Sunday, November 17, 2013

Letter 260


Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal conversation with her.  Barbara and Mother Mary will trade places during your reading so that you will be able to talk directly to Mother Mary.  Barbara will simply move into a special chamber that Mother Mary has prepared for her during this time and then Mother Mary will move into Barbara’s body to have that personal one on one conversation with you.  These conversations can be long distance over the phone or in person.  The fee is $55.00 and there is a discount available for first time clients.  Please contact Barbara for an appointment at  or 503-717- 4302.
Letter 260
Dear Ones, 

This week and into your next week, there is and will be great amounts of energy, solar flares and other dramatic events happening to your universe.  Some of you will be greatly aware of this energy transference and others will walk through these days without a thought or knowing of what is happening.

So, if you are one of the beings that are aware of what is happening, know that you are just stepping up into the next level of your growth.  Know that all is as it is supposed to be.  Keep your minds and hearts open to accept all that is coming your way.  Each of you will change in your own individual manner and we here in my world are enjoying watching you move and grow. 

For those of you who are unaware of the energetic events that are occurring on your Mother Earth and to the whole of the universe, know that your turn will be coming.  Your Earth is in ever changing patterns of change.  All beings that live on Mother Earth are changing and growing.  Remember that all change and growth will come at each beings individual timing.  Some of you are even feeling that everything is moving very slowly right now.  You of course are right, in your personal world all is moving slowly.  This then is the time for you to catch up with yourself.  This is a time to practice more self-care, which will help you be ready for the changing times that are coming to your personal world. 

In all these immense energetic changes, self-care becomes not only a necessity, but it is crucial to your well being.  Your bodies, and minds need time and energy to assimilate all that is coming through.  Without the self-care, your physical bodies will go into overwhelm, tiredness, chaos and confusion.  It is not necessary to put yourselves through such extreme discomfort and emotions.  Give yourself the gift of self-care.  Your body, mind and soul will be able to assimilate all the changes that are occurring with ease and comfort if you are well cared for and walking in self-love. 

If you are finding self-care difficult to maintain and accept, then perhaps if you were to think of yourselves as a small child and give that child the care they need.  Concentrate of what that child needs and how you can best provide it.  Know that if this is the only way you can provide self-care to yourself; then it is a very good way to start doing that.  There is indeed a very small child inside each of you.  Caring for that child is of the utmost importance to your personal world.  

As always, we are standing right here beside you, waiting to help you in any way that we can.  You only need ask!!  Each one of you is being held and loved so tenderly.  We here in my world cherish and appreciate each of you. I am holding you each in my heart and loving you dearly. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at 

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