Saturday, March 23, 2024

Letter 217


Letter 217

Dear Ones,

The times on your Mother Earth are going very fast right now. Your lives and times are speeding faster than you every thought possible. Remember last year at this time you thought then you were going fast. But, in truth, it is nothing compared to your world today.

Many things are coming together and it is necessary for much progress to be made in the next few weeks. For those of you who read my letters and are aware of what is happening in your world, it may be surprising to you that there are still Millions of people who are totally unaware of what is happening. There are many beings of your Mother Earth who are still asleep and are choosing to be that way. They have decided in their hearts and minds that they do not want to be involved in these long-awaited changes. We here in my world simply send them love and caring each day. For the path, they have chosen is indeed more difficult than the path of awareness and participation.

Each of you are aware of the people in your personal lives who are still asleep and are choosing to ignore and disbelieve what is happening. So I would ask that you also send them love and caring each day. As you are sending love and caring to others, please send it to yourselves also. We here are grateful for the work you are doing in helping these changes to occur on your planet.

There is and has been much speculation about the coming days. I want to assure you that there is nothing to fear. Your world will not end nor will there be great natural disasters that will destroy your Mother Earth. You are all aware that your weather patterns are changing. Those changes are causing you to have larger and more intense storms. Yes, these storms are causing great damage and loss. These storms of are the effects of not taking care of your Mother Earth. The great amount of damage that has been done to Mother Earth has changed and destroyed some of the patterns of your world that need to work in harmony. It is past time to pay attention to the harm that has been done to your Mother Earth. It is time to start repairing the damage that has been caused.

The coming 5D world is about LOVE. Mother Earth is trying to heal and prepare herself to be part of that 5D world. Imagine in your mind that Mother Earth is and has been treated like an abused child. She has had little care or concern. She has been the dumping ground of any and all your waste. For eons, she has been absorbing and transforming all the negative energies of the beings who live on her. That is almost impossible to imagine, but it is so. Not only has she absorbed all negative energies, but what about the garbage and waste of your world.

So once again I will say very loudly that the coming days have nothing to do with the storms and weather-related disruptions that are happening on your planet. They are all about Mother Earth's patterns being destroyed and disrupted. She is attempting to heal and make herself ready for the 5D world.

So right now this very minute it is beyond important for each of you to be sending LOVE to your Mother Earth and every living breathing life form that lives on Mother Earth. We here on this side are sending LOVE in great huge amounts to each of you and to your Mother Earth. We are holding each and every one of you in our hearts. I am loving you greatly.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

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