Sunday, August 8, 2021

Letter 215


Letter 215

Dear Ones,

Let there be no room for judgment or criticism in your mind or heart. Honor each being for who they are, not who you think they should be. Do not judge their looks, clothes, hairstyle, or who they are talking to. See them for who they really are.

For they are a child of God, just as you are and just as every other being on your Mother Earth is. And above all, look at yourself as a child of God. You each are perfect, just as you are at every moment in time. We have talked of this many times before, and I am going to keep talking about the self-judgments and the harshness with which you see yourselves.

The words you say in your head during your waking hours are harsh and, most times, so unloving. Many of you still find yourselves in the old mode of right or wrong. Most times, you judge yourselves to be wrong, not doing a good enough job, not dressing right, not saying the right thing, not being smart enough, or not being pretty or handsome enough. And let us not forget not being thin enough or thinking I am too thin.

The words go on and on. Some of you even go to the extreme of not believing compliments when they are given. The compliments are simply brushed aside as if they have no meaning. SO I WILL SPEAK VERY LOUDLY RIGHT NOW AND SAY TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU THAT YOU ARE WONDERFUL JUST AS YOU ARE IN MY EYES. EVERYONE HERE IN MY WORLD HAS GREAT APPRECIATION FOR EACH OF YOU.

I WANT EACH OF YOU TO STOP AND TAKE THE TIME TO LOOK IN THE MIRROR THIS MORNING AND REALLY SEE WHO YOU ARE. You are human beings who live on planet earth. You are going through times of great change and transformation. Your strength and courage is unheralded. You all are working hard to bring about a new and better way to be. Each of you is working to help transform your earth into a world based on LOVE.

This is a job of gigantic proportions. You each have had many lives getting yourselves prepared to take part in this transformation. You came here to do a job of incredible importance. We here on my side of the veil are honored and humbled by the opportunity once again to work with you and support you in this transformation. SO DO YOU SEE NOW THAT THERE IS NO ROOM OR TIME FOR HARSH AND UNJUST CRITICISMS OF YOURSELF OR EACH OTHER?

THERE IS ONLY ROOM FOR LOVE OF YOURSELVES AND LOVE FOR EVERY OTHER BEING WHO LIVES ON YOUR MOTHER EARTH. Know that I am always here for you and that I am loving you greatly and holding you in my heart.

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

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