Thursday, January 16, 2014

Letter 268

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 268

Good Morning Dear Ones, 

I know that many of you are feeling the physical effects of the immense energy that is flooding your planet.  Headaches, sleeping problems, anxiety/stress, feeling as if you body needs additional food to supplement it and finding it difficult to be motivated into doing your daily routine.  All of these are occurring because of the immense energy that is coming into your planet.  Some of you will experience all of the above and others will be just plagued with a few of the symptoms.  

Now, more than ever it is beyond important that you practice yourself care.  Even if you find that you are unmotivated to do almost anything else, do the self-care.  Find the energy some where inside of yourselves to practice yourself care.  Good practices of self-care at this time will make this part of the journey easier and more gentle.  

Now is the time to be thinking about what you would like 2014 to be for you?  What do you want to manifest in your life during this year?  What are your hopes and dreams for the year and the rest of your lives?  I am aware that all of these are very big questions, but it is indeed time to be thinking about this and putting out your intentions to the universe.  Putting your intentions out to the universe is not just thinking about them, praying and meditating about them.  It is speaking out loud about them.  Telling your friends and support team what is in your heart and what you would like for your life.  Telling the universe out loud, shouting into the heavens for all to hear so they will be able to support you on your journey. 

Let the world know what you are wanting and planning.  Let us know what you are wanting and planning.  Ask us for our help; tell us what you would like us to do for you.  In your asking remember to leave us room to provide what it is you want us to do.  Ask us for what you want and let us decide how we can bring it to you.   If you are wanting financial abundance, let us decide how we can provide that for you.  In other words, asking to win the lottery ties our hands and rejects the thousands of other ways we might be able to provide you with financial abundance.  

Open your hearts and minds to all that is being offered to each of you.  REMEMBERING THAT EACH ONE OF YOU CAME TO MOTHER EARTH DURING THIS TIME TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS WONDROUS JOURNEY TO THE 5D.  You each are the ones paving the road for the millions to gather and follow you on this journey.  We here in my world are in awe of all you have accomplished and what you are accomplishing each and every day.  We are grateful for all that you do and we are paying you great honor and respect for your courage and strength.  We are here right beside you, behind you, a head of you and over the top of you.  We are always surrounding you and standing with you.  We love and cherish each one of you.  I love you, I love you and I love you. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary 

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