Saturday, February 3, 2024

Letter 208


Letter 208

Dear Ones,

Today let us take a look back at what has been. Who were you a year ago?  How has your life changed? How have you changed? Many of you who have  been reading my letters for some time, will be able to see great changes in yourselves. There will be many beings who have never read my letters and who will have made great changes, for they have been learning and listening to other messengers who have come forward at this time.

There are still many beings of your Mother Earth who are not listening to any of the messengers who have come forward at this time. These beings have not started on their journeys of change and then there are the beings who started their journeys but got stuck along the way.

So, today there will be beings who read my letters and they know that they are stuck. I will say to you, it is time to become unstuck. I hear the question coming back to me; I don’t know how to become unstuck. The answer is simple “YOU ASK FOR HELP.” That has always been the answer to everything. Simply ask for help. It does not matter what you see facing you, what you are afraid of, or who or what you think is standing in your way. We will always be there to help you. If you believe that you are unable to hear us or feel us, then I say to you go to a quiet space. Stop and give yourselves a chance to hear us or feel us. REMEMBERING THAT WE ARE HERE, WE ARE ALWAYS HERE.

For those of you who are standing in amazement at how much you have changed and who you have become, we are standing here and applauding you. Now it is time to turn around and see the ones who are coming along behind you. It is time to reach out a hand if you have not and help others who are not as far along on their journeys as you are. This is all leading back to some of the very first letters I have written. Each of you are connected to every other being on your planet. Everyone and everything is connected and part of the whole. There is no room here for judgments, or I am further along than you. Everyone is at their own place and time in their journeys. But, every being needs help and needs a hand along the way. If anyone thinks, they have gotten to this place in their journey by themselves, then you are not as far along on your journey as you are thinking.

Your world was meant to be about one hand reaching out to another helping, supporting, encouraging and loving each other. Your world is to be about LOVE.

Part of loving is the willingness and the wanting to help others as well as helping yourselves. Part of loving is also the willingness to ask for help and to accept the help when it arrives. Be it help from us here in my world or help from the beings of your Mother Earth.

Right now in your world, there is such anger, fear, hate, and rage floating in the air that any signs of help being offered will do much to alleviate what is floating around the energy field of Mother Earth. So for those of you who have been walking your journey and who have made many changes, ask for help as you turn around to offer help to others. In just the asking for help, some of the energy field surrounding your Mother Earth lightens and becomes clear and love filled again.

Know that we are always here and that we are ready to help in any way that you ask. We are loving you greatly and holding you most dearly in our hearts. I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

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