Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Letter 297

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 297

Good Morning Dear Ones,

I am hoping that each of you are feeling the excitement of stepping into 2015. This is and can be a brand New Beginning for each one of you. Remembering now that it is your choice, what 2015 brings into your life. What are you wanting, dreaming and hoping for?

This is the time to let go of all the extra heavy energy you have been carrying around with you for some time. It is not necessary to take the weight of the past into your New Beginning of 2015. Once again, it is your choice. No one in my world and no one in your world is making you hold onto all that is weighting you down. Take the time right now today to forgive yourselves for wrong decisions or actions that you perceive you have made. These are of your past and have no value in your life today except to hold you stuck in one place.

Today and in the days to come in 2015, it is all about moving forward and stepping into who you truly are. It is about accepting that you are a being of light and love. It is your purpose during this lifetime to shine your light as bright as possible. This light becomes a beacon to all other beings of your world. Can you imagine what Mother Earth would look like if all beings were shinning their light at their full strength? All I can say is amazing. All of you standing together in your own lights could and would light up the Universe.

Your lights together at full strength would leave no room for hate, violence, hunger, power, fear, separation, greed and the list goes on and on. With your lights at full brightness, there would be no room for any of these things that have kept your world stuck and standing in one place for eons and eons. Now is the time for LOVE & LIGHT TO BE SEEN THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE. Each one of you is needed to make that happen.

As you continue to lighten your load of old forgotten issues of your past, the light inside of you will shine brighter and brighter. You each are wondrous and unique beings, who have many gifts to share with yourselves and your world. And once again it is your choice. If you are saying to yourself right now I don't even no where to start Mother Mary. I will say right back to you, “then it is time to ask for our help.” We are right here and we are willing to help. We here in my world know that it takes great courage to step up and ask for help. I know that each one of you has the courage and strength inside of you to ask. It also takes great courage and strength to move forward beyond what you have known in the past. But, once again, I will say that I know that you each of you have that kind of courage and strength inside of you. You each are brave and courageous, or you would not have chosen to be here on Mother Earth in this life time. Living on Mother Earth during these transitions is not for the weak of heart.

So, my brave and courageous and most very special beings it is time to take the next step in your journeys. And, YES, I WILL BE RIGHT HERE BESIDE YOU. THERE IS NO WHERE ELSE I WOULD WANT TO BE AT THIS TIME, EXCEPT TO BE RIGHT HERE WITH EACH ONE OF YOU AS YOU TAKE YOUR NEXT STEPS IN 2015. HEAR MY WORDS TODAY AND KNOW THAT THEY ARE TRUTH. I love you, I love you and I love you. Take my words into your heart and feel the truth of what I say. Each one of you is loved dearly.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

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