Saturday, October 26, 2013

Letter 256


Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal conversation with her.  Barbara and Mother Mary will trade places during your reading so that you will be able to talk directly to Mother Mary.  Barbara will simply move into a special chamber that Mother Mary has prepared for her during this time and then Mother Mary will move into Barbara’s body to have that personal one on one conversation with you.  These conversations can be long distance over the phone or in person.  The fee is $55.00 and there is a discount available for first time clients.  Please contact Barbara for an appointment at  or 503-717- 4302.
Letter 256
Dear Ones, 

Today let us talk about self-care and self-love.  Self-care is the outward action or behavior of self-love.  It is only normal and natural that if a being is practicing self-love, then they will take the utmost of care with themselves. 

So, this is a good reality checkpoint for each of you.  How are you doing on yourself-care?   Are you making sure to care for yourself first and then to reach out to others or are you caring for everyone else first and if there is time you come back to yourselves?  You each one know that it does not work to care for others first and then maybe have time for yourselves.   This is an old habit that you learned from watching the elders in your families.  It did not work for them, and it will not work for you. 

Now is the time to change those old generational habits of always putting the other being or beings first.  The out come of these habits is harmful and immensely abusive to one's self.  Are you finding that you are overwhelmed, tired, upset, cranky and living in the victim mode?  If any of these words fit for you, then you can be assured that perhaps you are not paying attention to yourself as you need.  Indeed, it is not the other persons blame or fault that you are choosing to put them first.  The fault or blame lies with one person and that person is you. 

Only you can be the one to change these old generational habits.  You are the one who must take those first steps to care for yourself and then move out to care for others.  The ones you have been caring for first may not understand your actions and will become uncomfortable with what is taking place.  Part of the changing of these old patterns will be speaking with others about the changes that you are working on making in your life.  In the speaking with others, it will help you to have more clarity about exactly what you will need to do.

It is most important to remember that these are old generational habits that have been with you for a lifetime.  Do not expect yourself to change these all at once, give yourselves time to adjust and also the other beings in your world time to adjust to what you are doing and changing.  Start gently and easily by picking one thing to do in a different way this day.  ABOVE ALL AND MOST IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER THAT WE ARE STANDING RIGHT HERE WAITING TO HELP YOU.  YOU ONLY NEED ASK; WE WILL COME AND WALK THROUGH THESE CHANGES WITH YOU.  YOU ARE NEVER ALONE AND DURING THOSE TIMES WHEN YOU FEEL SO ALONE, WE ARE STILL STANDING RIGHT THERE WITH YOU. 

We here in my world will be overjoyed and thrilled that you are taking care of yourselves first and then reaching out to others.  You will find when you live your life in this manner that you're reaching out becomes filled with joy, love and support for the other beings.  By making these changes within yourselves; you will entirely change the energy and perceptions that you're holding within yourself about your world and the beings in it.  Others around you will notice the difference of the love and caring that you share with them.  That love and caring will be coming from your heart rather than you mind and brain. 

WE here are honored to share with you this day.  WE are sending you great enormous amounts of love and caring.  You each are so cherished and held so dearly in my heart.  I am loving you each and everyone.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Mother Mary's
book please go to the website at 

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