Saturday, December 11, 2021

Letter 191


Letter 191

Dear Ones,

Well, does anyone want to guess what I am going to talk about again today? Yes, we are going back to talk again about fear. I hope you have had time during the last few days to think about fear in general and also your own personal fear. Fear is not an easy subject on your Mother Earth. There is almost an unwritten code that says one should never admit fear, let alone talk about it out in the world. So, now we have all the beings of Mother Earth walking around afraid, and no one feels like it is something they can speak of.

Once a subject becomes taboo in a society of people, then it is difficult to allow yourselves to think about it in your quiet time or at all. It is simply stored away someplace in your body, and everyone pretends that it doesn't exist and certainly does not live in their body, mind, or spirit. SO THE FIRST THING I WANT TO SAY VERY LOUDLY IS THAT FEAR IS ALIVE AND WELL IN YOUR WORLD. IT EXISTS, GROWS, AND FLOURISHES IN EVERY BEING ON MOTHER EARTH. IT IS IN THE AIR YOU BREATHE, THE WATER YOU DRINK, AND THE FOOD YOU EAT.

As I have said in previous letters, now is the time when every being of Mother Earth has to start working on acknowledging and releasing their fears. Yes, I am aware that this is not an easy task I am laying out for each of you. However, I am going to say very loudly right now that you have no idea how difficult it has been for your body, mind, and spirit to survive in your fear infested world. YOU WERE NEVER MEANT TO LIVE IN THIS WAY. YOU WERE NEVER MEANT TO LIVE IN FEAR OR WITH FEAR IN YOUR LIVES ON A DAILY BASIS. NOR WERE YOU EVER MEANT TO LIVE IN ANY FORM OF DENIAL ABOUT THE FEAR YOU CARRY WITHIN YOU.

Your first step in releasing the fear that you carry is to acknowledge it. Look at all the different kinds of fear that you hold within yourselves. For today we are not going to do anything but to simply look at what is going on inside each of you. If this is something that is too overwhelming to think about doing, then now is the time to ask for help. As I have said many times, there are thousands or even millions of beings here on my side of the veil to come and help you.

Now I am going to ask you to make yourself a journal where you can write about your fears, list them, put them on paper. Make the fears real to you. Your minds are so accustom to not thinking about the fear that when it comes forward, the first thing that happens is it is automatically sent to some part of your body where you no longer have to think about it or deal with it. The second thing I am going to ask you to do today is to sit quietly and ask yourself where in your body do you store fear. WHERE DOES IT LIVE INSIDE OF YOU? There may be more than one holding spot in your body where fear lives. Write that in your journal also. I am asking you to write these things down so it will not be forgotten and slip away.

For some of you, this may take only a small amount of time, but for others, it could take an extended period of time. For all of you, it will take courage and your precious energy to stop and look at these issues within you. I want you to know that I am aware of the courage and strength that it takes to face the shadow sides of yourself. Let me assure you that the rewards for doing so will far surpass your wildest dreams. For in doing so, you will allow your wildest dreams to come true. The only thing stopping your world from becoming all that you wish and dream about is FEAR. Fear is what stops dreams, wishes, and hopes from becoming reality.

REMEMBERING now that we are right here, ready to help in any way that we can. There is a saying on your earth, and it applies in this situation "WE HAVE YOUR BACK." We are here, and we will always be here for you. I am loving you most dearly and holding you in my heart.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

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