Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Letter 297

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 297

Good Morning Dear Ones,

I am hoping that each of you are feeling the excitement of stepping into 2015. This is and can be a brand New Beginning for each one of you. Remembering now that it is your choice, what 2015 brings into your life. What are you wanting, dreaming and hoping for?

This is the time to let go of all the extra heavy energy you have been carrying around with you for some time. It is not necessary to take the weight of the past into your New Beginning of 2015. Once again, it is your choice. No one in my world and no one in your world is making you hold onto all that is weighting you down. Take the time right now today to forgive yourselves for wrong decisions or actions that you perceive you have made. These are of your past and have no value in your life today except to hold you stuck in one place.

Today and in the days to come in 2015, it is all about moving forward and stepping into who you truly are. It is about accepting that you are a being of light and love. It is your purpose during this lifetime to shine your light as bright as possible. This light becomes a beacon to all other beings of your world. Can you imagine what Mother Earth would look like if all beings were shinning their light at their full strength? All I can say is amazing. All of you standing together in your own lights could and would light up the Universe.

Your lights together at full strength would leave no room for hate, violence, hunger, power, fear, separation, greed and the list goes on and on. With your lights at full brightness, there would be no room for any of these things that have kept your world stuck and standing in one place for eons and eons. Now is the time for LOVE & LIGHT TO BE SEEN THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE. Each one of you is needed to make that happen.

As you continue to lighten your load of old forgotten issues of your past, the light inside of you will shine brighter and brighter. You each are wondrous and unique beings, who have many gifts to share with yourselves and your world. And once again it is your choice. If you are saying to yourself right now I don't even no where to start Mother Mary. I will say right back to you, “then it is time to ask for our help.” We are right here and we are willing to help. We here in my world know that it takes great courage to step up and ask for help. I know that each one of you has the courage and strength inside of you to ask. It also takes great courage and strength to move forward beyond what you have known in the past. But, once again, I will say that I know that you each of you have that kind of courage and strength inside of you. You each are brave and courageous, or you would not have chosen to be here on Mother Earth in this life time. Living on Mother Earth during these transitions is not for the weak of heart.

So, my brave and courageous and most very special beings it is time to take the next step in your journeys. And, YES, I WILL BE RIGHT HERE BESIDE YOU. THERE IS NO WHERE ELSE I WOULD WANT TO BE AT THIS TIME, EXCEPT TO BE RIGHT HERE WITH EACH ONE OF YOU AS YOU TAKE YOUR NEXT STEPS IN 2015. HEAR MY WORDS TODAY AND KNOW THAT THEY ARE TRUTH. I love you, I love you and I love you. Take my words into your heart and feel the truth of what I say. Each one of you is loved dearly.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Letter 296

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 296

Dear Ones,

It is with great honor that once again I am able to communicate with you through one of my letters. There is much to tell you about this day. This special day of your Winter Solstice, which is a most important day for each of you and for every being of Mother Earth.

From this time and day forward into the next few weeks of the New Year there is much housekeeping to be accomplished. You each are standing in a strong and powerful energy wave that is coming into your Universe. Love, Courage, Strength, Openness, Commitment, Honor, Faith and Loyalty are being poured into your Mother Earth and all of the many Universes that touch with Mother Earth. You are being provided with the tools to clear and clean out your inner house. Now is the time to release and let go of all issues of the past and present that are keeping you standing in the same old place.

If each one of you were to stop right now and think for just one moment, you will know exactly what I am talking about. There is immense amounts of support, love and courage being directed into each one of you. Sometimes it may feel as if you are unable to sit still for more than a second. Let me assure you that once all has been released and let go of, you will find that sitting still will no longer be a problem.

I want to speak to those of you who will decide to keep all that you have been storing inside of yourselves. It is important to remember that each being of Mother Earth has the gift of Free Will to make his or her own choices. If you find yourself unable to do the releasing that is being called for at this time, then rest assured that you have that choice and it will be respected and honored by all in my world. If there comes a time when you are ready to do this releasing we will be at the ready to support and help you in any way we can.

With the coming in of 2015, there will an abundant amount of energy being directed to each of you, asking and wanting you to step forward to own and acknowledge your gifts. We will be asking each of you to bring your gifts forward and to use them to honor yourselves and every other being of Mother Earth. If you're one of the beings of Mother Earth who is unaware of what their gifts are, then let me to say to you,”What is the thing that you dream of doing but continue to tell yourself that it is not possible?” What dream are you are telling yourself, this is not possible? I will tell you that everything is possible.

