Sunday, February 27, 2022

Letter 302


Letter 302

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Have you been riding a roller coaster lately?? This invisible roller coaster you have been riding not only goes up and down, but this one is going sideways also. You and your world and every being in your world is being bombarded with intense energy from all the universe in all of creation.

It is spring. It is a time of new beginnings, and IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO CHOOSE WHAT THOSE NEW BEGINNINGS WILL BE FOR EACH OF YOU. As you read my words, are you thinking I don't even know where to start? My mind and body are stretched to their limits; how can I possibly make a decision in my time of chaos, confusion, and tiredness?

So, right now, this very moment, I want you to STOP. I AM SAYING TO STOP EVERYTHING. Do keep breathing; that is beyond important, but the one and only thing you need to do right now is to STOP. Just keep on breathing and being with yourself. Allow you and your silence, and your breathe to be all that is in your mind.

IT IS BEYOND IMPORTANT THAT YOU TAKE THE TIME RIGHT NOW, THIS DAY, AND THIS MINUTE TO STOP AND LET YOURSELF BE. THIS MEANS GIVING YOURSELF PERMISSION TO JUST BE FOR A FEW MINUTES OR EVEN AN HOUR. It is time to find your center. What I mean is that place inside of yourself where your knowing lives. Yes, each and everyone of you has that place inside that knows everything you need to know about yourself. Your center, your place of knowing, is right there waiting, and only you can access this place. It happens in the stillness of your mind and body. If you are thinking, you don't know where your center is, then place your hand on your heart, and you will be at your center. Your heart is your center and your place of all-knowing.

Many of you are saying right now, "are you crazy, Mother Mary, I can't stop right now, and I don't know when I will be able to." All I can do is to keep going and keep hoping that everything will turn out all right. My Dear Ones, that is old thinking; that is the thinking that keeps you stuck in the life you do not truly want. REMEMBERING NOW THAT THIS IS THE TIME OF NEW BEGINNINGS. ALL THE UNIVERSES ARE IN LINE TO BE OF HELP FOR EACH OF YOU TO MAKE THIS NEW PUSH FORWARD. ALL OF THE INTENSE ENERGY AND STAR VIBRATIONS THAT ARE COMING IN AT THIS TIME ARE HERE TO HELP YOU MAKE THE DECISION TO DO WHAT YOUR HEART HAS BEEN CALLING YOU TO DO FOR EONS.

And you will say I don't know what that is, and I say back to you go to your heart, you center, your place of knowing, and allow yourselves to hear your own voice.

Allow yourselves to take the risk to listen to your own voice. Each and everyone of you made the decision to return to Mother Earth at this time. You each came with a purpose to fulfill. Now is the time to listen to your own voice and start or continue to take the next steps on this journey.

With all that is raining down on your planet at this time, your next steps will no doubt be powerful and life changing. Know that we are here, and we will stay right here beside you to help each one of you take those powerful steps that will help you to fulfill your purpose here on Mother Earth.


Know that I am loving you greatly and holding you dearly in my heart. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Letter 186


Letter 186

Dear Ones,

I am wondering how each of you are holding up. The work that each of you are doing, preparing yourselves for your new world, is amazing to watch. Day after day, week after week you continue to clean out your inner storehouse of the unfinished episodes of your lives.

Many hundreds of thousands of you are in this process, and we, here are applauding you. If you are one of the beings cleaning out your inner storehouse, then I am wanting to remind you that it is helpful to be cleaning out the places that you live. I am speaking of your homes, your offices or workplaces, your cars, your purses, or even the pockets of your coats.

It is spring, and it is a time of new growth and new beginnings. For many of you, that will mean letting go of more of your past and shredding all these outer layers of protection. This letting go begins with forgiveness of yourselves and also forgiveness of everyone and everything that has touched your lives.

There may be large so far unforgettable episodes in your lives, or they may be small inconsequential moments that need to be forgiven. In your dreams of late, have you not been re-living moments from your past, visiting old acquaintances, or watching yourself as you moved through periods in your lives. Every emotional unresolved issue is coming up and will be in your face from now on.

There will be no way to escape these pieces of old unfinished moments of your lives. These old unforgotten moments will manifest into new situations in your life today. Often times you will find yourself stopping and remembering that there had been a time in the past when you were in the same situation. The big question now is will you choose to react and interact in a different way this time.

How much have you learned about this new person you are becoming? Are you still hanging on to the old ways of being, or have you integrated your new ways into how you are living today? Can you take a moment in time to watch yourself? What have you learned, and what are you willing to do with what you have learned? Take the time to be a witness for yourself. Being a witness for self is one way of honoring and respecting who you are and who you are becoming.

Know always that we are witnessing for you. We are honoring you and humbly offer our respect and appreciation for all that you are and all that you are becoming. As always, we are right here beside you, offering help and love to each of you. Know that I am loving you greatly and holding you most dearly in my heart.



Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Letter 229


Letter 229

Dear Ones,

Well, your lives have become a bit calmer since the turning of your calendar into the month of February. There will continue to be times and spaces of unrest and overwhelming amounts of energy. But, when you consider all that you, each have been through, there is truly nothing that you cannot handle. Your strength and determination continues to amaze us here in my world.

