Sunday, January 14, 2024

Letter 241


Letter 241

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about resistance. I am guessing there are some of you out there who are going to say what is she talking about, resistance? Resistance is the holding back usually from fear of any new changes that are happening in your personal world, Mother Earth's world, and the universal world.

Resistance comes in many forms and in many ways. It is as individual as each of you. Resistance in any form is almost always about fear. The list of different kinds of fear goes on and on. The list of fears is huge and immense. Each being of Mother Earth could be holding resistance in their bodies, and there would still be enough fear left over to go around a second time.

Many of you can see the fear and resistance in your friends and families, but what about in yourself? It is most unusual for beings of earth to be aware of their own resistance. Beings of earth always find another way to explain their not taking the next step. Their explanations go from being too tired to busy with work, needing to take of their children, husband, and on and on. There is a never-ending supply of reasons that you each can hold back and hang on to your resistance.

Resistance is the one way you are able to stop yourselves from moving forward and becoming who you are meant to be. Resistance is your logical mind/brain working overtime to stop you. Telling you, NO you can't do that, what will people think, he or she won't like me if I do that, and again, we can go on and on.

Resistance does not belong in the 5D world, nor will it ever be allowed in the 5D. Resistance is not part of being a heart-centered being. In your heart-centeredness and your connection to me and the rest of the spirit world, there is no thought that you can't do something or someone might not like it. Those thoughts do not exist here in the 5D world. Those kinds of thoughts come from the 3D world where your very existence was based on what others thought about you. Their thoughts and opinions counted 100%, and yours counted for 3%. That is not the way the 5D world works. In the 5D world, your opinion of yourself is all that counts. Harsh judgments of yourself or others does not live in the 5D world. REMEMBERING NOW THAT THE 5D WORLD IS HEART-CENTERED. Harsh judgments reside in the 3D logical mind/brain world only.

WE are so very aware that it takes immense courage and strength to step out and be all that you are meant to be. We find no surprise in the fact that many of you are facing huge resistance inside your beings. We are asking you to step out and do things you never in your wildest dreams thought that you could or would be doing. To some of you, it may seem as if we are asking you to step off the cliff and fly. Your logical minds are unable to process the pictures and thoughts of who you think you might be that are coming to you during this time. That logical mind of yours is screaming and waving its arms saying no, don't go there. THAT IS RESISTANCE IN ALL ITS GLORY.

So not only are we asking you to step out and step off that cliff, we are asking you to let go of your logical mind/brain, and no longer believe what it is telling you. IT IS TIME TO BELIEVE THE PICTURES AND THOUGHTS THAT ARE COMING TO YOU. Those thoughts and pictures are truth. Your hearts are opening more all the time, and your heart is allowing the thoughts and pictures to come to you.

We are hoping so urgently that you will choose to believe what your heart is showing you. WE are standing right here beside you, sending you light, love, hope, courage, and strength. WE are here with you 100%, and we will always be here for each of you. I have said this a hundred million thousand times, and I will never be tired of telling you that you are so greatly loved and cherished by all here in my world. We honor each one of you for all you are doing to help your world on its journey into the 5D world. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

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