You each are so much more than you can even imagine. You are wondrous beings. Having the faith in yourselves to step forward and allow all that is meant to be, wouldn't that be a wondrous gift to give yourselves in this New Year of 2015. We are waiting for you to step forward. Know that every single being in my world is standing right here reaching out to help you, support you, and love you. It is our mission, our purpose to help, support and love each one of you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Letter 295

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 295

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk again about Love. There on Mother Earth, there are many songs, books, movies and even holidays about Love. Each of those are wonderful by themselves and even more wonderful all together. But, I want to talk about your love; love of yourself.

Are you truly in love with yourself? I can almost hear you say, “Mother Mary how can you be in love with yourself.” My answer back is, “why would you not want to be in love with yourself”? Each one of you is a miraculous being. Each of you is filled with kindness, generosity, compassion, creativity and the list goes on and on. What is not to be in love with?

Can you step outside yourself for a moment and witness for yourself who you truly are? Can you look at yourself with the eyes of truth? To look at yourself with the eyes of truth it will be most necessary to let go of all the words you have heard from your first day here on Mother Earth. These words may be words of love and caring, or they may be words of harm and destruction. Letting go of the words will also be letting go of what others think and feel about you.

All that will be left is what you think and feel about yourself. There will be a very few who will find that your opinions of yourselves are truly based on what you think, feel or perceive to be true of who you are. Most of you will find that other's thoughts and opinions have been used to tell you who and what you are. NOW IS THE TIME TO SEE THE TRUTH. YES, EACH ONE OF YOU HAS THE COURAGE AND STRENGTH TO SEE THE TRUTH OF WHO YOU REALLY ARE. I can assure you that you will be amazed beyond your wildest imaginations.

Each one of you is a God or Goddess. The light that shines from inside your being could and will light up the world. You each are capable of performing miracles. The power of your light can and will touch others in such a way that their own lights will break through and shine as brightly as yours. Your light will be contagious, touching and reaching all beings across Mother Earth.

There is much Love and Light pouring into Mother Earth at this time. Each one in my world is sending you love and support. Now is the time to take that next step to recognize who you each are. Know that we are indeed standing right here beside you. We will walk the path of the witness with you. You are never alone nor have you ever been alone. It is time to recognize that and to acknowledge that we are here. We are one with you. We are the same as you. WE are all GODS AND GODDESS. WE ARE ALL ONE. I am loving you so greatly.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Letter 294

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 294

Good Morning Dear Ones,

This day there are many of you who are celebrating Your Thanksgiving Day and there are many of you on Mother Earth who do not celebrate a Thanksgiving Day. Each of you are experiencing extreme stress in your lives, whether it is from your holiday or simply your life.

Right now, on Mother Earth the stress level in the collective consciousness is higher than at any other time in Mother Earth's existence. Each of you is at the top rung on your ladder of Stress. For those of you who are going into your celebration of Christmas you will indeed push your stress level past the highest rung.

So, I am asking myself what I can say to each of you that will make you stop and look at your lives and the way you are living your lives. The changing of your stress levels is something only you can do. You are making and have made choices in your lives to live in such a manner. If in your extreme stress levels, you are not able to continue yourself-care, then that is affecting the whole of your being. Once again, Free Will steps in here, because you are the only one who can stop this or lower your stress level. Of course, we can help you once we are asked, but it is your asking and your making the choice to want to change the way you live.

I can hear many of you as you read my letter saying to yourselves, “I don't know how to live in a different way.” I will say back to you it is time to learn. Right now in your world, all is in alignment and is pushing and pulling you to dig deep inside yourselves and release all that is not serving you. Every being of Mother Earth is feeling this push and pull to dig deep and release. Yes, you have been asked over and over during the last years to release all that is not serving you. Many of you have been working very hard to honor that request. We here in my world are honoring and respecting all that you have accomplished. I say to you this day that there is indeed more to be released. The old feelings and issues from time's way past are holding you and world back from being who and what you are wanting to be.

