Saturday, June 15, 2024

Letter 302


Letter 302

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Have you been riding a roller coaster lately?? This invisible roller coaster you have been riding not only goes up and down, but this one is going sideways also. You and your world and every being in your world is being bombarded with intense energy from all the universe in all of creation.

It is a time of new beginnings, and IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO CHOOSE WHAT THOSE NEW BEGINNINGS WILL BE FOR EACH OF YOU. As you read my words, are you thinking I don't even know where to start? My mind and body are stretched to their limits; how can I possibly make a decision in my time of chaos, confusion, and tiredness?

So, right now, this very moment, I want you to STOP. I AM SAYING TO STOP EVERYTHING. Do keep breathing; that is beyond important, but the one and only thing you need to do right now is to STOP. Just keep on breathing and being with yourself. Allow you and your silence, and your breath to be all that is in your mind.

IT IS BEYOND IMPORTANT THAT YOU TAKE THE TIME RIGHT NOW, THIS DAY, AND THIS MINUTE TO STOP AND LET YOURSELF BE. THIS MEANS GIVING YOURSELF PERMISSION TO JUST BE FOR A FEW MINUTES OR EVEN AN HOUR. It is time to find your center. What I mean is that place inside of yourself where your knowing lives. Yes, each and every one of you has that place inside that knows everything you need to know about yourself. Your center, your place of knowing, is right there waiting, and only you can access this place. It happens in the stillness of your mind and body. If you are thinking, you don't know where your center is, then place your hand on your heart, and you will be at your center. Your heart is your center and your place of all-knowing.

Many of you are saying right now, "Are you crazy, Mother Mary, I can't stop right now, and I don't know when I will be able to." All I can do is to keep going and keep hoping that everything will turn out all right. My Dear Ones, that is old thinking; that is the thinking that keeps you stuck in the life you do not truly want. REMEMBERING NOW THAT THIS IS THE TIME OF NEW BEGINNINGS. ALL THE UNIVERSES ARE IN LINE TO BE OF HELP FOR EACH OF YOU TO MAKE THIS NEW PUSH FORWARD. ALL OF THE INTENSE ENERGY AND STAR VIBRATIONS THAT ARE COMING IN AT THIS TIME ARE HERE TO HELP YOU MAKE THE DECISION TO DO WHAT YOUR HEART HAS BEEN CALLING YOU TO DO FOR EONS.

And you will say I don't know what that is, and I say back to you go to your heart, your center, your place of knowing, and allow yourselves to hear your own voice. Allow yourselves to take the risk to listen to your own voice. Each and every one of you made the decision to return to Mother Earth at this time. You each came with a purpose to fulfill. Now is the time to listen to your own voice and start or continue to take the next steps on this journey.

With all that is raining down on your planet at this time, your next steps will no doubt be powerful and life-changing. Know that we are here, and we will stay right here beside you to help each one of you take those powerful steps that will help you to fulfill your purpose here on Mother Earth.


Know that I am loving you greatly and holding you dearly in my heart. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

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