Sunday, June 30, 2024

Letter 306


Letter 306

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Today I wish to speak of you! I am wanting to know how you are feeling? How are you holding up under all that is happening in your world? As you know, the energy that is coming into your world is pushing and pushing and pushing some more. There has been little time for you to take a break or take a look at all that has been happening in your personal one on one lives.

Many of you are moving so fast as you are trying to keep up with all that is happening in your personal worlds. The resistance to the pushing that you are feeling is increasing the pressure of what is going on in your world. Resisting all that is happening only causes you more distress. I am asking you to allow the energy to simply move through you as if it were giant waves washing over you.

When you feel the pushing, simply stand and allow it to move through you. The changes that are occurring in each of you will happen whether you are resisting or not. It is simply your choice about how they will occur. There is a saying in your world about "the path of least resistance." It is time to take that path and to stop fighting the changes that are occurring. These changes are the ones that you have asked for. They are changes that will allow you to move closer to the 5D world.

It is no small matter to change how you live, think, and be in your world. You quite simply are turning your personal worlds upside down. You could also look at it as if you are totally rebuilding the computer that is known as you. All-new circuit boards are being installed by you. All-new tapes are being put into place.

And while all this is going on, you are being asked and also asking yourselves to release all the ways you have been and have thought in the past. You are telling yourselves that all you believed to be true in your minds is no longer true.

You are in the process of allowing yourselves to see the truth of who you really are and the truth of your world. Have you not noticed how you no longer believe all the words you hear daily, that you are hearing what is being said in a different way? The words now are starting to filter through your heart, not just your minds. REMEMBER NOW THAT ALL IN YOUR WORLD IS HEADING INTO A 5D WORLD AND MOVING AWAY FROM THE 3D WORLD. The meaning of this is that everything in your personal lives will start to be perceived from your heart, not your mind or brain. Your brain is programmed into what the 3D world has taught it. Your brain has all the knowledge about how you should exist in the world, meaning the 3D world, not the 5D world. Your brain now has to learn from your heart, which means your brain needs to be put in second place, and the heart now takes over and is allowed to assist you in living in the 5D world.

It is strange is it not to think that your brain is not the one you should be following? It has been so ingrained into every being of earth that your brain is the most important part of you. It stores all your knowledge and knows what is best for you. What a surprise to find out that is not necessarily so. IT IS A TRUTH THAT YOUR HEART IS THE VERY MOST IMPORTANT PART OF YOU. THE HEART NEVER LIES, AND NEVER MISDIRECTS YOU. THE HEART IS ABOUT LOVE. AND INDEED, LOVE IS WHAT MAKES THE WORLD GO AROUND.

So, indeed it is time for change, it is time for the energy to be pushing and pushing, moving you towards your heart-directed life. Of course, as always, we are standing right here wishing to help you in any way we can. There is no one on Mother Earth who is standing by themselves. We are surrounding and holding each and every one of you in our hearts. You each are cherished beyond what you can imagine. Know that I love you and will continue to love you forever.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

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