Thursday, March 21, 2013

Letter 235

Letter 235

Dear Ones, 

Welcome to Spring!!  It is a time of new beginnings, growth, hope and fulfillment.  I know as you open your eyes wherever you might be on your Mother Earth it may not look and feel like spring, but be assured that it is.  

Mother Earth is awakening just as you will slowly awaken over the next months discovering new and wondrous things about yourselves.   During these months of growth and new beginnings allow the real being that you are to emerge and become one with this world that you live in.   There is much for you to learn and grow with during this time.  

In the past you have allowed yourselves to only know small bits of yourselves.  There is so much for you to discover about yourself.  There are gifts and possibilities that you have never imagined or allowed to come forth.   This time will be a time of surprises and wonder for some.  Others of you will finally be able to say, “I thought that I could do this or that.”  You finally allow yourselves to acknowledge all that you are or all that you are allowing yourselves to see at this time.  

Each of you is an amazing and gifted being.  You have heard it said many times in the last few years that you are a multidimensional being.  Most of you think about that for a moment, but you do not let yourself dwell on it or even accept the possibilities of what that might mean.  All of you are living at the same time in different realities or dimensions.  Most of you keep yourselves unaware of that.  It is difficult to comprehend or understand how that could be.   Remembering now that your soul and spirit has no physical body.  Your physical body belongs and is part of the reality of Mother Earth.  That does not mean that you would take it into another reality with you. 

So understand that it is your soul and spirit that travels and lives in other realities and in other physical forms.  I know that many of you are experiencing loss of time or the feeling of snapping back into place and wondering where you have been.  I have heard you say to one another, I must have been in some other reality.  Well, yes you were, but your physical body stayed right here.  Your mind and brain carried on as if you were right here.   But, in truth all that was here on Mother Earth was a tiny portion of who you really are. 

You each are these wondrous and incredible energy beings that are capable of doing things you can’t even imagine.  During these coming months, you will begin to understand more of what I am saying.  You will begin to see and comprehend more of who you are.   Over the next months and years, all will become clearer as you allow yourselves to become all that you are.  

Of course, we will be standing right beside you as you make these changes.  We will share your growth and new beginnings.  We here on this side are celebrating and honoring all that you are and all that you are becoming.  Know that you are greatly loved and cherished.  I love you, I love you and I love you. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary

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