Saturday, December 12, 2015


Mother Mary and I will continue to be available for private sessions.  
Gift certificates are available to be purchased for your holiday gift giving.
Email Barbara to schedule a private session or to purchase a
gift certificate. Cost is $55.00

Dear Ones,

Just a short note to let you know that Barbara and I are going to take a break from letter writing and gatherings. Barbara has some health issues and she is also in the process of moving to a new home.

It is our hope to be back writing letters some time during the middle of January. Conversations with Mother Mary Gatherings will start again on Sunday Jan. 10th in Seaside and Jan. 31st in Beaverton.


Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Monday, November 23, 2015

Letter 318

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 318

Dear Ones,

Your world is ever changing. Nothing is staying the same as it was. Each one of you are also changing and making the decision to move forward or to stand still.

Long buried and hidden ugliness is coming to the forefront in your world. So, now it is indeed a time of Free Will. What is your choice going to be? Are you going to go forward in Faith, Kindness, Compassion and Love? Or are you going to stand still frozen in time by your FEAR. THE FEAR WILL HELP YOU TO TURN AWAY FROM YOUR FAITH, KINDNESS, COMPASSION AND LOVE.

The FEAR has tricked you and is helping you to believe that you are doing the best for yourself, your family, and your world. The FEAR has tricked you into believing that it will keep you SAFE. FEAR DOES NOT KEEP YOU SAFE. FEAR ONLY WRAPS ITS ARMS AROUND YOU AND SUFFOCATES WHO YOU REALLY ARE.

The choices you have boils down into two paths. The path of LOVE or the path of FEAR. There is no longer half way measures to be taken, it is all or nothing now. SO, now I am asking you to come and walk with me in the garden of LOVE. NO, I did not say it would be easy, there will be challenges along the way. There will be many things to let go of and many things to learn. But, all will be done wrapped in the arms of LOVE. IN the arms of Love, you will find tenderness, caring, compassion, courage, strength, respect, honor, but most of all you will find an all encompassing LOVE and more LOVE and more LOVE.  This LOVE is never ending. WE as always are standing right beside, behind you, above you and below you wrapping you in the arms of LOVE.

The path of FEAR is dark, lonely, terrifying and utterly uncaring. FEAR will not allow you to trust anyone, you will be required to always watch your back, never looking forward. FEAR will tell you that you must hide who you really are from the world and your families. Always being afraid of what might happen to you and who is going to hurt you next or take away something that belongs to you. FEAR will tell you that everyone else is out to get you. FEAR WILL KEEP YOU STUCK RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS. FEAR will not allow you to see or feel the LOVE that is always around you.

But, you do indeed have a choice. You can choose to live on the path of LOVE or you can choose to live on the path of FEAR. It is totally up to you. WHAT WILL IT BE? IF YOU DECIDE TO LIVE ON THE PATH OF FEAR, IT IS MY PRAYER THAT YOU WOULD TAKE WITH YOU THE KNOWLEDGE THAT AT ANY TIME YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR MIND AND TURN ONTO THE PATH OF LOVE.

Know that we are always right here for you no matter which path you choose. We are loving you even if you are unable to feel it through your FEAR. We will continue loving you and holding you most dearly in our hearts until the end of time.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In love, Mother Mary

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Letter 317

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 317

Good Morning Dear Ones,

It has been a while since Barbara and I have posted a letter to each of you. But, today is an important letter for each of you to read and re-read. During this special time, which I will call the Time of the Eleven, Eleven or 11:11, a gateway if you will, or an opening from my world to your world. There is a new energy vibration coming to you from my world.

This new energy vibration is one of upliftment. There will be no physical after shocks to your bodies as you step into this new energy vibration. The energy vibration will simply melt into your physical bodies and I mean all of your bodies, emotional, mental, spiritual and cellular.

We here are asking you to allow the energy to fill and complete your physical bodies. Keep you hearts and minds open to the possibilities of all that you have been working towards. This new energy vibration will be available to you over the next month. Each being of Mother Earth will be receiving this energy and of course will do what they will with it. Your Free Will always comes into play and the choice is and will be yours to absorb what you are offered or to let it pass you by.

