Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Letter 261


Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal conversation with her.  Barbara and Mother Mary will trade places during your reading so that you will be able to talk directly to Mother Mary.  Barbara will simply move into a special chamber that Mother Mary has prepared for her during this time and then Mother Mary will move into Barbara’s body to have that personal one on one conversation with you.  These conversations can be long distance over the phone or in person.  The fee is $55.00 and there is a discount available for first time clients.  Please contact Barbara for an appointment at beachhouse11111@gmail.com  or 503-717- 4302.
Letter 260
Dear Ones,

Today my letter is about reminding you how precious and important each one of you are.  In the chaos and confusion of your daily lives, it is seldom that you stop for even one moment to appreciate yourselves.   Many of you are getting ready to step into your holiday season and your lives will become even more chaotic and speeded up. 

Soon you will find yourselves more loaded down with things to do and places to go.  I am urging you to remember to take the time for yourself-care and the appreciation of self.  Many of you are thinking what is she talking about now, “SELF APPRECIATION.”  I AM SPEAKING OF APPRECIATING WHO YOU ARE.  STOP and think of the things that you do daily and the people that you touch with.  Touching with another being could simply be smiling as you pass someone on the street.  You are unaware of what that smile means to the person you are passing.  It could be the one gentle light filled thing that happens in their lives that day.  

You each are so unaware of what effect you have on the world around you.  When you allow your light to shine fully, it is as if you light up the world.  Your light spreads and shines for great areas around you.  Often, others may not even see your physical form, but they do feel your energy and light.  So, when you have your hearts open and your light is turned on high you are touching and warming others with love and kindness.  

What a grand and glorious thing you are able to do.  Often times you forget that this is something you can and are doing everyday in every minute of that day.  Many of you are unaware as you go through your daily lives that this is so.   In the chaos and confusion of your world, all things about light, energy, love and kindness slip into the back of your minds and is forgotten.  It is time to bring all of this back into the front of your minds and to be aware of what your light and energy are doing in the world.  

Self-appreciation turns into a deep loving appreciation of the other beings of the universe and yourself.   Some of you are getting ready to celebrate your day of thankfulness, so this is my reminder to you to be grateful and thankful for all that you are.  Allow that thankfulness to spread out through your light and encompass and embrace every living breathing life form.  

Know that we here in my world are so appreciating each and everyone of you.  We find you each one of you beyond wonderful and precious.  The light and love you bring into the world is beyond any value that you know of.  REMEMBER YOUR  SELF-LOVE, SELF-CARE AND SELF-APPRECIATION.  REMEMBER ALSO THAT I AM LOVING YOU SO GREATLY AND HOLDING YOU EACH ONE IN MY HEART. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Letter 260


Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal conversation with her.  Barbara and Mother Mary will trade places during your reading so that you will be able to talk directly to Mother Mary.  Barbara will simply move into a special chamber that Mother Mary has prepared for her during this time and then Mother Mary will move into Barbara’s body to have that personal one on one conversation with you.  These conversations can be long distance over the phone or in person.  The fee is $55.00 and there is a discount available for first time clients.  Please contact Barbara for an appointment at beachhouse11111@gmail.com  or 503-717- 4302.
Letter 260
Dear Ones, 

This week and into your next week, there is and will be great amounts of energy, solar flares and other dramatic events happening to your universe.  Some of you will be greatly aware of this energy transference and others will walk through these days without a thought or knowing of what is happening.

So, if you are one of the beings that are aware of what is happening, know that you are just stepping up into the next level of your growth.  Know that all is as it is supposed to be.  Keep your minds and hearts open to accept all that is coming your way.  Each of you will change in your own individual manner and we here in my world are enjoying watching you move and grow. 

For those of you who are unaware of the energetic events that are occurring on your Mother Earth and to the whole of the universe, know that your turn will be coming.  Your Earth is in ever changing patterns of change.  All beings that live on Mother Earth are changing and growing.  Remember that all change and growth will come at each beings individual timing.  Some of you are even feeling that everything is moving very slowly right now.  You of course are right, in your personal world all is moving slowly.  This then is the time for you to catch up with yourself.  This is a time to practice more self-care, which will help you be ready for the changing times that are coming to your personal world. 

