Saturday, June 22, 2024

Letter 303


Letter 303

Good Morning Dear Ones,

On this day, meaning, Yesterday, we have stepped into a new time. A New Time of New Beginnings. Have you not, over the last many months, been wishing for a new time? For each of you to truly step into this time of New Beginnings, it will be necessary to let go of the past. Letting go of the past meaning to leave it behind and allowing any unfinished feelings of the past to stay in the past or choose to finish them now. Now meaning today.

No being of Mother Earth is really able to have a clean and clear New Beginning while they are trying to carry a huge backpack full of regrets, non-forgiveness of self or others, what-ifs, and of course, the list goes on and on. Each of you will know in a flash once you read my words what I am talking about.

So today, I am asking you to open your hearts very wide and allow yourselves to let go of past hurts, misunderstandings, and harsh words that might have broken your hearts. It is most important that you recognize you are not doing this for the other person; you are doing this to free yourselves of the past. FOR TRULY, YOU ARE THE ONLY BEING WHO CAN DO THIS. THERE IS NO FORGIVENESS NEEDED FROM MY WORLD; THAT HASN'T ALREADY HAPPENED EONS AGO. WE HERE IN MY WORLD HOLD EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU IN THE HIGHEST REGARD. YOU EACH ARE HELD WITH LOVE AND RESPECT OF THE HIGHEST BY EVERYONE IN MY WORLD.

Know that there is a whole new world of new beginnings waiting for each of you. I am asking only that you free yourselves and allow the heaviness of the past to be lifted and taken away. It is not necessary to go back and pick through once again all that you have been carrying. You have already picked through it many, many times. So, I say to you go and take your morning shower, or any time shower and allow the water to wash the heaviness of the past away. Know that we will be right beside you, helping you release your heaviness and set yourself free.

Know in your hearts that this is something you deserve to do for yourselves. This is your second chance, so to speak, and is there, not a saying in your world that everyone deserves a second chance? In my world, the saying would be that everyone deserves as many chances as they need. Know in your hearts that you deserve this New Beginning and the joy and happiness it will bring you.

WE are standing right here beside you today, paying you honor and respect. And, of course, I am loving you so tenderly and holding you in my heart.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

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