Sunday, January 1, 2023

Letter 266


Letter 266


Good Morning Dear Ones,

This is a time of New Beginnings and majestic shifts of energy for Mother Earth and each of you. Each of you are walking into a new realm of being. No, you are not yet aware and have not shifted into knowing the differences from where you were on Dec. 31, 2022, to where you truly are today, Jan. 1, 2023.

There have been abundant shifts in your energy fields, and you will soon be aware of these shifts. Right now, it is as if you are each in a bubble waiting to be exploded into the shifts of 2023. Your physical bodies would not be able to sustain such great shifts all at once. Have you noticed that you are sleeping more and consuming more foods? You are preparing yourselves for the coming awakenings of your physical bodies into the new energy of 2023.

If you are still carrying energy and issues from your past time here on Mother Earth, then it is most necessary and important to release these items as soon as possible. The new energy of 2023 will require clear and clean minds and hearts. All your thoughts will be focused on what is happening on a daily bases in your lives as you live it each day. All is now happening at the speed of light or faster. Have you noticed that as soon as you think it, it is happening? You are co-creating your world instantaneously.

You have the power within you to change your personal world and the whole of Mother Earth. As Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light, you have been filled up with an over abundance of 2023 energy. It is time to step out into the world and use this energy to inspire other beings. It is time to step out into the world and be who you came back to earth to be. Yes, each of you have been working very hard on your journeys into the 5D. Many of you also know that you have been holding back just a little. The life that each of you Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light have chosen is not always grand and glorious. This purpose you have chosen takes great courage and strength. And, once again, you are being asked to step up even more than you have been. You are being asked to give everything in you as you walk in the world today.

You each are also aware of how great the need is to step out and be more present in the world than you have ever needed to be. Many beings are watching each of you and are desperately trying to follow in your footsteps. Many, many beings are coming forward to start their journeys into the 5D. As your world walked into 2023, it is as if many beings of Mother Earth have taken off their rose-colored glasses and are seeing what is happening for the first time. These same beings are watching you now and will be following in your footsteps. So it is beyond important that all Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light step out into the world as you never have before. I say to you most loudly, let your LIGHT SHINE TODAY AND EVERY DAY FROM THIS DAY FORWARD. Each of you are the answers that these beings who have just woken up are looking for. They now can see your light, and they will choose to also become the light.

We here are so honored and proud of each of you. Your hard work and daily steps on your path are honored and held in the highest regard. Of course, we are right here beside you. Ready and willing to help you in any way we can. We are loving you each one and cherishing you in our hearts.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

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