In all these immense energetic changes, self-care becomes not only a necessity, but it is crucial to your well being.  Your bodies, and minds need time and energy to assimilate all that is coming through.  Without the self-care, your physical bodies will go into overwhelm, tiredness, chaos and confusion.  It is not necessary to put yourselves through such extreme discomfort and emotions.  Give yourself the gift of self-care.  Your body, mind and soul will be able to assimilate all the changes that are occurring with ease and comfort if you are well cared for and walking in self-love. 

If you are finding self-care difficult to maintain and accept, then perhaps if you were to think of yourselves as a small child and give that child the care they need.  Concentrate of what that child needs and how you can best provide it.  Know that if this is the only way you can provide self-care to yourself; then it is a very good way to start doing that.  There is indeed a very small child inside each of you.  Caring for that child is of the utmost importance to your personal world.  

As always, we are standing right here beside you, waiting to help you in any way that we can.  You only need ask!!  Each one of you is being held and loved so tenderly.  We here in my world cherish and appreciate each of you. I am holding you each in my heart and loving you dearly. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Letter 259


Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal conversation with her.  Barbara and Mother Mary will trade places during your reading so that you will be able to talk directly to Mother Mary.  Barbara will simply move into a special chamber that Mother Mary has prepared for her during this time and then Mother Mary will move into Barbara’s body to have that personal one on one conversation with you.  These conversations can be long distance over the phone or in person.  The fee is $55.00 and there is a discount available for first time clients.  Please contact Barbara for an appointment at beachhouse11111@gmail.com  or 503-717- 4302.
Letter 259
Dear Ones, 

There are many of you who listen sometimes and many who never listen to that spiritual knowing at all.  Today I am asking you to start listening to that knowing and to the messages that we are sending you daily. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary 
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Letter 258


Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal conversation with her.  Barbara and Mother Mary will trade places during your reading so that you will be able to talk directly to Mother Mary.  Barbara will simply move into a special chamber that Mother Mary has prepared for her during this time and then Mother Mary will move into Barbara’s body to have that personal one on one conversation with you.  These conversations can be long distance over the phone or in person.  The fee is $55.00 and there is a discount available for first time clients.  Please contact Barbara for an appointment at beachhouse11111@gmail.com  or 503-717- 4302
Letter 258
Dear Ones, 

It has been a very short time since my last letter to each of you.  I want each of you to know that I see how hard you are trying to care for yourselves.  Also, I see what a great relief it was for many of you when you read my letter telling you that you need to care for yourselves first.

There are so many of you who have cared for others first for your whole lives and have never allowed yourselves to be cared for.  My words and encouragement were so welcome and comforting to those of you who have been living in the old ways. 

Know that I am standing here in my world applauding each of you for stepping out and reaching out to try life in a different way.  Let there be no guilt in your minds and hearts over taking care of yourselves first.  Be aware that the beings in your personal lives may find the changes in you difficult to understand.  Perhaps, there will be some who take it as a personal affront to them that you are caring for yourselves first and then reaching out to care for them.  There may be some who feel that you do not love them as much as you use to or they may feel neglected by you.


There is one more important step in this changing of the old patterns of caring for others first.  It is now most important to talk with the others in your personal lives and explain what you are doing and why you are doing it.  It is time to let them know that by taking care of yourself first what you will have to give them will be so much more.  There will no longer be feelings of tiredness, resentment and anger attached to the care that you are giving to them.  YES, ALL OF THOSE FEELINGS ARE ATTACHED TO YOUR GIVING WHEN YOU DO NOT CARE FOR YOURSELF FIRST.  I can see your faces right now and you are shocked and in disbelief that this might be true. 

