Friday, November 1, 2019

Letter 178

Letter 178

Dear Ones,

Today let us go back and, once again, talk of things that you are carrying around from your past. Things that have never been resolved. Unspoken words that need to be spoken. Forgiveness that needs to be taken care of, whether it is forgiveness of self, or you needing to forgive someone else.
I call all of these thing's old core issues. Many, many times, over the next months, I will keep coming back to this topic. Every being on Mother Earth still has old core issues that need attention. Many of you think you have taken care of all this old stuff from your childhood or marriages that went astray. Believe me when I say there is still stuff hanging out there waiting for you to pay attention. 

All of these old core issues are affecting the way you live your life today. Those issues are limiting you and not allowing you to have the life you are wanting and asking for. Many times you ask for wonderful things to happen and be in your lives. We so want to give those things to you, but your belief system about yourself does not allow you to accept what we are offering, even if you have specifically asked for it.

My heart weeps for those times when we offer what you are asking for, and you are unable to allow yourself to accept it. Most times, the belief system that you are carrying around says you do not deserve good things in your life. You do not deserve to be special, or you do not deserve to be noticed. Once again, my heart weeps for each of you.

Each and every one of you are so special and so deserving of all that you ask for. So today, I am pleading with you to stop what you are doing and pay attention to what is going on inside of yourselves. It is past time to release and let and go of all those old core issues that are limiting you and holding you back.
I know that even as I say the words letting you know how special I think you are that your belief system is not letting you believe my words.  Are you thinking, she must be talking about someone else?  She cannot be talking about me, and then you listen to the old voices that play their untruths in your mind. 
If there are those of you who do not know how to release these old core issues, then step out and ask for help. There are energy workers, counselors, friends, and many other wonderful people in your world who know what to do and can help you. Of course, you can always ask us for help, and we will be there helping in whatever way we can.

This letter is addressed to every being who lives on Mother Earth. Everyone has old core issues to clear out. Take the time today and stop and listen to what is being said inside your mind about who you are. I am speaking of really listening. If that voice is not telling you that you are wonderful, capable, smart, loving, and loved, then it is not speaking the truth to you.

Know that we are always here waiting to help.  We are loving you and loving you.  Believe my words when I tell you that you are special and so deserving of everything that you might want to have in your life.   I am holding you in my heart.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

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