There are those who have never started their journeys of releasing and letting go, of the past feelings and issues. This will be an extremely difficult time for those beings as they are unaware of what is happening to the universe and all who are here at this time to help in the moving into the 5D. It may feel to them as if they are being bombarded with issue after issue and indeed that is exactly what is happening for them. Others of you who have been working your way through your issues will find that you are unable to hold back the ones that are left to deal with. All of this is causing extreme stress. Your physically bodies are exhausted from the holding back of issue and also from the releasing of issues.

I want to say very loudly right now that it is the holding back that is causing you the physical exhaustion. Know that in your letting go you only need to be a witness of the releasing, it is not necessary to go back and relive any situations, feelings or issues. It is a matter of allowing yourselves to let go of all that you are holding on to. I am hearing you say, “Mother Mary that just sounds way to simply and I am saying back yes, indeed it is simply if you will allow it to be.”  So, my question to you is will you allow it to be? It is your Free Will to make this choice. Your choice to lower your stress level, your choice to release and let go, your choice to choose to live in a new and different way. Your choice to choose LIGHT AND LOVE.

We of course, are right here ready to help you in any way we can. You need only to ask and we will be there. Remember now that there are hundreds of thousands of us waiting to help you, in fact, maybe there are millions of us. You each have learned so much during this life time and this is one more step in your learning. This is one more step in your changing and growing, in your becoming all that you were meant to be.

Remember now that you made the choice to be part of this process of moving your world from the 3D into the 5D. You have come a long way and there is a distance yet to go. We here are honoring all that you have accomplished and all you will continue to accomplish. We are amazed by your courage and strength. We here are honored to be of service to you. We are loving you each and everyone.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Friday, November 14, 2014

Letter 293

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 293

Dear Ones,

Today let us speak of your upcoming holidays. As each of you know the energies surrounding and permeating your world are intense and far surpasses anything that you have experience before. Your physical bodies are struggling to acclimate themselves to all that is coming their way. Many of you are feeling as if you are on a roller coaster going from one extreme to the other with your feelings, emotions and mental turmoils.

Still there are old issues of the past coming forward to be addressed as you work to deal with issues from today and yesterday. Most of you are finding little down time or even space to take a breath. NOW IS THE TIME WHEN SELF-CARE IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE. Even as I say those words “self-care” many of you just want to run away and hide from me. I understand how difficult it is at this time to even allow your minds to go to the issue of self-care. Indeed, is this not an old issue that is raising its head to say pay attention to me; now is the time and you must find the time.

So, now let's speak to your Holiday Season, for it is just around the corner. My guestion to you is. How will you choose to deal with it this year? Will you continue as you have in the past to add another huge layer of stress to what you are already carrying in your bodies? What happens to the Joy, Love and Celebration of the season when you choose to celebrate the season under extreme stress. Yes, I know that for as long as you can remember and even back to your childhoods the Holiday season came with more stress than it did with Joy, Love and Celebration.

Most of you are following your role models and doing the holidays just as you watched your Mothers, Fathers, Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents do in the past. Well, once again this is another area where Free Will comes into play. You have a choice about how you choose to celebrate the holidays and what you want to bring to the season. You can choose to add another large layer of stress to your lives or this year you can decide to do it a different way. I am not going to tell you how to do it a different way, because each of you will need to find the way that fits for you.

If your first thought is about the children in your lives and that you might be taking something away from them, then I want you to stop right now and remember what you were like last year during the season. As you add that large extra layer of stress you to your lives, do you not become more resentful, cranky, angry, and desperate? This is the energy you are sending your loved ones for the holidays. The adults in your life will most likely recognize what is happening and know that it is not really about them or something they might have done. But, what about the children, they will automatically assume they have done something wrong, they have ruined the holidays for everyone. They will believe they have done something wrong. The very big truth right now is that the children have only expressed the joy and excitement of the holiday season. In your choosing to do it all in the same-old way the Joy, Love and Celebration of the season is lost for another year.

SO, THIS YEAR CAN YOU STEP FORWARD AND MAKE NEW AND DIFFERENT CHOICES? Will you choose to use your power of Free Will to find a better way for yourselves. This season let your gift to the universe be your energy of pure joy and celebration. Use all of your tools to express what is in your hearts and not what is in the malls.