So, I will say to you stop for a moment and think about how you felt when you were caring for others all the time and never finding time for yourselves.  This is a step in taking your blinders off and really looking inside yourselves and seeing what has been going on for you as you cared for others day after day.   I will say again now, it is not the time for guilt over this either.  It is simply the way it worked for you in the past and now you are changing that.  I am so proud of each of you.  Changing one’s life, one’s old habits or patterns is never easy.  The fact that you are doing the self-care now or maybe just thinking about doing it is wonderful beyond words.  REMEMBER THAT WE ARE RIGHT HERE AND WE WILL HELP IN ANY WAY WE CAN.  WE ARE LOVING YOU SO GREATLY AND HOLDING YOU IN OUR HEARTS WITH GREAT JOY AND LOVE.  I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Letter 257


Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal conversation with her.  Barbara and Mother Mary will trade places during your reading so that you will be able to talk directly to Mother Mary.  Barbara will simply move into a special chamber that Mother Mary has prepared for her during this time and then Mother Mary will move into Barbara’s body to have that personal one on one conversation with you.  These conversations can be long distance over the phone or in person.  The fee is $55.00 and there is a discount available for first time clients.  Please contact Barbara for an appointment at beachhouse11111@gmail.com  or 503-717- 4302.
Letter 257

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Let us once again talk of Self-care.  I cannot stress enough how important yourself-care is.  During these times of intense energies, solar flares and the onslaught that each of you are experiencing from outside sources, it is imperative that you love and nurture yourselves.  Self-care is all about loving, nurturing and supporting yourself.  

Each of you have loved ones in your lives that you love, nurture and support and they are an important part of your life.  But, the old patterns and training of times past tell you and have told you it is necessary and godly to care for them first.  THAT IS AN UNTRUTH.  This is one of the many untruths you have been told over and over.  IT IS TIME OR PAST TIME TO ERASE THOSE UNTRUTHS FROM MINDS, HEARTS AND BODIES.  This untruth and other untruths are harmful and in some cases abusive to EACH OF YOU.  

Do you understand what I am saying?  Always caring for others first is damaging to who you are.  Only by caring for yourselves first will you ever be able to turn and offer true help to another.  By true help, I AM SPEAKING OF HELP THAT TRULY COMES FROM YOUR HEART.  In other words, your help is given with an open heart.  Openhearted help is beyond wonderful and feels good to the person giving and to the person receiving.  The person receiving will feel so loved and cared for.  Their hearts will be warmed and the soul will feel full and cherished.  You, the giver will feel energized and heart connected to the receiver.  Your giving in this way will take nothing from you but in truth will give back to you.  The gratitude and appreciation coming to you from the receiver will amaze you. 

There are perhaps very few beings on Mother Earth who have experienced giving or receiving in this manner.  The reason being is that very few beings have been able to let go of the old teachings that tell you to help others first and then maybe yourselves. These old teachings do not allow you the giver the time or energy to care for yourselves.  Many of you at this time are starved for Self-care.   Once again, I am going to say to you stop and take the time today to care for yourselves in someway.  Know that it does not have to be in a huge dramatic way taking hours and hours.  Starting with just one small thing that would make you feel good about yourselves and the world would be wonderful.  

I am asking you to daily start doing small things to care for yourselves.  Once you are practicing this daily you will find yourselves reaching to do more and more to care for yourselves.  Reaping the rewards of Self-care will amaze you filling your heart and mind with abundant new energy and love.  Those beings who are in your daily lives will be so grateful and rewarded by all that you have done for yourselves.  You will find that you are becoming like a new being.  Your love, warmth and caring will go out to others in a way you have never experienced before.  When you live in a world of Self-care where you are feeling loved and totally supported by yourself, you will be living in the world in a totally new way.  Your inner light will shine brighter and truer than it ever has before.  

As always, you are never alone on your journey.  We are here by the hundreds of thousands standing beside you offering our love and support to you as you find your way into the world of Self-care.  Each of you are loved and cherished beyond what you can imagine.  I am loving each and everyone and holding you in my heart so tenderly.  

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at