The beings of earth seem to be and have a never-ending well of strength. You are to be greatly applauded and honored for all you have accomplished. Each and every one of you has put your body, mind, and soul into turning your Mother Earth around. The transition from the old paradigm to the new light filled paradigm would not have happened without each of you.

As I said in my last letter now is the time of letting go of all the old secrets, lies and self-deceptions. Those words may seem harsh and ugly, but the truth is there is not one being on Mother Earth who does not have secrets buried in their hearts, minds, and bodies. The lies and self-deceptions have come about because of the secrets.  Most of the time the lies or self-deceptions are what you tell yourselves about things that have happened in your past. All of this is done to relieve guilt, shame, embarrassment, humiliation, and an immense lack of self-worth.

Right now, this very minute, as some of you are reading this letter, I can almost feel you start to shrink up and become smaller. It is time to let go of these old patterns. It is time to realize that you are no longer that person who needed to feel shame, guilt, and on and on. This is not who you are today, nor is it who you are meant to be. It is time to open your heart and release all that is holding you back.

Many of you do not want to go back and look at these things that have been buried and hidden away. To each of you, I will say it is time. IT IS TIME TO CLOSE YOUR EYES, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME. PLEASE COME WITH ME AND LET US WALK AND TALK. LET US GO TO MY GARDEN AND SPEND THIS TIME WITH EACH OTHER. It is time to talk of these things that you have never talked about before. It is time to tell me all that you have kept, hidden, and buried. I will listen; I will stay here, and I will hold you most gently in my arms.

IT IS IMPORTANT FOR EACH OF YOU TO KNOW THAT THERE IS NOTHING YOU HAVE NOT BEEN FORGIVEN FOR. WE HERE IN MY WORLD DO NOT KEEP LISTS OF RIGHTS AND WRONGS. Letting go of these things you have hidden and buried is about forgiving yourselves. I am speaking of truly forgiving yourselves. I am not speaking of just pretending and saying the words, "Oh, of course, I forgive myself; all of that is in the past." I am talking of truly forgiving yourself with every ounce of your being. I am talking about a freedom beyond anything you have experienced before. WITH FORGIVENESS WILL COME A LIGHTING OF YOUR BODY. ALL PAST HEAVINESS WILL FLOAT AWAY; YOU MAY, IN FACT, FEEL AS IF YOU COULD FLOAT AWAY.

There may be some of you who feel that to totally release these old issues that, you will need to ask forgiveness of others in your life. If that is what you feel called to do, please step forward to do so. IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW THAT WHETHER THEY FORGIVE YOU OR NOT, WE HERE HAVE FORGIVEN YOU, AND YOU ALSO CAN FORGIVE YOURSELVES. YOU ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S HANGING ON TO OLD ISSUES FROM THEIR PAST.

We are always right here, ready to help in any way we can. You are not alone, nor have you ever been alone. You each are loved beyond your imagination and, in fact, beyond that. I love you so deeply and hold you so tenderly in my heart. I am humbled and amazed by your courage, strength, and determination to be all you can be. I am honored to be able to stand here beside you to help in whatever way I can. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Letter 331


Letter 331

Dear Ones,

I am writing this letter today because it is beyond important that you understand that you are NOT standing there alone in your world. You may not be able to see us or hear us, but there are hundreds of thousands of beings from my world that are standing with you. MY favorite saying to you is, "WE have your back." This is a truth and a promise from me "I have your back."

I know there are many times when you are walking through your world, be it going to work, going home, going to school, or just going out to play, that you feel entirely alone. Every being on Mother Earth has angels that travel with them from the moment of their birth. Those angels are with you each and every moment of every day.

WE here in my world know how difficult your world is right now and has been for several years. It is necessary for you to understand that your world is going through a giant transformation. Your world is moving from a world that runs on greed, power, hate, rage, and the constant thought that I am better than you. Your moving towards a world that is working towards stepping into the 5D world, a world of LOVE and CARING. This is a difficult transition. During this time, it is imperative that all beings recognize what has been happening in their world and what their foundation has been built on.

Everyone must see what has been going on in their world and step up to help make the changes necessary. This is not a small task that has been set into action. It will take several years to accomplish all that needs to be done. But, I want you each to hear me; you are moving forward into the world that you have been dreaming of. The process is slow, but each step along the way is important to the end result.

Each being of Mother Earth is in the process of clearing and cleaning out their own being. Which means letting go of all old resentments, fears, anger, and feelings of injustices done to them. All of those feelings are coming from your past and have no place in your future; in fact, they hold you back so that you are unable to move into the future. If you are thinking, "OH, Mother Mary, I have already done that," then I will say to you there is no being on Mother Earth who has completed this task. It is so easy to fool one's self into thinking all the old has been cleared and cleaned out. Now is the time to really buckle down and take care of this old business. Of course, remembering that you are not alone as you go through this; we are right here with you.

We are in the beginning of a brand new year, and the energy that is coming into your Mother Earth is strong and intense. This energy will help in allowing you to move forward and letting go of the past. We here in my world are offering you the help and assistance that is needed for each of you to do your part in this transformation.

WE are loving each and every one of you and holding you all most dearly in our hearts. I Love You, I Love You, and I Love you.

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary