Letter 122
Dear Ones,
Today let us once again talk about the new energy coming to your world and the 5D world that is coming. Many of the beings of your Mother Earth are totally unaware of what is happening. When I speak of unaware it is, consciously unaware. All other parts of their being are totally aware of the shifts, alignments, and adjustment that are happening here on Mother Earth. Remembering now that all beings have free will and there are many beings here on Mother Earth who are choosing to ignore what is happening.
It is appropriate to leave all these beings who wish to ignore what is happening to their chosen path. Each being will find their own time and path into the 5D world. In the past many of you would have tried pushing and prodding others to join you on your path. You are finding now that you do not have the energy or desire to continue doing that. The letting go of other beings and paying attention to yourself is an important process in each of your journeys to the 5D world.
Now is the time when each of you must provide yourselves with the greatest of care and nurturing. You each are using great amounts of energy, time, and determination on your walk into the 5D world. As you have found there is not energy left over to push or prod others along. The little energy and time that you have left after walking your journey is best used in being with others who are making the same journey as yourselves. It is vital in these times of transition that you join with others who are walking a similar path.
Each of you are in need of support, love, and caring during this journey. Many of you have not had that in your past, but it is imperative that you allow yourselves to join together with others at this time. Many of you have spent time in semi isolation during the last years to protect yourselves from the energies of the world in general. It is important for you to know that time has past. Now the time of joining together and becoming part of a community of people who are walking similar paths is imperative.
Allow your inner lights to come together and shine as one immense brilliant light, allowing all other beings on your planet to see the light and follow you. As the Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light it is part of your purpose to shine the light as brightly as possible so others can follow in your footsteps. It is important for you to know that indeed your lights are shining very brightly and are being seen by many of the other planets and stars in the universe. All other worlds, planets, and star nations are aware of what is happening here on your Mother Earth. Many are assisting you in their own ways. REMEMBERING NOW THAT IN THE 5D WORLD ALL IS ONE. ALL LIFE FORMS ARE JOINED TOGETHER IN HARMONY, LOVE, MUTUAL RESPECT, AND APPRECIATION. Know that we are one with you. We have the utmost respect and appreciation for all that you are.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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