Letter 125
Dear Ones,
During this time of the Resurrection of Jesus let us acknowledge that this is indeed a time of awakening and renewal. It is a time of New Beginnings and making ready to enter a New World. Which is exactly what Jesus’ Resurrection was about. It was a time of awakening and coming back to life and preparing himself and the world for his passing into a different world. Are you not doing the same right now here on Mother Earth? Each being here on Mother Earth is awakening or coming back to life and preparing themselves to go into the 5D world. So indeed it is time for a huge celebration both of the past Resurrection and the current resurrections.
Many of you have been awake for sometime but there are others who are literally just awakening from years of being asleep. For those of you who have been awake during these past years of preparation we are honoring you and appreciating all that you have done. For the many of thousands of you who are just now awakening know that there is more than enough time for you to catch up and prepare yourselves. Everyone who chooses to do so will be traveling into the 5D world. The Wayshowers and Keepers of the light will be the first to walk across the footbridge into the 5D world. As I have said previously, this will happen in the fall/winter of this year. The rest of you will follow once you have completely prepared yourselves to do so.
For those of you who are just awakening this will be a time of relearning and letting go of the old ways. These old ways are what put you into your trance like sleeping state, where you were unaware of what was going on in your body, mind and spirit. All the beings that are just now awakening will go through a time of great cleansing and releasing. For many it will seem as though they have awakened into a brand new world. You will be amazed at all you see and hear as you prepare yourselves to travel into one more new world, the 5D world.
Your new 5D world will be a heart-centered world. All thoughts, actions, and deeds will come directly from the heart. Your mind will be taking second seat to your heart in this new world. All worlds, all nations, all people, and all living life forms will be connected as one. In your preparation for going into the new 5D world you will find your hearts opening and growing larger and larger. Never again will anyone look on another as less than or better than. All life will be equal and connected to one another to make up the whole of the one.
As you each awaken and become aware of what is going on in your own personal worlds you will notice that there is a certain light surrounding you. Know that this light is your guidance from us to help you in your preparation for going into the new world. For you Wayshowers and Keepers of the light if you have not noticed this light around you before please do so now. Once you have reached a certain point in your journey to the new 5D world others will be able to see your light and notice the changes in you.
This is a time of following your hearts and letting go the should and should not’s of your mind and all your old ways of being. It is a time of letting your light shine brightly so all can see. We are loving you and holding you most dearly in our hearts.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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