Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Letter 126

Letter 126

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk of what you might have done in the last few days to feed your Soul.  I know that you feed your stomach with food, you feed your brain with new information from books, Internet and TV, but what about your soul.  When was the last time you fed your Soul? 

Your hearts are opening and beginning to play a more dominant role in your lives.  The energy that is coming into your planet is allowing your hearts to grow larger and become more open and less guarded.   As you work your way through the forgiveness phase of your preparations you will find yourselves ready to be more heart centered in your world.   REMEMBERING NOW THAT THE HEART IS THE DOOR WAY TO YOUR SOUL.  THE MORE OPEN THE DOOR WAY THE MORE COMFORT AND NOURISHMENT IS ABLE TO REACH INSIDE TO YOUR SOUL. 

The feeding of your soul can happen in a close spiritual connection with other beings of your planet or it could happen through music, the sight of a rainbow, or a beautiful flower or tree.  Nourishment of your soul will happen as you have your quick glimpses into the 5D world.  You will notice when you have those glimpses that the whole of your body will hum as if it were trying to sing a song.  Those glimpses will be as if you have turned a light switch on inside yourself. 

We are talking today about the feeding of your soul because on your planet most beings have paid little attention to their souls.  It is as if you are pretending that it doesn’t even exist.  Your soul is not just the place where information is stored from all your life times.  Your soul holds the essence of who you are today and who you have been forever.   The soul is your center of divinity, your God source, it is your divine connecting rod to all of us.  

Yes, your soul is nourished each time we connect, each time you read my letters, and the writings of other beings from my side.   If you are doing a meditation or yoga practice you are indeed connecting to your center or I call it your soul.  In this two practices you are opening your center point and allowing an energy flow between yourself and the divine.  There are many ways to nourish your soul and it is important for each of you to find the way that works best for you.  I am asking you to start a daily practice of nurturing and nourishing your soul.  I AM ASKING YOU TO FIND SOMETHING BESIDES WHAT YOU MIGHT BE DOING AT THIS TIME.  I AM ASKING YOU TO ADD SOMETHING ELSE TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING NOW.  YOUR SOUL IS IN NEED OF MORE THAN WHAT IT IS RECEIVING AT THIS TIME. 

We will be most honored to help and connect with you in your journey to find the right nourishment for your soul.  We are waiting to hear your body hum and purr with divine satisfaction.  I am loving you and loving you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

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