Of course, we are right here with you to support you in any way we can. We are as close as your fingertips. We are always right here offering our love and support to each and everyone of you. I am holding you in my heart and loving you so greatly. I am asking you to honor yourselves, your family and the whole of the universe. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU and I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Friday, November 7, 2014

Lettr 292

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 292

Good Morning Dear Ones,

This morning I wish to speak again of the Gift that each of you have been given at the beginning of your existence. This gift is the Gift of Free Will. In your world there on Mother Earth, there is not any attention being paid to this gift. It is almost as if it does not exist. For many, it is just words that have been written in days long past, but it has no real meaning to your day to day world.

Now, I will say to you most loudly it is time to wake up and realize that you indeed have this gift and it is not to be taken lightly. Often it has been presented to you with rules and regulations attached to it. Some of the religious leaders and other beings that have been in power have purposely led you to believe that your gift has no meaning. In other words, it is just words written long ago.

This gift of Free Will is the key and the pathway to having the life that you have been dreaming of and praying for. The gift was given by God to each and everyone of you. He placed no stipulations on this gift. There are no rules placed on the use of this gift. The gift of Free Will is your source of personal power. The personal power I speak of is not power over someone else, or the power to hurt someone, or to take something from someone else. This personal power is not about greed, selfishness, financial gain or being better than the next person.

The gift of Free Will and the personal power that comes from using that gift is priceless. With this gift, you have been given the tools to direct your own life. The life that you are living is not being directed by God, it is being directed by each one of you. IN THE GIVING OF THIS GIFT, HE IS SAYING TO EACH OF YOU, DO WHAT YOU WILL WITH YOUR CHOOSING TO RETURN TO MOTHER EARTH. CHOOSE WHY YOU ARE RETURNING TO MOTHER EARTH. WHAT IS IT YOU ARE WANTING TO DO AND LEARN WHILE YOU ARE THERE ON MOTHER EARTH? Every bit of your life lies within your personal power. Your choosing to use that power or not use is directed by you and only you.

GOD IS NOT THE BEING WHO YOU HAVE BEEN LED TO BELIEVE HE IS. GOD IS NOT STANDING ON HIGH WAITING TO PUNISH YOU OR DIRECT YOUR LIFE IN ANYWAY. He is simply here offering his love and support to each of you and to every being in my world. He is not directing what each of you does or doesn't do. The choice is yours to make or not make. You alone have the power to do anything you want to do or to direct your life in any way you choose.

Each one of you made many choices before returning to Mother Earth; about what you want your life to be during this time. Contracts and agreement were made before you returned here to Mother Earth. Your gift of Free Will is needed to accomplish all that you came to do. It is time to honor yourselves and to honor God by using this gift that was given.

YOU CAN START TODAY TO USE THIS GIFT. BEGIN BY TAKING THE TIME TO SIT AND THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT YOUR LIFE TO BE ABOUT. WHAT DIRECTION DO YOU NEED TO GO AND WHAT DO YOU WANT TO ACCOMPLISH. Be aware that these decision need to come from your heart and not just your brain. Do not allow your brain to stop you from what your heart is telling you that you can do, once you have made your decision about the direction you need to go. I am now asking you to speak out loud what direction you are wanting to go and what you are wanting to do. During your time of speaking out loud, be sure to ask for our help and support with what you're choosing to do.

You have this Gift given by God to you for your use and your personal power. NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE BACK YOUR PERSONAL POWER AND TO USE THIS GIFT AS IT WAS INTENDED TO BE USED.

Know that all in my world are standing right here at the ready to help in any way we can. We are loving you each and everyone. I cherish and love you each.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Monday, October 27, 2014

Letter 291

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 291

Oh My Dear Ones,

I want each of you to know that I am right here with you today. In truth, I am right here with you every day. I so want each one of you to know how much you are loved and cherished. My wish is that you will take this love that I am handing you and you will place inside your heart, believing that is truth.

There is much in your world today and truly every day that does not feel loving and nurturing. Some of you have found people that have come into your life with love and kindness in their hearts. Yet there are so many of you that have not found that in your world. Or perhaps you thought that you had found it and then it disappeared for one reason or another.

Keep your heart and mind open to what life has to offer you and to what we here in my world are offering you. Opening yourself to all that is available and waiting for you can feel incredibly risky and fearful. Today I am asking you to allow yourselves the freedom to experience all that your life has to offer you. I wish for you to know in your heart and mind that we here are truly right beside you. We are encouraging you to step forward and to open your arms to what your heart and mind have been asking and praying for.

