Monday, November 23, 2015

Letter 318

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 318

Dear Ones,

Your world is ever changing. Nothing is staying the same as it was. Each one of you are also changing and making the decision to move forward or to stand still.

Long buried and hidden ugliness is coming to the forefront in your world. So, now it is indeed a time of Free Will. What is your choice going to be? Are you going to go forward in Faith, Kindness, Compassion and Love? Or are you going to stand still frozen in time by your FEAR. THE FEAR WILL HELP YOU TO TURN AWAY FROM YOUR FAITH, KINDNESS, COMPASSION AND LOVE.

The FEAR has tricked you and is helping you to believe that you are doing the best for yourself, your family, and your world. The FEAR has tricked you into believing that it will keep you SAFE. FEAR DOES NOT KEEP YOU SAFE. FEAR ONLY WRAPS ITS ARMS AROUND YOU AND SUFFOCATES WHO YOU REALLY ARE.

The choices you have boils down into two paths. The path of LOVE or the path of FEAR. There is no longer half way measures to be taken, it is all or nothing now. SO, now I am asking you to come and walk with me in the garden of LOVE. NO, I did not say it would be easy, there will be challenges along the way. There will be many things to let go of and many things to learn. But, all will be done wrapped in the arms of LOVE. IN the arms of Love, you will find tenderness, caring, compassion, courage, strength, respect, honor, but most of all you will find an all encompassing LOVE and more LOVE and more LOVE.  This LOVE is never ending. WE as always are standing right beside, behind you, above you and below you wrapping you in the arms of LOVE.

The path of FEAR is dark, lonely, terrifying and utterly uncaring. FEAR will not allow you to trust anyone, you will be required to always watch your back, never looking forward. FEAR will tell you that you must hide who you really are from the world and your families. Always being afraid of what might happen to you and who is going to hurt you next or take away something that belongs to you. FEAR will tell you that everyone else is out to get you. FEAR WILL KEEP YOU STUCK RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS. FEAR will not allow you to see or feel the LOVE that is always around you.

But, you do indeed have a choice. You can choose to live on the path of LOVE or you can choose to live on the path of FEAR. It is totally up to you. WHAT WILL IT BE? IF YOU DECIDE TO LIVE ON THE PATH OF FEAR, IT IS MY PRAYER THAT YOU WOULD TAKE WITH YOU THE KNOWLEDGE THAT AT ANY TIME YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR MIND AND TURN ONTO THE PATH OF LOVE.

Know that we are always right here for you no matter which path you choose. We are loving you even if you are unable to feel it through your FEAR. We will continue loving you and holding you most dearly in our hearts until the end of time.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In love, Mother Mary

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, Mother Mary, I choose LOVE, LOVE and more all encompassing LOVE!!!