Saturday, July 6, 2024

Letter 307


Letter 307

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Is today, not a wondrous day? It is a new time and a new day. If you choose, it can be a new beginning. So, what will you choose today? Will you go on in the same old pattern, allowing fear to hold you in the same place as all the yesterdays? Yes, these are big questions for a beautiful day. But, it is past time that I ask you these questions. Are you ready to move forward to the next level or are you going to stay where you are??

There is no way for me to tell you what the next level will be, for it is different for each one of you. Most of you have some small inkling in your mind about what the next level holds for you. I will say that this is what you have been asking for in your journey into the 5D world. The journey is about traveling from one level to the next. And yes, it means cleaning and clearing out all the past levels to be able to go forward.

Moving to the next level this time means digging deep within yourselves to release and clear out very old deep patterns from your beginning days. There are old patterns still buried within you that must be released so that you will have the freedom to move forward. The move forward can only be complete with the releasing of old buried fears and frustrations. I am speaking of the ones you have been refusing to acknowledge. Now is the time to step up and allow these fears to be gone once and for all.

Fear is the opposite of love. Love is where each of you are traveling to. The 5D is about love. There is no room for old buried fears. Even though the fears are buried deep, and you believe they can be ignored, they do affect every moment of your lives. They are there with you always, and they affect every decision that you make about your lives and how you relate to the world.

We here in my world have been talking about letting go of old patterns and old fears for months and months and maybe even years now. It is important to remember that the old patterns and old fears did not happen to you all at once but were accumulated over the years and years of your lives. As you are doing your releasing and letting go, it is beyond important that you give yourselves the very best in self-care. Self-care includes asking for help when you are doing your releasing or in the aftermath of letting go.

You will find that yourself-care will greatly improve as you release and let go of all old buried fears and patterns. One of the unknowns of holding all inside is that you have no room or space to think of self-care or self-love. Most of you will find yourselves unworthy of self-care. Of course, that is a HUGE UNTRUTH. Each and every one of you are most worthy of self-care and self-love. You cannot even imagine the greatness of yourselves when you are seeing yourselves through the eyes of fear and old patterns.

I can only hope you will believe my words when I tell you that each of you are wondrous beings beyond your wildest imagination. You have the power and love inside yourselves to change the world. You each have the power inside yourselves to heal Mother Earth and make her well again. We here in my world are standing at the ready to help you in any way we can. You only need to ask for our help, and we will be there. Asking for help from us or anyone is marvelous self-care. We here are loving you and holding you most tenderly in our hearts.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

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