Over the next months and year, you will find that your lives will be changing greatly. I can feel some of you thinking hasn't that already happened. My answer is yes; it has, but guess what it is not over and you will indeed see many more changes coming into your lives. By this time next year, some of you will not even recognize who you are. You will be shaking your heads and saying how did all of this happen to me. So now is the time to open your hearts and minds and say YES to all that is coming. Resisting the changes that are coming into your lives will make your life a struggle. Life was never meant to be a struggle. So I say LET GO OF YOUR STRUGGLE AND EMBRACE WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR.

REMEMBERING NOW THAT YOU HAVE FREE WILL AND THE CHANGES THAT ARE COMING ARE THE CHANGES YOU HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR. But, you never dared to allow yourself to believe they would come true. In your daydreaming and wishing you never realized that you were directing your own life and the changes that you dreamed of. So, know that we are right here and that each one of you has an army of angels waiting to help. They are at the ready to hold your hands or to help you step forward into all you have been dreaming of. And as always, I am right here offering you my love and caring. Take it into your hearts and minds, allowing it to grow and showing you the way to love yourselves. Allow yourself to see the truth of who you are. I promise that you will be amazed at the person you see looking back at you in the mirror. The picture of yourself that you have held onto during life, one you brought with you from your childhood is no longer truth or perhaps never was the truth. So, please take another look at who you truly are and see what I see. I know that you can do this and many, many, other wondrous things. I am loving you each and everyone.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Letter 290

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 290

Good Morning Dear Ones,

What joy I hold in my heart. Barbara and I just returned from the Madonna Ministry yearly conference. I am there every year of course, but Barbara has not been for several years. To be in the presence of these beings who are working so hard on my behalf is a great pleasure for me. Their hearts and minds are open to the new world that is coming (the 5D world). I am greatly honored by their many efforts in my behalf. Their stepping up and out into the world sharing there ministries with all; walking their chosen paths with open hearts and arms brings me great joy.

These beings of the Madonna Ministry are using their gift of free will to walk there chosen paths. Each one standing in my light and then going out into the world to share that light with others. I SAY THANK YOU TO EACH OF YOU IN THE MINISTRY AND I SAY I LOVE YOU EACH AND HOLD YOU MOST DEARLY IN MY HEART.

And now let us speak more of Free Will. Today I am asking how are you each using your Free Will and are you using it? Some beings of earth are totally unaware of Free Will and what it can mean to their lives. You each have Free will in every area of your life. That means in your birth and in your death. Every single thing that happens in your life is there because you have chosen it to be there. I know that my last statement is going to make some of you uncomfortable and perhaps you will want to scream at me and say NO I did not choose this. And I will say back to you YES you did. Many times in the lives of the beings of Mother Earth by not using your Free Will consciously your lives can go astray.

I will explain what I mean by that. What happens is that your life just goes on and you are not directing it you simply are standing back and allowing whatever to happen. You are not consciously paying attention, you are simply drifting along. Either afraid to think or say out loud this is where I want to go and what I want to do or what I want in my life. You are leaving your life and future up for grabs hoping someone else will make the decision for you. In doing that you are giving your Free Will to whoever might be walking by you at any given time. Is that not an earth shattering thought, that you have just given your Free Will to anyone, because it is easier than standing and taking responsibility for what is happening or not happening in your life.

Free Will can feel very scary and frightening to some beings. But, I will tell you it is a gift more precious than any that you will ever receive in your lives. REMEMBERING NOW THAT THIS WAS A GIFT GIVEN BY GOD. What could be more precious than that. It was given as a way of honoring each one of you and showing you each how much you are loved and cared for.

What I am asking of you today is to start using your Free Will in a conscious way. Before you make any decisions be it the small daily ones or the life altering ones, stop and think that this is totally your choice, it is your Free Will at work. What does your heart tell you, what direction do you want to go? You are the one in charge, you are the one with the power. Free Will is about Power. The power to change your life and to make it into whatever you consciously choose it to be. I beg of you to no longer be afraid of that Power, that Gift of Free Will. It is time to accept your gift of Free Will and to use it to move yourselves into the life you dream of.

Know that we are standing right here with you and will help you every step of the way. Open your hearts and minds, accept the gift that you have been given, accept the power that is you. We are honoring you and holding you most dearly in our hearts. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Letter 289

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 289

Dear Ones,

Today, I come to you with great Gratitude, Love, Respect and Honoring in my heart for all of you and all that you do. Each one of you has shown such courage and strength as you travel your chosen paths. You have found many rocks and ruts along the way and yet you just keep on walking. That is not to say that your human feelings of hopelessness, despair and anger have not joined you on your path during your many days, weeks, months and years of your traveling. Remember and be gentle you are human and all of those feelings make up all that you are. What is most important is that you keep on walking and work your way through all that happens in your lives.