It is my greatest hope that you will open your hearts/minds and enjoy what you are being offered. There have been many messengers speaking of this over the last few days and there will be more during this month of upliftment. They are using different words and different explanations for all that is happening, but it is all coming from the same place. The messages are sent in different ways to accommodate the many different beings of earth. Everyone hearing and being attracted to different ways and different words.

Accepting this new energy and working with it over the next month will be like taking 20 giant steps closer to the 5D world. Each of you will see it, hear it, and work differently with it than the next person. You might even say that you are being given an early Christmas gift.

So, today if you have not already done so, it is time to stand and open your arms wide and welcome into your personal world this gift that you are being given. It is time to trust what you are being given, go with and follow your innate knowing. There is a saying in your world that applies to this situation, “IT IS TIME TO GO WITH THE FLOW.”

As you work with this energy over the next month, you will see many new changes in your personal worlds and all the worlds around you. And then again, there will be some beings who will hold onto their old ways and continue to act and be as if they were living life back 20 years ago. Remember now that this is their Free Will at work. Each being is choosing whether to grow and move forward, to stand still or to continue moving back into years past. Have you not noticed that there are many beings that are moving backwards into old ways and old beliefs? This is what can happen when fear steps in and takes the lead in any being's life. They are moving back into what is known, rather than moving forward into the unknown.

Of course we will be right here beside you as you go through this upliftment and also the sadness of watching some beings moving backwards into darkness. As you watch this over the next month sending LOVE and LIGHT to the ones, you see moving backwards will be most helpful. Your Love and Light will be as if you have turned on a light switch in their world. They of course will have the choice to leave it on or turn it off once again.

WE are with you every moment of every day. WE are standing at the ready to help you in whatever way we can. You only need ask for our help. We are loving you greatly and holding you each one most dearly in our hearts.                                               I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Monday, October 19, 2015

Letter 316

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 316

Good Morning Dear Ones,

I am wanting to know how each one of you are walking through these days.  Once again, I will say there is great intense energies coming into your Mother Earth and to each of you. Your physical bodies are desperately trying to integrate all that is coming forth. Many of you are having what I will call side effects to all that is transpiring. Do not be surprised if you are experiencing extreme tiredness requiring many more hours of rest each day. Your appetites may go to extreme differences with it decreasing or increasing drastically. Are your brains much more active and it is most difficult to slow them down. Are thoughts and ideas running rapidly through you thinking processes?

What I will say to you is to go slowly through all the changes. Do not struggle and fight your way through this. Picture yourself in the river just moving along with the flow of the water. I will tell you that there is no way to control or deflect this energy that is working so very hard to integrate with your physical bodies.

This energy that is coming into your world at this time is increasing your vibrational rate bringing you closer to your 5D world. The energy and what it is bringing you is so needed and truly what you have been asking for. So I will say to you stay with what is happening and allow yourselves to flow with what is transpiring in your personal realm. There is much that is being given to you during this time and much you will be grateful for once all has been integrated into your physical bodies.

It is important to know during this time what a wonderful job each one of you are doing on your own personal journeys. If you were to look back over the last few years, you will see how far you have come. Do you see how much you have grown and changed? Has you hearts not opened more and more with each passing day. Are you not more loving and caring of yourselves and each other?

As I have said in the past many, many times yourself care and love is of the utmost importance. Your main purpose and lesson to learn during this life time is the care and loving of one's self. No one can truly unconditionally love others until they unconditionally love themselves. What do you see when you look in the mirror each day? Can you say, “I LOVE WHO I AM, I LOVE HOW I WALK IN THE WORLD, AND I AM SO GRATEFUL TO BE WHO I AM?" Those are great giant words.

So, each morning as you get ready for your day, I am asking you to step forward and look in the mirror and tell that person you see “YOU” how much you love them and what exactly do you love about them. Do you love how YOU walk in the world, do you love how you treat yourself, do you love how you treat others and what about how you treat Mother Earth and all the different living breathing life forms???

This is no small homework that I am giving you. Expressing out loud to yourselves how much you love YOU is energetically monumental. When was the last time you told yourself out loud that you love YOU? I am going to make a giant guess and say never. So now is the time to start saying it out loud and even shouting it from the roof tops. And if you do not totally believe what you are saying that is OK, just keep on saying it each day or many times a day. Soon you will find that you do mean it. You will find yourselves looking in the mirror with the eyes of love, with the inner knowing that you are a unique and wonderful being.

Know, as always that we are right here loving you and most certainly looking at each one of you with the eyes of love. I am holding you most dearly in my arms and walking right beside you. Know that we are standing at the ready to help you in any way that we can.                                                          I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there,
In Love, Mother Mary


Saturday, September 26, 2015

Letter 315

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 315

Dear Ones,

Your world is stepping up to take a giant leap forward. Over this weekend, you will be experiencing a Total Solar Eclipse and A Blood Moon or Harvest Moon. Earlier this week you experienced the Fall Equinox. It is important to remember that everything, and everyone is connected. All is part of the whole, everyone is touched and inspired by all that transpires in your universe and outside of your universe.

Many of you have been waiting for the 5D world to come, so that you can join in and become part of all that it promises. It is past time to stop waiting and to join in and become part of all that is happening in your world. The 5D world is not something you can sign up for and join once it arrives. The 5D is now and learning to live as if you are in the 5D is what will allow it to become a realty.

The time of waiting and sitting back to see what is going to happen is past. I urge to you to step up, step forward and to step into who you are. Many, many of you have been on this journey to the 5D world for several years and then some of you are just now stepping forward. IT IS IMPORTANT FOR EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU TO BE WILLING TO PUT YOUR WHOLE SELVES INTO MAKING THE 5D WORLD A REALITY IN YOUR UNIVERSE.

This is what I mean by putting yourselves all in.
1. Leave your fear at the door.
2. Look at yourselves in the mirror and allow yourself to really see who you are.
3. Take off your masks and walk out your front door, allow the world to see the real you.
4. You have had dreams all your life about how you wanted your life to be.
Now is the time to start living your dreams. No more waiting, no more holding back, now is the time.
5. Learn to ask for help from your friends and supporters. More importantly learn to ask for help from all in my world. “You only need call my name and I will be there,” those have been my words to you since the beginning of Letters From Mother Mary and always.
6. Trust in yourself to walk the path that is right for you.
7. Love yourselves with your whole being and in turn, you will love all beings of the world with a free and open heart.
8. Come together and share yourselves with all living breathing life forms.

Each and everyone of you are an important part of THE WHOLE OR THE ONE. You each are different and unique there is no other being like you in the whole of the Universe. No one else can offer what you are to the Universe, it is only you that can give all that you are.

I am honored beyond words to be here supporting and loving each one of you. You are so respected and cherished by all in my world. We are here offering you all our support and love.                                                                  I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Friday, September 11, 2015


Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 314

Dear Ones,

During these very intense times on your Mother Earth, I want you to know that we are indeed right here with you. There are millions of beings from my world joining you there on Mother Earth to support, help and most importantly to love you through this time. Mother Earth is also hosting many beings from the Stars,other worlds, and many other living breathing life forms. All beings of the universe have and are coming together to be as one with each of you.

Many other stars and planets have been through this same process that you are now going through. You are not the first nor will you be the last. And remembering now that you are all one with every living breathing life form. So you are definitely not alone as you go through your transformations and illuminations.

The rest of this year and on into the next year will be as intense and perhaps more intense than what you are experiencing right now. WHAT IS OF THE MOST IMPORTANCE IS FOR EACH OF YOU TO REALIZE AND HEAR THE TRUTH OF WHAT I AM SAYING RIGHT NOW. RESISTANCE AND STRUGGLE INCREASES THE INTENSITY BY A 1000 PERCENT.

So, right now I am asking you to trust me and all the beings from my world. Each of the changes and transformations that are waiting for you will be of the utmost importance and joy for each of you, once you have completed the process. The changes that are happening for each of you are indeed for your highest good. These changes are part of what will enable you to complete the purpose for which came back to Mother Earth this time. And, yes there will be more changes and transformations that will happen in the coming months and years.

If you stop and take a look at yourselves, most of you will not even recognize the person you were last year at this time. You have all made huge strides in becoming all that you were meant to be.


SO, I WILL SAY TO YOU EACH MORNING AS YOU WAKE UP AND START TO GET OUT OF BED, “OPEN YOUR ARMS WIDE AND SAY TO ME BRING IT ON MOTHER MARY, I AM READY.” And indeed you are ready you just don't know it at this moment. You each one came to Mother Earth at this time for a wondrous purpose, and it is your souls desire for you to fulfill this contract you made with yourselves.


Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Monday, August 24, 2015

Letter 313

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 313

Good Morning Dear Ones,

There is much to share with you this morning. I know that these past weeks have indeed been a strain on all of you. Most beings are experiencing some side effects from the intense energies that are coming to Mother Earth at this time. Extreme fatigue and I mean more than physical fatigue it is much more severe than just being tired. Is it not like your inner being has been worn down and is no longer able to assimilate all that has been happening to your physical body? Many of you are experiencing new allergic reactions to food and the environment. Depression and irritability are coming to the forefront.

To all of you, I will say this is not something you can control or take care of on your own. It is indeed time to ask for help and to allow all that is happening to you to wash on through your bodies. Allow whatever rises up to the forefront to move on through your bodies and to release it out into the universe. Holding on and trying to figure it all out from your 3D world will not work and will only prolong what is transpiring.

Know that this will not go on for months and months. Each one of you is changing and rearranging who you are and how you fit in the world. Many of you will not recognize yourselves when it is all said and done. I cannot put an exact time frame on how long this will go on for each of you, because that depends on you and how quickly you make this transition. But, allowing yourselves to release and let go of the control you think you have will greatly speed up the process.

Barbara said to me this morning, “Mother Mary I don't know who I am any more, what is going on?" The truth is many of you may be feeling this way, and it speaks to the changes that are happening inside of you. So, for now it is time to let yourselves just be and know that you are not alone and that many, many other beings are going through what you are going through. Of course, we are right here beside you, and this is where we will stay. Give yourselves the freedom and permission to let your new selves be born.

This process is indeed like a rebirth. This time is about allowing the real you to come into being. So I say to you be patient and understanding with yourselves. Do not expect yourselves to be perfect or to do things as you have done in the past. This is all new territory and a whole new learning curve for each of you. It is a time of getting to know yourselves all over again. Who is the new person and what does he or she like? This can be a wonderful time of surprises and acknowledgment of who you are. Think of it as a time of discovery and adventure. You will truly be amazed at who you find at the end of this process.

Know of course, that we are standing right with you. We are excited about this journey you are on. We are loving you greatly and holding you most dearly in our hearts. Know that I love you beyond what words can say.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Letter 312

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 312

Dear Ones,

I want to take time today to let you know what a magnificent job each one of you are doing, with all that is going on in your world. Just yesterday you experienced the second full moon in July. That full moon you are calling The Blue Moon. The effects of this moon gives each one of you a jump start.

I have to wonder if you are saying, “Oh Mother Mary I don't need a jump start; my world is crazy enough without any more help.” And of course, you are right your world indeed has been most crazy over the last few months. New and more and more intense energies have been coming into your world. Many of you have been going through what I will call transformations and very deep perception changes. In other words, the way you have been living and thinking about yourselves and others has under gone a great shift.

Some of you are even seeing yourselves in a more loving manner and finding that you can appreciate who you are and what you bring to the world. This is such an important step in making your way to the 5D world. I know that you are aware that the 5D world is all about love. And many, many of you are working very hard to journey to the 5D. You are giving more and more of yourselves in service to others, changing your ways of thinking and letting go of old thought patterns that are untrue. We in my world are so excited to see you making these changes in your thought patterns and in the way you treat other beings of your world.

The very most important change in your world is to change and let go of your very old thought patterns about yourselves. Learning to love yourselves, which sounds like such an easy thing to do, is extremely difficult for most beings of Mother Earth. Many of you are still carrying around old thought patterns about yourselves from your childhoods. Finding that you abuse yourselves in your self talk. You leave yourselves no room for not being exactly perfect at all times or not following the rules. I AM ASKING YOU WHAT IS PERFECT AND WHO DECIDES IF YOU HAVE DONE SOMETHING PERFECTLY? WHO DECIDES IF YOU HAVE NOT FOLLOWED THE RULES? WHO EVEN MADE THESE RULES YOU DECIDED LONG AGO TO LIVE BY?

There are rules in your world that are your laws that you most live by, but those are not the rules I am talking about. I am talking about the rules you hold in your mind about what you can and can't do. Oh, there is so much of your life that you are not partaking of because of these old rules that you don't even remember where they came from. It is truly time to stop and take a look at how you are living your lives and what you want to do with the rest of your life. Anything is possible. You can do whatever you want. You may try something and decide that is not for you or it might turn out to be exactly what you want to do. And, what I will say to you, “is good for you for trying,” now you know whether it is the right thing for you. But without trying you would never know and would just go on telling yourselves that, OH I CAN'T DO THAT. YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. JUST TRY AND YOU WILL BE AMAZED AT WHAT YOU FIND OUT ABOUT YOURSELVES.


Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Letter 311

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 311

Dear Ones,

Has not your last few weeks been moving very fast. Are you having a hard time keeping up with yourself and the rest of the world. I know that many times you say to yourselves, I can't go any faster; all of this is just to much. But, guess what you just keep on moving forward going faster and faster.

Your physical bodies keep absorbing the new and different energies that are coming to Mother Earth. You keep assimilating and absorbing all that is being offered to you. You may be thinking in your mind that you are not able to do all that seems to be required of you, but in truth you are and of course you will continue to do all that is being required. Part of who you are and why you are here on Mother Earth is because you have the strength and the courage to keep on going. You each are like the energizer bunny that keeps on keeping on.

But, I also know that you are tired and worn thin. So, rest easy and know that a period of down time is coming when all in your world will seem to slow down and you will be able to take some deep breaths. That time will arrive near the end of August and will last for a few weeks. So, look ahead and know that a respite time is coming when you can take a deep breath.

Each one of you are doing much inner work during this time and many of you have worked your way through changes and transformations. Each change and transformation has changed your life for the better. Are you not seeing more clearly now, are you not feeling better about yourselves and what you are offering the world?

It is important for each of you to know and recognize that you are an important part of the whole of the universe. You each are a piece of the puzzle that makes the whole of the universe and each piece is precious and necessary to the WHOLE. What each being on Mother Earth does and says affects the WHOLE.  Every word, every action or non-action makes a difference to the whole. You are all in this together. Each being is responsible for who they are and what they bring to the whole. NO ONE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYONE ELSE. Each being is responsible for themselves. Many beings are looking for someone to be responsible for their actions or non-actions, but that will never work for either being.

Being responsible for yourself is a life time commitment to who you are and what you will add to the WHOLE. WE here are honored for the time and energy you have put forth to be responsible for yourselves and what you add to the whole. On Mother Earth, there is an on going conditioning that starts from the time you first arrive to look for someone to blame for what is happening in your life. Many, Many of you have worked your way through this conditioning and have found your place of peace by recognizing that you are the one who is responsible for what occurs in your world. GOD has never been responsible nor have the other beings of earth been responsible. IT ALL STARTS WITH YOU AND IT ALL ENDS WITH YOU. Is this not amazing thing that you have the choice of what is happening in your personal world, no one else is making any choices for you or to you?

KNOW THAT I AM RIGHT HERE BESIDE YOU ALWAYS. We are loving you so greatly and holding you so dearly in our hearts. We are here ready to help in anyway. You only need ask. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Letter 310

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 310

Dear Ones,

I have much to share with you about the coming months. From your time now until or even after the beginning of your New Year, there will be many changes in your personal lives and in the whole of your world. You will find that you are receiving this same message from many different sources. All the ones from my world and all the ones from the star planets are trying to prepare the beings of Mother Earth for what is to come over the next few months. Many messengers will be giving the same message only using different words and presenting it a different way so the many different beings of Mother Earth will be able to hear and understand what is happening.

First, I want to say very LOUDLY TO EACH OF YOU; THAT CHANGE IS NOT A BAD THING TO HAVE HAPPEN IN YOUR PERSONAL LIVES OR IN YOUR WORLD. Much will be changing over the next months. Each being of Mother Earth is in some form of transformation at this time. For many beings, it will be a complete transformation of their lives as they now know it and for others it will be a slower time of changing, and it will happen in small increments. All ways of traveling through this transformation are perfect, just as they need to be for each individual. Also, there will be those beings who decline the transformation that is awaiting them. Those beings are to be honored and respected for using their free will as they choose.

This time is one more big step in preparing yourselves for the 5D World. Some of you will find yourselves living in different places, and working in different jobs. The changes to come will stretch you out of your comfort zones and allow you to see yourselves as you more truly are. It will be a time of letting go of the ego parts of your world, that part of ego that separates you from other beings. Allowing all to see that everyone is equal and no one is more and no one is less. Everyone is the same rather you are from a different country, different religion, different color or have a different belief systems. All beings are important and precious to the whole of the Universe. Everyone is part of everyone else. Whether you live in a Mansion, or you are Homeless. You are still all the same, all part of the whole, all of the same importance to the whole of the Universe.

Each of you and your Mother Earth have been working for a very long time to come to this point in time, where all will be seen equal and as one. We here in my world are applauding and paying honor for the hard work and courage it has taken for the beings of Mother Earth to come to this place and this time.

This is also the time to think and speak out loud of what you want your life to be. The time for saying I don't know what I want my life to be, or I don't know what I am supposed to being doing is over. I will tell you most loudly that inside of your heart, you do know what it is you want and how you want it to be. Now is the time to step forward in your great courage and speak of who you are and what you will be doing when this time is over. Right now, all that is required is one small step in allowing your knowing to come forward and be spoken of. It can be simply saying one word to another being or simply saying it out loud. That is all it will take to start this process.

Yes, I am aware that many of you have already started the process, but there are those of you who have not. So, I will say to those who have not to please step forward and join your brothers and sisters on this journey to change and oneness.

WE here in my world are all standing with you and are ready to help you take that next step on your journey. WE are loving you and holding you most dearly in our hearts.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Letter 309

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 309

Good Afternoon Dear Ones,

Today, I have asked Barbara to re-post a letter from an earlier time. The Letter was originally scribed on June 21, 2011. The words of the Letter are true today just as they were in 2011. I wish for you a season of growth, love, awareness and joy. Know that you are loved most dearly, and that I am always right here waiting to be of service to you.


Dear Ones,

As these first days of summer come into being, let us rejoice at this new season and this time of change and growth. Summer comes to us with warmth, blue sky, thoughts of play, and good times. Summer comes with times of growth and gardens. It is a time of inner-growth and change. The time has come for reaching out and pushing past old barriers.

As each of you reach out and push past what you have known, you will be shedding old ways, customs, and traditions. This is a time of getting ready for what the universe is growing into and becoming. It is a time to recognize your growth and who you are becoming. It is a time of waking up and seeing the truth of your world and what it has become. One of the first steps in allowing the old ways of the world to fall away is to clearly see the truth of what it has become. I am speaking of seeing the whole picture not just part of the picture. This is not a time of agreeing or disagreeing with what the world has become, it is just about seeing the whole truth of what it is.

It is about recognizing the strengths and weakness of the world and yourselves. Are you ready to change that picture? Are you ready to look inside and find the truth of yourself and the world? As each of you brings the truth of yourself into being, you will affect the picture of the world. With your becoming who you are meant to be, then in turn the world will start to become who and what it was meant to be. Each being of this universe is connected and affects each other and the whole of your world.

It is past time to let go of the illusion that what you do and what you say does not matter to other beings or the whole of your world. Every thought, action, and deed affects every other living breathing life form. Are you consciously aware of these actions of others? No, most of you are not, but all actions, thoughts, and deeds changes the energy in the universe. That energy reaches out and touches each of you and in the touching of that energy, you are changed and affected.


Know that we are right here standing with you ready to help you weed your garden or shed your old untruths. We number in the thousands and we are loving each and every one of you. We are hoping that you can feel our love, support, and encouragement flowing into your world.

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary


Friday, June 5, 2015

Letter 308

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 308

Good Morning Dear Ones,

The month of May has ended. We are starting into June and the beginning of summer. June and Summer are all about growth, fun, and play. Remembering now that growth does take time and work, so I am afraid this Summer will not be just about play, but also about work. Know that it will be important to spend sometime playing, which will release some of the challenges of the growth.

Everyone on Mother Earth is being asked to dig deep within themselves to release the old patterns that have been programed into you from the beginnings of this lifetime. Think of yourselves as computers and it is simply time to let go of the old programing and to install the new programs. Think of this as Windows from the 5D world. Would it not be wonderful if all of this could be handled by uninstalling a program and installing the new Windows program from the 5D world?

Think about that for a moment. Indeed, it could and can happen just that easily. It will take great courage to allow yourselves to let go of the old ways without any knowing of what the new ways will be. And even who you would be in this new 5D world. Most beings of Mother Earth are not fond of changes or changing, so this would indeed be a huge leap of faith to simply let go of the old without knowing what the new will be.

So, today I challenge you to step forward and release the old ways of being. This is a huge giant leap of faith. A jumping off of the cliff you might say. Do you know that we will be there to catch you? We will not let you fall; we would love to teach you to fly. This will be a taking off or removing many layers of old worn-out clothes, tapes, programs and restrictions. Picture yourselves in your mind as a being inflight, luminous and glowing from within. This is who you truly are. The old clothes, tapes, programs and restriction is a way of holding in and hiding from the world who you really are. I am asking you now to break free. It is time for this to happen to each one of you. Indeed, it is past time for freedom.

CLOSE YOUR EYES AND PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME. I AM RIGHT HERE WITH YOU, IN FACT; I AM HOLDING YOUR HAND. YOU ARE NOT ALONE FOR THIS ADVENTURE INTO YOURSELVES. Let us breathe, taking several deep breaths; now putting your attention to your heart. Just keep breathing and listening to what your heart has to say or to show you. Your heart knows the way for you to shed all of your outer and inner coverings, (the clothes, tapes, programs and restrictions.) Each one of you will proceed a little differently in how you choose to take this leap of faith. Taking one step at a time now; removing the outer coverings and saying good-by to this layer of clothing. Now moving on to the old tapes, programs and restrictions. Are you ready to let go of old judgments, jealousies and fears?? How freeing will this be for you. I am asking you to keep moving through this and find your freedom and the knowledge of who you truly are. You may need to do this several times to rid yourselves of all tapes, programs and restrictions.

Yes, I am asking a lot of each one of you, but remember to know that each one of you made the choice to come back during this life time to do exactly what I am asking of you. Are you saying to yourself, “well darn, why did I choose to do this?” That is a very good question to ask yourself, and it will be even better if you can answer yourself. REMEMBERING NOW THAT THIS IS NOT A JOURNEY YOU ARE BEING FORCED TO TAKE, BUT A JOURNEY YOU DECIDED THAT YOU WANTED TO TAKE. We are simply here to help and guide you on your journey and most importantly we are here to love you and hold you as you make this journey.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary