Sunday, April 1, 2018

Letter 332

Letter 332

Dear Ones,

This is the time of Becoming!! This is the time of New Beginnings!! Just as my son was resurrected, so are you being resurrected this day. There is a purpose for all the new and intense energy coming into your Mother Earth. This energy is to strengthen you and lift you up to all that is waiting on you and waiting for you.

Each being of Mother Earth has chosen to be here at this time. Each of you came with a specific plan and purpose. Each plan and purpose is beyond important to all beings of Mother Earth. Each being of Mother Earth is connected to every other being. Your plans and purposes are connected just as each of you are connected.

On this Easter Sunday, it is time to step up and step forward. It is time to answer the call of your soul. If you are thinking I have no idea what that is, then I will say to you. It is time to sit quietly and be with yourself, your angels, and my Son, listen to what is being said to you. Let your brain be quiet and truly listen to what is being said. Fear can stop you from being able to hear. Set your fear aside for the moment and allow yourselves to hear what is being said.

I can assure you and promise you that nothing is being asked of you that you are unable to do. Yes, it will most likely be more than what you think you are capable of doing, but believe me when I say you can do it. We will walk hand in hand with you and show you the way to accomplish all that you came here to do during this time. You each are so much more than you dreamed you could be.

All you need to accomplish this day is to stand up and say yes to your future. It makes no matter if you do not know what the future is today, what matters is that you are willing to step forward into the life you were meant to have by simply standing up today and saying out loud to yourself and the world. "YES, I AM WILLING TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO ACCOMPLISH MY PURPOSE FOR BEING HERE DURING THIS LIFETIME."

This is no small step you have taken to fulfill your purpose for being here. Take the time each day to quietly sit and be with us, and we will walk you through your next steps and all the ones after that. We will be walking with you as you take your next steps. That is our promise to each of you. You will not be walking this new journey by yourself.

I want each of you to remember that the journey you are stepping into today is not a journey of big huge steps, it is a journey of a thousand little steps. Steps taken in your time and as your readiness allows you to move forward day after day after day.

Remember always that we walk with you and that you are never alone. We send you our Love and Gratitude for all that you are doing and will be doing here on your Mother Earth. I am Loving and Cherishing each one of you. I Love You, l Love You, and I Love You.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary


Prairieroads said...

Thank you Barbara and Mother Mary for this wonderful Easter message. Truly the way to celebrate Easter is to know each one of us is never alone and to accept Mother Mary's and others support and step up to live our life purpose and to remember that we're all connected.

Barbara Beach, Scribe said...

Thank you for your Comment. Many Blessings for a Happy Easter to you. Barb

Tina said...

This beautiful letter from Mother Mary has brought so much joy and trusting willingness to follow her guidance. Because she and the Divine Ones know what is for the highest good for all as we are one! Thank you, sweet Barb for continuing to share MM's beautiful messages at a time when the world needs them most. You are a blessing and so cherished. Sending you love and blessings on this lovely Easter 2018, Barb. <3

Barbara Beach, Scribe said...

Thank you Tina, for your beautiful comments. Sending you big bunches of love & light, Barb