Much has happened along the way and many lessons have been learned and yes, many lessons are still to be learned and integrated into your hearts and minds. Can you look back over the last year, then five years and even back further to see how much you have changed and grown? Have you given yourselves credit for all you have accomplished as you have journeyed on your chosen pathway? Take the time to stop and really look at how far you have come and all you have done. Spend time honoring how you have grown and changed. Pay honor to yourselves for who you have become.

I HAVE SAID THIS IN THE PAST AND I WILL SAY IT AGAIN, EACH ONE OF YOU IS AMAZING AND WONDROUS. Everyone in my world is so honored to be able to stand with you and be of service to you. As you walk your chosen path working very hard to be of service to my world, your world and each being of all the worlds, please know that we are standing here being of service to each of you. IN YOUR WORLD THAT IS CALLED A WIN-WIN FOR EVERYONE. All in my world and all in your world are in service to the betterment of human kind and the whole of the universal collective. IN OTHER WORDS, WE ARE ALL WORKING FOR THE BETTERMENT OF EVERY LIVING BREATHING LIFE FORM. I WILL TELL YOU THAT THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF OTHER LIVING BREATHING LIFE FORMS AND BEINGS OF MOTHER EARTH ARE JUST ONE OF THE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS WHO LIVE AND LOVE IN THE UNIVERSAL COLLECTIVE.

Your coming month will be intense and filled with great amounts of new energy. Some of you will feel as if you have just woken up from long years of sleep. Know if that has happened to you, then you are simply returning from being in school in my world. Others of you will be traveling to my world for schooling. KNOW THAT THE LEARNING AND GROWING WILL CONTINUE TO BE PART OF YOUR LIVES. Have great faith in yourselves and of course in us. You each will continue walking your path and we will continue walking your path with you. From all of us here in my world know that we are sending you great immense amounts of love and support. ALWAYS, ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU ARE NEVER ALONE, EVEN IF YOU THINK WE ARE NOT THERE, OR WE HAVE NOT HEARD YOU, LET ME ASSURE YOU WE ARE HERE. I am holding each one of you most dearly in my heart and I cherish you greatly.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Friday, September 26, 2014

Letter 288

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 288

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Let us once again talk about you this morning. How are you doing and what is happening in your lives? I know that many of you are spinning out of control and feeling like you are riding a roller coaster. Immensely strong emotions are coming up from the depths of you. Know that these emotions are surfacing up to be cleared and released into the ethers. It is not necessary to pull them back in and bury them once again. Now is the time to release and let go.

Many of you are finding old emotions and issues that you thought you had released years ago, are finding there way to the surface again. It is not that you did not spend time with these emotions and issues in the past; it is simply that they were not fully released and let go of. So think of these times as if you were doing a very thorough cleansing and cleaning of your inner being.

Now is the time to release all that has been buried and hidden away from your everyday life. It is easy to believe that you were unaware of what is left to do, but in the back of your mind, you have known of what was to come next in your journey. Everyone will come to this point in their journey, but not all will arrive here at the same time. Those who arrive first to do their unearthing of old emotions will be able to support those who arrive a little later down the road.

Releasing and letting go of old emotions and issues does not mean that you must go back and be in those times and hurts. It simply means an acknowledging of the emotions and issues. It is a time to stand as the observer or witness to what has happened in your past. It is not the time to go back and live there once again. If you are a being who is thinking OH, MOTHER MARY WE HAVE BEEN HERE SO MANY TIMES IN THE PAST, ARE WE NOT DONE WITH THIS. MY ANSWER BACK TO YOU IS NO, WE ARE NOT DONE WITH THIS. AND IF YOU ARE ASKING THEN YOU ARE DEFINITELY NOT DONE WITH THIS. YOU ARE HOPING AND PERHAPS EVEN PRAYING THAT IT WILL ALL GO AWAY. YES, IT WILL GO AWAY, BUT ONLY AFTER YOU ACKNOWLEDGE ALL THE OLD EMOTIONS AND ISSUES.

I am so aware that many of you are uncomfortable and even afraid to step back and acknowledge these things of your past. I want you to know that it is not necessary to step into all that is lingering there. It is only necessary to see what is there, to acknowledge that this is part of your history and then hand it to me. Simply visualize in your mind putting it all in my hands. Whatever it might be, just to let go and give it to me. I will gladly take it and release it into the ethers to be gone forever more.

Know of course, that we are right here waiting to help you in any way we can. I have said this before, but it is time to say it again. We are behind you, in front of you, beside you, above you and below you. You are never alone for one moment in time. WE are here and we are not going away. You only need ask. I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Friday, September 19, 2014

Letter 287

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 287

Dear Ones,

Time in your world is moving very fast and you each seem to now be running to try and keep up with all you have to do. All beings in your world are moving as fast as they can to accomplish all that they see needs to be done. There are few beings that are enjoying their lives or the time they are spending taking care of their daily lives.

Rushing here and there seems to be the order of your business. I WANT TO SAY TO YOU VERY LOUDLY IT IS TIME TO SLOW DOWN. Yes, I can hear you just as loudly shouting back at me saying I can't slow down I have all of this to do. In all the craziness of your lives, you have left no room for enjoyment or appreciation. What has happened to connecting with others and being at ease with yourselves?

The speed in which you are living your lives is not something you can sustain over the long run. Your minds, bodies and hearts were never meant to live in a world that runs on full speed ahead. Of course, it is always possible to go full speed during short times in your lives, but it is not a possible to do this month after month or even year after year. Your physical bodies, minds, hearts and emotions are unable to function at that rate for the long distance. WHAT HAPPENED TO SELF-CARE AND SELF-LOVE? Full speed ahead does not fit into self-care or self-love.

I know that each of you are thinking there is no way I can slow down and I am telling you that it is time to slow down. So, it is time to change your perceptions about who you think you are and what you think you can do. You are one person and you are the only person who controls your life. It is time for some soul-searching about what you want from your life and what direction you want your life to take. I will assure you that the making of money and the purchasing of goods will never satisfy the needs and wants of your heart and soul.

Take time to stop and think about what it is you are wanting for your lives and your families lives. What is most important to you and to them? We are right here beside you and we are knowing what a struggle this is for you. Your lives have become so full you have lost yourselves in the running about. We will indeed be right here to help you find your way back to your home, which is your heart where love and life live. Please ask and we will help you find ways to slow down and begin once again to live your life walking instead of running. The changes will need to come in baby steps, but any step at all will be most helpful at this time.

Know that we are here loving you greatly and holding you most dearly in our hearts. I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Letter 286

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 286

Good Morning Dear Ones,

There are a hundred thousand things I could speak of this morning. But, as always I would rather talk about you and how you are doing in the craziness of your world. The energies of your world are once again battering your physical and mental bodies.

These energies are taking you each into the depths of all that has been buried inside of you throughout your life times. Many are experiencing great grief and letting go of much that has been known to them. Others are experiencing pain from this life time and other life times. Your actions today are not always about what is happening today Sept. 10th, they can be from days long ago.


When this time has passed you will find that your physical bodies feel so much lighter and more at peace than you have known before. Your emotional and mental bodies will be clear and able to process all the information that comes from traveling your daily lives. You will no longer find the confusion and doubts that have lingered with you in the past. You will find your minds sharp and in tune remembering much more than has been occurring in the past many months.

You will find that your motivations and inclinations are stronger and help you to move forward on your chosen paths. Many of the questions that you have been asking yourself and me will come to you minds and there will be answers that come with the questions. You will have reached the place in your life cycle where the answers to your questions will no longer be so frighting and unimaginable. Finding your direction and path for these times will be easier and more clear. Your self-confidence and belief in self will have grown and expanded. You will find that you are much more than you believed yourselves to be.

This will be the beginning of becoming who you are meant to be; the beginning of starting to fulfill your purpose here on earth and your reason for returning during this time. It is no small thing that each one of you has chosen to be here during this time on earth. Your bravery, courage and strength are wondrous to watch. WE here in my world, applaud you and are standing with you every step of the way. In fact, we will carry you if that is what you need. We love you each and everyone. You are so precious to each being here in my world. It is beyond your imaginations to know how much you are loved and supported by all beings in my world. Know that I am loving you so greatly and holding you so dearly in my heart. I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary