Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Letter 203

This Sunday September 2nd there will be a Book Signing
at The Natural Nook Flower Shop in Gearhart, OR
from 1:00 to 4:00. 
Please come and join us.

The Natural Nook Flower Shop
738 Pacific Way
Gearhart, Or

Letter 203

Dear Ones,

Are you finding it difficult to hang on to your 3D reality?  Do you find yourself floating from 3D to 5D, or perhaps I should say just floating who knows where?  Many of you are doing much traveling during your days.  If you are wondering why you can’t remember things and you are losing your place in the middle of your life.  Have you
found yourself shaking you head wondering where you just went? 

Are you answering yes to all my questions, then you are indeed right where you need to be in your journey to the 5D world.  You are floating between worlds and realities.  You have been doing this for sometime, but the speed and the intensity of the floating is increasing and speeding up. 

I could describe it as you are living in two different realities or worlds.  Most of you are not remembering the other worlds you are visiting.  There are a very few who have knowledge of both worlds or all the worlds that you each are visiting.  In time each of you will be come more aware of these other worlds and what is transpiring in those lives.   

Do you find this a little disconcerting that you are living and being in two or more places at one time? This has always been so; you were each just unaware of what was happening.  Now you are more aware and the questions are coming very fast in your brains about who and what the worlds are. 

You are aware of the 5D world and many of you recognize that you are on a journey to that reality.  Are you thinking that is the only reality, there are many more realities and worlds that are unknown to you.  In time each of you will become aware of these places as you continue to grow and allow yourselves to be all that you are meant to be.

There are many stars and planets in the universe and many other dimensions yet to become known to you of Mother Earth.  The beings of Mother Earth have lived a most sheltered existence.  You have been very naïve and innocent of all that has been happening in other worlds and realities.  All of that is changing and it is time to open your minds and hearts to what is being offered and shown to you.

I know that this letter may seem strange to some of you, but just consider it a wake up call about what is happening in your world and the coming together of all worlds.

Please know that we are always right here waiting to help you in anyway.  We are loving you and enjoying your waking up process.  We are holding you in our arms and hearts. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at  

Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question and
answer readings to her everyone.  If you are interested in having 
your own letter or reading from Mother Mary, please email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or reading

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Letter 202

Letter 202

Dear Ones,

So, right now as you are reading my letter, I would you like you to stop and take a breath.  Close your eyes for just one moment and breath deeply.  Allow me to place my hand on the top of your head.  Feel the energy coming into your bodies.  Feel the love and comfort coming to you.  Allow yourselves to feel the support and strength you need to go forward. 

Stay here with me for just a few more moments.  Everything can and will wait for us to continue this moment in time.  This is time that you need, time to refuel and care for yourselves.  In the past weeks and months there has not been much time to care for yourselves.

Each of you are worn thin and in some cases bone tired.  There is the feeling among some of you that you may not be able to go on.  So, for those you who think that they can’t go on?  Hear me now, I am right here and I will provide you with the energy and support that you need to continue this journey.  Your journeys are beyond important.  Each and every one of you are needed to participate in this transformation of your world.

Know that we here are walking right beside you, always!!  You are never alone. We stand with you and will always stand with you.  I am loving you so dearly and holding you in my heart.  I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please contact Barbara at

Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question and
answer sessions to her readers.  If you are interested in having 
your own letter or session from Mother Mary, please email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or session

Monday, August 13, 2012

Letter 201

Letter 201

Dear Ones,

All beings need to know that they are loved and cherished. 

It is important for you each to remember that the way to heart-centeredness is by each act and thought of love and kindness.  Reaching out to each other with open hearts and minds is a wondrous beginning to finding your way to the world you dream of.  This world that you dream of will not happen without each of you moving into your individual places of heart-centeredness.  It is time or past time to release old thought patterns of judgments, prejudices, victim hood and I am right and you are wrong thoughts.  Those thought patterns are what has led your world to where it is today. 

There is no right way or wrong way.  Each individual will find their own way in your world.  It has never been understood in your world that the uniqueness of each of you is what makes your world so wonderful.  Different thoughts, different ways of dressing, different ways of thinking, different ways of believing in God or a higher being, and different ways of living in your world is what makes your world magnificent and wondrous.  Do you understand that in trying to make everything and everyone the same that you are destroying all that your world is about? 

Over the next weeks and months when you meet someone who is very different than yourself reach out to that person and learn about them.  Find out what their world is about.  Release and let go of your judgmental thoughts that instantly come to mind when you see someone different than yourselves.  Instead in the days and weeks ahead take the time to reach out with your heart open and your mind open.  Love that person simply because they are another living breathing being.  ALLOW YOURSELVES TO BE ALL THAT YOU WERE MEANT TO BE.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please contact Barbara at

Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question and
answer sessions to her readers.  If you are interested in having 
your own letter or session from Mother Mary, please email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or session

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Letter 200

Letter 200

Dear Ones,

I am very excited this morning.  I learned yesterday that my book is in printing, right now!!!!!!!!!  And will be here in about three weeks.  We, Barbara and I have been waiting sometime for the book to get to this point.  I am excited for my book to be out and to be in your hands and in many, many hands.  I am anxious for everyone to know and to hear that they are loved and cared about.  It is important for each being of your Mother Earth to know they are loved. In fact, it is beyond
important that they know they are loved.

This is a time of shedding all ideas, relationship and old ways of doing and living your life.  What is not working for you or never has worked in your lives will be falling away.  There is much that you can do to decrease the intensity of this time.  Allowing your mind, heart and body to release all that is not working will be most helpful.  The harder you try to retain the old ways the more difficult the transition will become.  Your intention and allowing of this releasing to take place will ease the process.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question and
answer sessions to her readers.  If you are interested in having 
your own letter or session from Mother Mary, please email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or session