Friday, April 1, 2011

Letter 115

Letter 115

Dear Ones,

Some of you are experiencing great amounts of sadness and regret.  There is an awakening to the fact that you will be letting go of many things in your lives to move forward into the 5D world.   This is as it should be.  Grief is a releasing and acknowledging of what is occurring in your life at this moment. 

Many of you are becoming aware of the people you know who may choose not to be joining you in the 5D world.  You also are aware of old dreams that are washing through, never to come into being.  The letting go of the known and walking into the unknown is a two-sided coin.  There is great joy and excitement about the new world, the new way of being, and most of all about living in a heart centered world based in love.   It is also imperative to recognize that you are walking away from the way you have lived for years.

It becomes easy during these times to think in terms of the old way being all about struggle, unhappiness, feelings of being unloved, and loneliness.  REMEMBERING NOW THAT THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO THE WAY YOU HAVE LIVED YOUR LIVES HERE ON MOTHER EARTH THAN STRUGGLE AND UNHAPPINESS.  It is time to take off your one-sided glasses and see all that your life here on Mother Earth has been.  There have been great challenges and great joys.  There have been times of love and times of feeling unloved.  In other words I want you to see the whole of the picture, both the challenges and the joys. 

True and complete letting go does not happen until you can see the whole of the picture.  The letting go will take place slowly over the next few months.  It is important for each of you to be aware that this is a process that you each will need to go through.  You each will decide your own time and speed in which to do this.  Some of you have all ready started and others will be waiting until the time is closer to move into the 5D. 

Being aware that this is a process that you each will need to go through will make it less chaotic and confusing when it pops into your life.  We already have chaos and confusion happening with the coming of the grand energy waves.   REMEMBERING NOW THAT BOTH OF THESE EVENTS CAN BE HANDLED IN THE SAME MANNER.  Acknowledging the grief as it comes and allowing it to release and wash through your body.  It works the same with the grand energy waves, acknowledge, release and allowing the waves to wash right on through your body. 

This is a process that you will work with throughout the next weeks and months.  It is part of your preparation for moving forward into the 5D world.  We will be walking with you as you journey through these processes.   We will be right beside you to help in anyway.  We are holding you in our hearts.  Know that you are greatly loved and honored.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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Mother Mary is now offering personal letters to her readers.
If you are interested in having your own personal letter from
Mother Mary please call or email me. 
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