure is released.  

The energy that you have been holding as been helping to ground you and Mother Earth into the new energy of your world.  You have done an excellent job of holding the energy, but now it is time to let it dissipate and release.  This release will occur during the three coming eclipses.  Not only will your bodies feel lighter and more at ease, but also your minds will have more clarity and understanding of your own processes.  You will find that you are able to move forward with great speed and energy towards your goals for your new lives. 

If you are one of the beings that are unsure of what your new life is to be about, then this time during the eclipses will give you more clarity and understand of who you truly are.  Let me reassure you that inside of your being all is known about your new life and the truth of yourselves.  All of that information is being released as you each are able to take it in and believe it.  As you reach certain markers in your journeys then you, each are shown your next steps.  Some of you have seen glimpses of what your new lives will be about and the truth of who you are.  Most are in disbelief of these glimpses thinking in their hearts that this could not possibly be the truth of who they are.  Again, let me reassure you that those glimpses in almost all cases are certainly truth and you will see it all come to pass.  

Know that we will be right here beside you as you travel through these coming eclipses.  All you need to do is ask for any help you might need.  Again, I want to remind you that you are new in every minute and every second of every day.  Allow yourselves the freedom to be new and lead your lives in new and different ways.  Living your lives in past ways causes your journey to be more difficult and unrewarding.  I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In love, Mother Mary

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